Flight to Canada

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As I had already set aside some things for me to pack yesterday evening, I didn't have much more to fit into my suitcase. I only needed to pack any toiletries and shoes I may need and then I would be done. I made sure to have a shower this morning and wash my hair before putting on a comfy outfit for the flight. Especially because it was going to be a 10 hour flight, I wanted to make sure that I was going to be comfortable enough to sleep. Making my way into the kitchen, I made myself some breakfast before sitting at the breakfast bar with my laptop in front of me. I still had to do some work as part of the 'deal' for me not being in the office for the rest of this week but at least I didn't have to see Theo. I hadn't told Charles about the whole incident yet as I knew that he would tell me to quit and make sure I report Theo for all of the harassment. Don't get me wrong, I hated that man but I didn't want to start up any drama and like Theo said, nobody would believe me. Speaking out would only get me in more trouble from him and I had no clue what he capable of yet.

I began typing up a few sets of data from the documents that had been scanned and sent to me. I made a few notes of where the company was losing profit on a separate document which I would also forward on to Theo later. I spent a few more hours doing my work until I heard a knock on my door. It was only 11.00 so I wasn't expecting Charles for at least 2 hours because we had a late afternoon flight.

I opened the door to see none other than the brunette Monegasque with his signature smile on his face. "Hello?" I said, opening the door a bit more so he could walk inside. "Hey, I know I'm early but I didn't have anything else to do so I thought I'd come over and hang out with you." he told me as he took off his shoes. "Well I've just finished my work for today so I'm not doing anything now." I replied, taking a seat on the sofa next to Charles. "Do you want to watch a film?" I asked to which he nodded so I picked up the remote and put on some Netflix. The film we ended up choosing was 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets' since it was one of Charles' favourites. I however, didn't like that film because of the scene with the spiders so I made sure to look away when that came on. Charles simply laughed at me when I hid my head into his shoulder and pulled the blanket over my head but I did eventually feel a light kiss on my head to reassure me that he was there to comfort me. Once it had gone though, I resumed watching the film as normal with my head laid on Charles' shoulder.

At 13.00, we decided to make our way towards the airport and grab lunch when we got there as it gave us plenty of time to spare. Also because it was a private plane for a few members of the Ferrari team including Carlos, we were much less likely to miss the flight. I grabbed my suitcase from my room as well as my small hand bag for when we were on the plane and then went round the house turning off appliances that didn't need to be on. Once I had done that, we put on our shoes, locked the door and exited the apartment building. When we got to Charles' car, he put my suitcase in the boot whilst I got into the passenger side and waited for him to return. Then we set off towards the nearest airport which was an hour away so I put on some more Coldplay for us to sing along to.

The plane was very fancy with large cream seats that could lay out to form a bed, a mini bar, a small tv to watch films and a sofa. I took a seat opposite Charles and placed my bag on the floor just as a few more people came onto the plane. Charles stood up to greet them all and then beckoned me over to stand next to him as he put his arm loosely around my waist to keep me close. "Everyone this is y/n, she is flying with me to Canada." Charles said. "Ah I see! Nice to finally meet your girlfriend Charles we thought you were still single." Carlos replied with a smirk. "Um... we're not dating. We're just friends." I told him whilst my face was going bright red from embarrassment. I felt Charles squeeze my hip in reassurance but I also noticed that Carlos also saw the gesture and gave us an expression that showed he didn't believe us. After that, I was introduced to the other people on the plane, which included their personal trainers, a few strategists and Fred Vasseur. When we were alerted that the plane would be taking off in a few minutes, I went back to my seat opposite Charles and put my seatbelt on. Everyone else did the same and before we knew it, we were up in the air and on our way to Canada. I was quite nervous about this whole thing because I didn't really like flying and I kept wondering if I was making the right decisions with work and what Theo could possibly do to me next.

As usual, Charles could tell that I was deep in thought and I saw him out the corner of my eye trying to get my attention. I looked up at him and smiled "What are you thinking about ma cherie?" he asked. "Nothing, I'm just a nervous flyer." I replied. "Me too. Come and sit here with me and we can watch a film. It helps me calm my nerves all the time." he told me. "What sitting on people?" I laughed as I got up out of my seat and walked over to him. "Ha no. I mean watching a film, silly." Charles replied, pulling me into his seat which was almost wide enough to fit the both of us. He selected a film to watch on the tv and found a blanket to lay over the both of us whilst I cuddled into his side. "And you're sure you guys aren't dating?" Carlos suddenly piped up from behind us. Charles shot him an evil glare and held up his middle finger before turning his attention back to the film. After a while I began to grow tired so I closed my eyes and nuzzled my head into Charles' chest as he wrapped his arms tighter around me. The last thing I remembered was him placing a few kisses on my head and pulling the blanket over my body a little bit more.

I woke up 4 hours later to find myself still wrapped up in Charles' embrace but this time he was asleep. The tv was still playing but it was a different film to what had been on before as Carlos and some of the other guys were watching it. "Did you have a nice sleep next to your 'friend'?" Carlos asked with a smirk on his face when he saw me looking around. "Yes I did thanks. Very comfortable." I replied, ignoring his implications. "Hmmm ok. I have to admit though that you guys do look cute cuddled up together. How long have you known him?" he questioned. "I met him I think about a month ago. He bumped into me as neither of us were looking where we were going. I fell on the floor and he offered to help me. We've been friends ever since." I told Carlos as he listened intently. "Aww that's too sweet. I think he likes you you know... every opportunity he gets, you are brought up in conversation. He's never been like this before; everyone on the grid has noticed a change in him recently. You're good for him y/n, and I know that he will look after you always." he said calmly. I looked over at Charles who was still sleeping and smiled, I wasn't going to lie to myself and say I wasn't falling for him. I just hoped that he felt the same and I wasn't going to get myself hurt again. "I do like him. He's very sweet and I can tell he cares so much for the people he loves." I eventually replied, turning back to face Carlos. "You're falling for him aren't you. Don't worry I won't tell him." he said, causing a faint blush to appear on my face. I didn't have to say anything for my answer to be known so I just nodded my head before shifting slightly so that I could be closer to Charles. I was practically on top of him at this point which was the closest we had ever been, but it felt right, I knew that this is what I had been longing for.

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