Maneskin concert

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It was coming to the end of the summer break, which meant that Charles would soon be back to his busy race schedule. We were now back in Monaco after spending almost 2 weeks away from home and I was still living with Charles since my apartment block was blocked off to the public for repairs and investigations. I had accepted the fact that all my stuff was likely to be ruined, but I had manged to take my most important items with me so it wasn't too bad. I was just thankful that Charles had been there when he was to help me get through it and give me a stable place to stay whilst the world was spinning uncontrollably around me. He was my anchor in the rough storms. The one constant in my life which kept me going, even in the toughest of times when I felt as though I could completely fall apart. 

A few months ago, I had purchased 2 tickets to see Maneskin when they were due to be performing in Italy, which was now a few days away. I was still yet to tell Charles as I wanted it to be a surprise because I knew how much he wanted to see them but he always said he didn't have the time and then he forgot to look at tour dates. That's why I decided to surprise him with the tickets, but also to say thank you for everything he has done for me recently. 

"Charles, can you come here a minute please?" I called from our bedroom as I was still getting ready for the day. "Yes ma cherie. Are you ok?" he replied as I heard his footsteps grow louder as he approached the door. "I'm good. More than good actually!" I said as a small giddy smile grew on my face. "Mon amour what are you up to. I know that look when I see it." he laughed, embracing me in a tight hug. "Ok,ok... so you know how much you love Maneskin. Well, I got us tickets to go see them in a few days in Italy. Don't worry I made sure to check with your team first." I told him, excitement laced in my voice. It took him a few seconds to process what I had just said before he could properly react. "Oh my god. Wow, thank you! You are amazing, I cannot wait. When do we leave?" he replied excitedly before peppering my face with kisses and tackling me onto the bed. "We leave this evening as we're driving. Well... you're driving of course. I've already packed some things for you." I laughed. "I am so excited, this is going to be amazing. Thank you, but why would you do this for me?" he asked shyly. "Because you're you C! You have helped me so much and you make me feel like the prettiest and loved girl in the world." I said quietly as I ran my thumb over his cheek. "Aaaww, you are the sweetest. I'm glad you are happy because I'm happy too." he sighed calmly as he pulled me into his chest for a comforting hug. We stayed in that position for what felt like forever until Charles went back to his gaming room to practice his racing. In the mean time, I went out on a run around the fairly quiet streets of Monaco before going to the gym for a quick 30 minute HIIT session. 


It was now later on in the day and Charles had just finished packing his suitcase ready for us to drive to Italy. I had my stuff placed by the door and I was just going around the apartment to make sure all of the windows were locked and the plug sockets were turned off. We then made our way to the car to put all our things in before we got in to drive the very long 8 hour journey to where we would be staying. As we had already eaten dinner, we didn't need to worry about getting food whilst were on the road although I did bring a few snacks with me just in case. Charles put on his Maneskin playlist because he wanted to make sure we knew all of the songs, I didn't understand the ones in Italian though so I probably wouldn't be able to sing those at the concert. We continued to talk long into the night until I began to get really tired so I rested my head against the window until I felt my seat slowly reclining back a little bit. Charles looked over at me and smiled as he removed his hand from the button on my seat before holding my hand in his. "Thought that might be a bit more comfortable for you. Sleep well mon amour." he whispered, placing a light kiss on the back of my hand. "Thank you." I replied sleepily, as he continued to hold my hand whilst he continued to drive down the quiet roads. As I drifted off to sleep, I heard him change the music to piano ballads and turn down the volume a bit so that he wouldn't disturb me as I slept. I felt a small smile appear on my face at the sweet little gesture before I closed my eyes to slowly fall into a deep sleep. 

*time skip to concert :)*

At the front of the crowds, right next to the barrier was where Charles and I would be stood for the concert. There were so many people all around us who were just as excited as we were, although I was also slightly nervous. I had never been to a rock concert before, or any concert for that matter, so it was a completely new experience for me. Charles had put himself behind me so that I wouldn't get pushed too much by the people behind me, and also because I was very wary of people around me after what happened with Theo and I didn't want that to happen again. I felt his hands either placed carefully on my hips, wrapped around my waist or hung over my shoulders throughout the entire 2 1/2 hour concert. He always made sure to have some contact with me, as if to reassure me that he wasn't going anywhere and that he would protect me if I ever needed it. We sung our hearts out to almost every song and occasionally I would steal a glance at Charles to witness the beaming smile on his face which made my hear flutter as it was nice to see him smiling so much. 

When the concert finally ended, everyone slowly began to file out of the exits to make our way home, but Charles took me in the direction of where the band went. He eventually revealed to me that the band had invited him backstage to hang out for a bit before they needed to go home, and that I could come along too. I was so delighted to be meeting one of my favourite bands that Charles had to calm me down before we went in, to prevent me from making a fool out of myself. All 4 of them were so nice, and whilst Charles was talking to 2 of them about racing, Vic and Ethan started a conversation with me about music which somehow led to me talking about how I first met Charles several months ago. I exchanged numbers with Vic who told me that if I was ever in Italy or if I ever needed to talk, she would always be there to help me or just simply talk. 

We finished off the night by taking a few pictures together and also asking one of the event staff to take a picture of the 6 of us to post on their instagram. I chose to not stand next to Charles as I knew that the picture was likely going to make its way around social media and the entire world within a matter of hours. However, Damiamo insisted that Charles and I should get a few pictures together so that we had many pictures to remember the evening, even if they weren't going to be posted anywhere. Of course Vic was hyping me up throughout the entire thing which made me laugh and Tommy managed to get so many sweet photos of us without me noticing too much. By the end of the long interaction though, I was so tired and wanted nothing more than to go back to the hotel to finally get some sleep after the amazing evening. 

Charles called a taxi to take us from the venue back to the hotel and as soon as we entered our room, I flopped straight onto the bed, causing a small laugh to escape Charles' lips. He helped me untie my shoe laces before I took one of his t-shirts to change into in the bathroom. As usual, he was already laying in bed when I eventually came out, so I took the opportunity to launch an attack and jump on him. I heard a small groan escape his lips at my sudden presence before he rolled over and gently pushed me onto my side of the bed so that he could go back to sleeping. "Goodnight C." I whispered, brushing a strand of hair out of his face. "Goodnight mon amour. Thank you for tonight, I had a lot of fun." he replied before placing a feather light kiss on my lips. I cuddled up to his side as my head was laid right next to his shoulder before closing my eyes and surrendering to my tiredness. 

A/n: So sorry it's been quite a while since I last updated. I had mock exams for A levels and didn't have time to write. Promise that I'm back again and will try to be consistent with updates. As always, thanks for all the support and being patient with me :) 

King of my heartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon