Invitation to lunch pt.1

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I woke up this morning feeling ready to get on with my busy day and enjoy the sun that was currently beaming through my curtains. I quickly got up and took a shower to wash my hair as I would be meeting up with Charles for lunch today. I also took a little longer to decide on my outfit as I had to make sure I looked nice, although I'm sure he wouldn't really mind what I wore to be honest. I put on some light make up and placed my hair into 2 dutch braids before entering my kitchen to make myself some breakfast. As I was scrolling through my instagram, I received a message from Charles asking if I had any preference as to where I wanted to go for lunch. As I didn't really know the area too well, I said for him to choose because that would be much easier since he had lived here his entire life. After that, I placed my bowl in the sink and went into my bathroom to brush my teeth and make sure I looked ok before putting on my white converse and heading out the door. It was even busier on the streets today although I couldn't figure out why so it took me slightly longer to get to work because I had to weave around groups of people. Thankfully I still got to work with a few minutes to spare so I went into the staff room to make myself a drink. I carried all my things into my office and sat down at my desk to begin working my way through the long list of jobs I had set myself to do. 

"Bonjour y/n, how are you today?" Theo asked as he knocked on my open door. "I'm not too bad thanks. How are you?" I replied with a smile. "Je suis tres bon petite cherie!" he replied with a small smirk. I looked at him slightly confused as I didn't know why he was calling me that when I hardly knew him and he was my boss. I laughed nervously before focusing back on my work and continuing to type out all the accounting information from one of the company's biggest clients. Eventually he left my office presumably to go back to his own; I was quite glad that he had gone after making me feel uncomfortable from his little remark. Perhaps that was just his way of being friendly but it still didn't make me feel any better. I decided to ignore it for now as I didn't want to make a big fuss of a minor situation when I was probably just overthinking things like usual. I would talk to Katherine a little bit later on and see what she thought as she had been here longer than me and likely knew him a bit better. But for now I had lots of work that I wanted to do before I went on lunch so I could have a slightly more relaxed afternoon and potentially decorate my office a bit. 

At 11.30, I made my way to the printer as I needed to scan in more documents to translate them into English. I had noticed a small amount of progress in my French but it definitely wasn't at a high enough standard just yet. However, I did know a bit more French than I had first let on to Charles as I had been practising in my spare time after work to get a better understanding of the language. I had also studied French for a few years in my secondary school, although that was quite a long time ago now so I had mostly forgotten everything I had been taught. I saw Katherine stood in the staff room talking to one of the guys in the finance department so I decided to approach her to see how her day was going. "Hey!" I called from behind her which caused her to turn around slightly. "Oh hey y/n! This is Marcus, he's been working here for a few years." she informed me. "Bonjour, ca va?" Marcus said to me. "Ca va bien merci, et vous?" I replied calmly. "Super, merci!" he quickly responded in a thick French accent. I could tell that he was a native speaker from the way he spoke French so easily compared to me who stuttered every few words to make sure what I was saying was correct. "Ton francais est bon pour un Anglais personne!" he told me with a smile. "Ah merci, j'apprends encore." I said. Katherine looked at me a little confused. "I didn't know you could speak that much French!" she said to me in shock. "Oh well I know enough to get me by for now. Still lots more to know though!" I chuckled. I looked over at the printer to see that it had finished so I bid goodbye to Marcus and Katherine before picking up my documents and heading back to my office. 

When I arrived back in my office, there was a vase of roses along with a note on a small card next to them. I put the stack of paper on my desk and looked at the note. It read 'you are looking beautiful today. How about we get lunch together?'. I cringed at the note with how uneasy it made me feel, I barely knew this man and he was my boss. Not to mention he was probably significantly older than me by at least 10 years and I was not keen on the thought of that. A knock on my door disturbed me from my thoughts and I looked up to see Theo with a weird grin on his face. I tried to settle the unease I was feeling and decided to just act polite and hopefully he would leave me alone. "I see you got my gift... So will you take me up on my offer?" he asked as he stepped into my room. "Umm, look Theo you're a nice guy but this will never happen, ok. It makes me feel uncomfortable so I would appreciate it if you just left me alone." I replied with a bit of confidence to try to get him to leave me alone. "Oh I see how it is. So you want to play hard to get, I like it. If you happen to have another think, I'll always be open to getting to know you a little bit more if you know what I mean." Theo stated with a mischievous smirk. I felt a sting in my eyes as tears threatened spill onto my cheeks. I couldn't let him see me cry though so I looked back at my work until he soon walked out of my room. As soon as he had, the first tear fell and before long tears were streaming down my face. I couldn't let this happen to me, not again. I moved away from England for this exact reason: to escape this pain that I had felt for so many years and now, it was all threatening to come back. I looked at my phone to see that it was only 12.00 which meant I still had a whole hour left until Charles came to pick me up. I thought about cancelling on him so he wouldn't need to see me like this but I had been looking forward to seeing him all day. I decided to message him to see if he would be able to come by any earlier to save me suffering in this office any longer as I needed to get away from Theo for a bit and perhaps find someone to report him to. "How is this happening to me on my second day of work?!" I muttered to myself as I clicked on Charles profile. 

Hey Charles, would you be able to pick me up any earlier please? 

I'll have to check with my boss but I should be able to

If you can't don't worry 

Are you ok ma chérie?

Um yeah I just need to get out of the office 

All sorted, I'll be outside in 10 :) 

I picked up my bag from beside my desk and put my things in before placing my work in neat piles for me to continue with when I got back later. There was no way that I could find a way to leave early unless I had a good enough excuse so I decided that I would say I wasn't feeling great. Hopefully Alexandra would just allow me to leave without too many further questions. I exited my office and found Katherine in her room who looked up at me as soon as I knocked on her door. "Hey are you ok?" she asked with a worried expression on her face. Clearly it was noticeable that I had been crying. "I'm not feeling great so I think I'm going to go home. I'll let Alexandra know when I go downstairs but if Theo asks where I am can you just let him know please." I tell her whilst trying to force a smile onto my face. "Of course. Hope you feel better soon!" she replied. I did feel really bad about lying to her but I wasn't about to tell her my entire life story and what Theo had said to me earlier. After she had given me a quick hug, I made my way over to the lift which was thankfully empty and pushed the button for the ground floor. I looked at my phone again to see a message from Charles to let me know that he was outside. Suddenly the lift doors opened onto the floor of the reception so I quickly stepped out and made my way over to Alexandra who was sat at the reception desk as usual. "Hey, I'm not feeling great right now so I'm going home." I told her as I approached the desk to sign myself out. "Okay hun, I hope you feel better soon." she replied with a sympathetic smile. I turned around and made my way towards the large glass doors which lead out onto the warm streets of Monaco. I looked around for Charles and saw him standing by a matte black Ferrari  with a pair of dark sunglasses covering his eyes. When he saw me, a sweet smile appeared on his face and he removed his glasses to show his pale green eyes.

A/n: had to split this chapter into 2 parts otherwise it would be much too long as I still have quite a bit more to write. Part 2 will be out soon, I'm currently finishing writing it up and editing it. Thanks for being patient with me and I hope you are enjoying this book so far. Any feedback would be much appreciated. :) 

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