F1 WAGs and the GP

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Today Charles was going to introduce me to some of the driver's wives and girlfriends, or WAGS as everyone called them, so that I would have some more company during the races. It also meant that I could make some more friends outside of work as there weren't that many people I had who I could talk to. We made our way into the paddock fairly early in the morning to avoid the majority of the crowds and cameras. I was still getting used to the crowds and media surrounding the sport and I didn't really want any rumours about Charles and I starting, so he made sure that I wouldn't get too overwhelmed. There were some drivers who had already arrived at the grid, but we were still waiting for George and Carmen and Alex and Lily as that's who I would be with today. Charles took us to the Ferrari hospitality so that we could get some breakfast whilst we were waiting and messaged the others so they knew where to find us when they arrived.

Around 30 minutes later, Charles stood up from his seat to greet the others who had just arrived. I quickly finished up my last mouthful of food before getting up to stand over by Charles who was now engaged in a deep conversation with the two drivers and their partners. "Oh and this is my friend, y/n. Obviously you've met George and Alex yesterday but this is Lily and Carmen." Charles introduced me to the small group as he rested a hand on my waist. "It's lovely to meet you y/n, I can tell we are going to have so much fun together." Carmen said as she pulled me in for a hug. "Yes we are going to be the greatest trio on the grid." Lily added as I gave her a hug. "Thank you, it will be nice to have other people to hang out with other than this guy all the time." I laughed, looking over at Charles who had an amused expression on his face. "Ha of course, we're much better company. Also, we know how boring it can be if you're on your own whilst they are driving. If you give me your number I can create a group chat for us." Carmen said with a broad smile on her face. I told her my number and shortly after that, I received a message to say that I had been added to a group chat with Carmen and Lily. "If you'd like you can hang out with us now as the guys will be off to do media and then get ready for the race?" Lily asked me. "Sure, that would be great!" I replied happily as I turned my head in Charles' direction. "I'll see you later, good luck with the race, you'll do great." I said to him quietly. "Thanks mon amour, I'll see you after the race near the garage." he replied before kissing my cheek and turning to face the two other drivers. 

I followed Carmen and Lily out to the paddock where a few crowds of media and event staff had begun to form. Everyone was busy racing around; trying to get whatever tasks they needed to do finished before the early afternoon. We continued to walk around for quite a while until we reached the Mercedes hospitality and made our way up to the balcony which overlooked a section of the track. I sat down on the sofa next to the other girls as we observed all of the activity below us. "So how did you meet Charles?" Carmen asked, breaking the peaceful silence. "Oh um we kinda bumped into each other one day and he insisted on making sure I was ok. I was completely fine apart from a few grazes and public humiliation but he went to the store to get me supplies to treat my injuries. We saw each other around occasionally and then we started hanging out and going on hikes together. He was conveniently always there when I needed someone to help me." I replied, a slight blush appearing on my cheeks as I thought about him. "Aawww that's too sweet! Sounds like something out of a romance movie." Lily said. "Oh my gosh it does! Maybe a future relationship is on the cards?" Carmen hinted causing me to bury my face in my hands so they wouldn't see me getting flustered. "Oh no, never going to happen. He's too busy with racing to have time for a relationship and don't even really see him as anything more than a friend." I eventually recomposed myself. "Oh come on, have you seen the way he looks at you? He has never looked at anyone like that before!" Carmen half yelled out of excitement. I laughed at her response and looked over at Lily who simply nodded in agreement. "But you've only seen us together for like a few minutes." I tried to defend myself. "A few minutes was all I needed to see those sparks flying between you two. Then when he called you 'mon amour' and gave you a kiss on the cheek, that practically confirmed it for me." Carmen nudged my side. "I thought all people who spoke French called their friends 'mon amour' or 'ma cherie'?" I half questioned. "Oh girly no! Those terms are meant for people who mean the most to someone, like a girlfriend or boyfriend." Lily chimed in. 

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