Girls day out

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It had been a few days since the lovely family gathering at the Leclerc's, and Charles and I had spent a few more days to ourselves and also packing for our trip to visit my family for a few days before heading to the Alps for the rest of the winter break. Today I would be meeting up with Kika to do some shopping around Monaco and also because I hadn't seen her in absolutely ages. Pierre and Kika would drive to our apartment and then the boys would go to the gym and play mario kart whilst we had the day to ourselves. Charles also mentioned something about them cooking for us this evening, which I was quite apprehensive about in case our entire apartment would burn down. Hopefully Pierre knew how to cook. 

I started to get ready at 8 as the two would be here in an hour and I still had to grab a quick shower. Charles was very reluctant to let me get out of bed and tried to smother me with hugs and kisses, which although I did appreciate, were only a hindrance to my already tight schedule. I picked out a suitable outfit that would keep my warm and also ensure I looked slightly put together, and then took a quick shower to warm up. I then did some light make up and brushed out my hair, which was very static for some reason, which was very annoying when I was trying to make it look nice! It didn't take long for Charles to get ready since he just had to put his gym stuff on and fix his hair a little. That meant that he spent a significant amount of time just watching me struggle, a slightly amused expression plastered across his face. "Char, you are really not helping just by watching." I sighed, trying not to be annoyed as he hadn't actually done anything. "But your face is just too cute when you're frustrated or trying to focus." he laughed as he took a few steps towards me. "Here let me try..." he said to me after a few moments of silence, clearly sensing that I had had enough of my hair for the day. He picked up my brush and a small amount of leave-in hair treatment before attempting to tame my wild locks and tying it up in a half-up-half-down style. "All done. You look beautiful mon amour!" he hummed in my ear before placing a kiss on my cheek which made me blush. "Thank you Char, it looks beautiful. Perhaps you did learn a few things from your mother?" I replied, standing up to face him. "Ha maybe! Not sure I can qualify as a hair stylist just yet." he laughed, his cute dimples making an appearance once again. "Well, practice makes perfect. And I'd be more than happy to be your model when you're free." I laughed as I walked out of the bathroom to find my purse and grab a quick bite to eat.

At 9, there was a light knock on the door so Charles got up from the sofa to open it and let Pierre and Kika inside. "Oh my god, I haven't seen you in what feels like ages! How have you been?" Kika asked as she came rushing towards me, leaving Pierre and Charles to start their own conversation. "I've been good thanks. Quite busy but it's all good. How are you?" I replied. "Oh the usual, I'm glad to have a break from work at the moment to just chill out with family and friends you know." she told me, a beaming smile on her face which lit up the whole room. "Wait... what is that on your finger?" she suddenly asked, excitement laced in her voice. "It was a present from Charles at Christmas. He gave me this whole speech about how this symbolised his promise to love me forever and one day make me his wife. It was too cute!" I told her, as she looked at me with a shocked but even more excited expression than before. "Awww you guys are perfect for each other! Pierre, come look at y/n/n's present from Charles..." she said, beckoning her boyfriend over to us, with Charles close behind. "It's a promise ring!!! Isn't that so cute!" she practically screamed as Pierre's eyes almost popped out of his head. "I'm so happy for you guys, we better be invited to your future wedding though." Pierre said as he examined the ring. "Of course you will be." Charles and I replied at the same time. "Also, good choice mate." Pierre said turning to face his friend. "The ring or my girlfriend?" Charles questioned. "Both. I've never seen you this happy before, other than your first win in F1." he replied, tapping him on the shoulder. 


Kika and I had already been to so many shops by now, and our bank accounts were definitely not going to thank us. We had spent our entire time just gossiping and laughing over the most ridiculous things, receiving some very concerned looks from strangers. We also had a mini fashion show in almost every store we went into just to make sure we were buying the right things and also so that we could waste more time without the boys. They would only being playing video games or working out so it wasn't as if they would be missing us anyway. The more time I spent with her, the more my love for her grew (if that was even possible). She was such a kind and genuine person with one of the most bubbly personalities I had come across in all my life, something which I knew I would cherish forever. Not to mention that her fashion sense was incredible so I could be assured that whatever outfits she chose for me, I would not look stupid!

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