Exploring Monte Carlo

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My alarm woke me up at 7.30 this morning because I had a lot of things that I needed to do today. I went for a quick cool shower to wake myself up before getting dressed to get my day started. As it was already quite warm today, I decided to wear a pair of shorts and a slightly oversized graphic t-shirt along with my white converse. I grabbed a few pieces of fruit and toasted a bagel for my breakfast whilst I scrolled on my phone and answered numerous messages from my friends and family asking how I was doing. I could tell my mum was the most worried about me because she had sent me a whole string of messages telling me to reply and not ignore her when I'm actual reality I was just asleep due to the time difference. She was also a bit controlling with my life and was completely against me moving away especially to another country. I did reply to her messages though but only to shut her up so she wouldn't keep harassing me throughout the day. I finished off my breakfast whilst doing some more online shopping before deciding it was time to go out to get a few things including more food. The only issue was that I didn't have a car since it was too expensive to transport my car over from England. Now that meant I either had to try and find another taxi or walk into the city centre. After a few minutes of contemplating, I decided that I would walk in and if I had too much to carry on the way back I would then get a taxi. I quickly washed up my plate and left it on the draining board to dry before putting on my shoes and grabbing my keys which were by the door.

The roads were already fairly busy with people trying to get to work. The paths were equally as busy with people dressed up in branded clothing and smart attire. I did feel slightly out of place in my very casual outfit but I wasn't going to wear something fancy to go out shopping. I also didn't really own anything super expensive and definitely no branded clothing like Gucci or Chanel. I continued to manoeuvre my way through the crowds of people hoping that eventually I would come across a few shops. I pulled up a map on my phone to see if I could find any nearby as I really didn't have any clue where I was going. That's when I fell to the floor with a thud and my phone fell out of my hand to smash on the concrete pavement. I had cut my my left elbow from the impact and there was a slight graze on my knee was well.

"Je suis très desole!" a voice called from beside me as the figure knelt down next to me. "It's okay I wasn't looking it's my fault." I replied whilst examining my elbow. I looked up to be met with a pair of light green eyes with a hint of yellow on the middle. I could tell that he felt bad for knocking me over but it still didn't make me feel the pain any less. "What's your name?" he asked switching to English after realising that I didn't speak French. "Y/n" I replied quietly. "Ok y/n, I'm Charles. Please let me help you, I feel really bad about bumping into you and your arm is bleeding." he practically whispered. "Oh no I wouldn't want to bother you it's fine." I stated as I examined my phone which was cracked all across the screen. "Oh no it's not a problem I promise. Let me help you so I know you're ok and I can get your phone fixed. It's the least I can do for you." Charles pleaded. I finally agreed to him helping me as I didn't even really know where I was going and he seemed really sweet. "Here" he said, holding out his hand to help me up. I placed my hand in his and the first thing I noticed was how soft they were and also how strong and comforting they felt. He pulled me up with ease and then lead me down the street towards where the shops were. His phone began to ring so he quickly apologised and then answered it. "Salut, oui err something has come up so I don't know if I'll be able to make it in time. It's an emergency Mattia, I'm sorry." he said to the other person on the phone who I assumed was called Mattia. He spoke for a few more minutes but I couldn't understand as it was all in Italian. Eventually he hung up before looking over at me and giving me a small smile. "Ah there will be some stuff for your cut in here." he stated as he lead us into a small medical store. He walked down one of the aisles and picked up some plasters and antiseptic wipes before going over to the till. When I offered to pay he told me that there was no need since it was him who caused my injury.

Once we exited the store, he found a bench for us to sit down on which was located in a nearby park. It was fairly quiet there which contrasted against the hustle and bustle of the streets. "This may hurt I'm sorry y/n" Charles said regretfully as he took a wipe out of the packet after cleaning his hands. "It's ok don't worry." I replied quietly before he began to clean up the wound. It stung quite a bit but I tried to keep quiet so I didn't make Charles worry anymore than he already was. After he had finished cleaning the cut he placed a plaster over the top of it to prevent an infection before letting me know that he was all done. "Thanks for helping me." I told him shyly. "Oh it's not a problem and I really am sorry for bumping into you earlier." he replied. "I forgive you it's ok... but I need to get going now, lots to get done today. Thanks again." I said whilst getting off the bench. "Ciao bella." he called after me with a small smile on his face.

After a few hours of shopping I finally arrived back home after getting a taxi back to the apartment. I had so much to sort out but I was absolutely exhausted from everything that had gone on today. I also couldn't get Charles out of my mind, there was something so intriguing about him and I found myself wanting to spend more time with him. However I was unable to message Grace about him because my phone screen was completely shattered and I didn't know where to find a place that could fix it. I sighed and put my phone down on the table before deciding to power through and tidy up my apartment. Only 30 minutes later there was a ring at my door. I went over to the intercom system where a delivery driver told me had several large parcels for me. 'That must be all the new furniture' I thought to myself before letting the man in. I grabbed my door keys and put on a pair of sliders before going downstairs to help him with all the boxes.

When I arrived at the entrance I was quite surprised with the number of boxes that he had brought in to be taken up. A few of them were quite large but thankfully the lift was really big so everything should fit in. "Bonjour!" he said as he brought a few more boxes in. "That's the last of them." he told me "But don't worry I'm going to help you take all of these up if you'd like." he added with a smile. "That would be great thank you." I smiled in return. We started with the largest boxes first and slowly made our way over to the lift. Thankfully the boxes fit in nicely so we went up to the 6th floor, placed the box in my apartment and then went back downstairs to get all the others. It took a fair amount of time but when it came to the last few small boxes I told the delivery driver that he could go as I knew he still had more deliveries to do that day. I then proceeded to carry the last of the boxes into the lift to take them to my room. I placed the last of ten in my living room which was now a mess and it was a struggle to try and get through to my bedroom. I dragged the box with bed and mattress in through the apartment until I was in my room and then I began to assemble everything. It too me a good hour before it was mostly put up. However as it was 7 o'clock I needed to cook dinner so I stopped for a quick break before getting back to work.

Finally after 3 more hours of putting up several pieces of furniture including my bed, a bedside table, a dresser, and 4 bookcases I could go to bed. It didn't take me long to fall asleep after my very eventful day but I felt happy that things were starting to go well for me.

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