I missed you

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"Y/n/n!" a familiar voice called from behind me. I had finally arrived back in Monaco and was trying to find my way out of the airport to get back home. Despite it being 2 am, the airport was significantly busier than the one in New Zealand so trying to find Charles amongst the crowds of people was going to be a challenge. When I heard his voice, my head snapped in his direction as my eyes darted around the area trying to find him. I saw him briefly as a few people moved out of the way but then I lost him again as a crowd of people surrounded him, presumably asking for photos and for him to sign things. I walked in the direction of where I last saw him, hoping that somehow I would be able to spot him or at least make my way through the crowd of people until I was able to reach him. I knew that he had seen me as well so perhaps he would be able to get to me if I ended up walking past him. 

As I continued to drag my suitcase along behind me, I tripped over another person's luggage and almost fell flat on my face but thankfully a strong arm wrapped my own and prevented the embarrassment. "Right place right time ma cherie." he whispered into my ear so that nobody else would hear. I was pulled back onto my feet and instantly engulfed in a warm hug, my face buried into his shoulder as he created small circles on my back with his thumbs. "I missed you so much. I'm so glad that you're ok!" I told him quietly. "I missed you too, I'm ok though I promise just a bit bruised and sore that's all. Thankfully there is no race next weekend so I have plenty of time to recover and get back to training." he replied as I pulled away from the hug to look at him. A few of his fans were still surrounding us and some even had their phones out to take pictures of the interaction between us, but I was just happy to see that he was ok so I honestly didn't care what anyone else had to say. "Come on, let's go home to get some sleep and then we can talk about our busy 2 weeks apart." Charles laughed as we walked past the group of fans to exit the airport. I put all of my bags in the boot of Charles' Ferrari before getting in the passenger seat so we could begin the 2 hour journey home. 

Charles put on some Coldplay for us to listen to although we were mostly talking the entire time and not paying much attention to whatever song was playing. I told him all about my travels and the photography I did when I was away and the areas I got to explore such as the mountains, caves and hidden beaches. I promised that one day if I went back there, he could come long as well because I could tell how excited he was to hear about what I had been up to. Charles spoke about his time at work and all of the drama that went down at the races and in the garages when I wasn't there. Apparently Ferrari were planning some upgrades for the upcoming races so Charles had been extra busy at the factory in Maranello, testing out the car and suggesting any potential improvements to help the performance of the car. 

Due to the minimal traffic on the streets of Monaco, we arrived at his house within 2 hours and Charles helped me to carry my stuff inside and into the room that I would be staying in for the night. Since we would be hanging out later today, he thought it would just be easier if I stayed over for the night rather than him dropping me back to my apartment and then picking me up again later on. He showed me to the bathroom so that I could wash my face and put on my pyjamas before I walked down the hall towards the guest room. "Good night ma cherie." Charles said as he pulled me into his chest and rested his chin on my head. "Good night C." I whispered back, the sound of my voice muffled by his t-shirt. "I'll see you in a few hours. If you need anything I'm just down the hall." he replied before placing a kiss on the top of my head and making his way into his bedroom. I gave him a small smile and then entered my room to finally lay down in a comfortable bed to get some much needed rest.


"Bon matin mon amour!" Charles shouted excitedly as he jumped onto the bed, causing me to throw a pillow in his direction. "Ugh go away, let me sleep!" I groaned, burying my head under the pillow. "Someone's grumpy this morning. It's 10.30 how are you still tired?" he asked. "Probably from all of the flying. I don't sleep well on planes." I replied, turning over so that I could look at him properly. His hair was still a mess from where he had been asleep but I could tell that he had been up for a little bit as he definitely had more life and energy than I did. "You slept well on the plane to Canada though? At least that's what Carlos said." he stated with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at his terrible attempt to flirt but I couldn't help the butterflies emerging in my stomach "I was with you so I wasn't alone." I intentionally flirted back. We both burst out laughing at our childish behaviour and it took us a while to calm down before we could resume the conversation we were having before. "Anyway, what did you want to do today?" Charles asked. "Ummm I don't know. Probably not much as I'm still really tired. I'm just happy I don't need to go back to work for 2 more days as I'm still supposed to be away." I replied as I sat up next to Charles. "We could go for an early lunch at a cafe nearby and then come back home and watch films for the rest of the day." he suggested. "Sure, give me 30 minutes to get ready and then we can go." I replied before he left the room so that I could get up. 

We decided to walk to the cafe as the sun was out and it was only a 20 minute walk from his house. Of course that meant that we had to deal with quite a few fans on our way, but it was nice to see how Charles interacted with each of them and took the time to take pictures and sign merch. A few people asked who I was, but I made sure to emphasise that I was just a friend of his and Charles also made sure to keep and eye on me in case I began to feel uncomfortable about he questions. Everyone we saw was really sweet and thankfully I didn't receive any mean comments for hanging out with him as that was one thing which I was always nervous about. Even though Charles was a nice person to be around, his fame did often come with some rather overprotective fans who felt that it was ok to criticise his personal life and spread horrible rumours about the people who he hung out with. I had noticed this before, especially when we first became friends, but Charles made sure to reassure me that they were all just jealous of me being friends with him and that it was just best to ignore them. He was right about that and eventually they died down so I didn't feel as bothered by them compared to before. 

At the cafe, we took our seats at a table outside in the garden to enjoy some more of the sun and also because it was a bit quieter than inside. I went to the counter to order and pay for our food despite Charles protesting against it before I went back outside to sit with him. Not long after that, the waiter came out with our food and drinks which I was so glad to see because I was so hungry after going so long since my last meal on the flight. Whilst we ate our food, we continued to catch up on everything that had gone on since I'd been gone and then Charles started talking about some of his upcoming races and which ones I might be able to attend. I knew that I wouldn't be able to go to all of them as I needed to be back in the office after spending so much time away, but I also wanted to be with Charles to support him as much as possible. 

After we finished our food, we made our way back to Charles' house to begin the movie marathon which we had planned over lunch. Whilst he set up the living room with blankets and pillows, I made a bowl of popcorn as well as a fruit selection for us to eat whilst the films were playing. Obviously we wouldn't be eating much since we had just had lunch, but it wouldn't be a proper movie marathon without the snacks. "You ready?" Charles called from the sofa. "Yup let me just get some water and then I'll be with you." I replied. I filled up 2 glasses for the both of us which I placed on the table next to the food before I took my seat next to Charles who instantly pulled me into him so that I had my head resting on his shoulder. "Much better." he sighed before pressing play on the movie he had selected and pulling a large grey blanket over us since it wasn't the warmest in his living room. 

I had no clue how many movies we had managed to watch that afternoon, but eventually I began to grow very tired and my eyes wouldn't stay open any longer. When I tried to get up to go to bed, Charles' arms wrapped around me tighter in order to pull me closer to him so I wasn't able to escape. We were laid down on the sofa so that my body was on top of his, with my head resting on his chest which rose and fell with each steady breath he took. He looked so peaceful and relaxed; every so often his eyelids would flutter slightly but he never woke up. I decided to stay where I was because there was no way that I could escape his hold without waking him up, and also because I was too comfortable in his embrace. Moving would mean that I lost the safety and comfort of his touch, and that was something that I couldn't bare to lose. I turned off the tv and pulled the blanket further over my body before nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck ad slowly drifting off into a peaceful sleep. 

A/n: nothing like a cute little chapter to make us feel lonely. Honestly put a smile on my face just writing this chapter, it's just too sweet! Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for all of the support :) 

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