Office party

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Tonight was the annual summer party for everyone at the office. Staff from the entire company building would be there, including the bosses and owners. They had selected a venue near the dockyard which had been decorated in lights and many other decorations. We had also been told that there was going to be a large bar on one of the boats so that meant that quite a few of the others would probably end up drunk out of their minds by the end of the night. It made me quite nervous to be around so many people who I didn't know and the thought of Theo being there meant I was going to be very cautious of my surroundings at all times. 

"If you stay with Katherine and Marcus you should be ok." Charles said to me over facetime. "I know, but what if we get separated?" I replied. "I'm sure it will all be ok. If you need me at any time to come and get you, please don't hesitate to call." he said calmly. "Thank you... Ok so how do I look?" I asked as I stepped in front of my large mirror in my room. "You look beautiful ma cherie!" Charles replied, causing a faint blush to appear over my cheeks as I examined the dark blue dress which hung loosely over my small frame. "You are too sweet, but thank you. It's a great compliment coming from a fashion icon." I joked, hinting at his sometimes questionable choices in fashion which his fans liked to pick up on. "Woah I'm trying to be nice over here and you just throw out shade towards me. Such a great friend you are!" he exaggerated playfully. "I'm only joking, you actually do make some good outfit choices occasionally." I complimented him so that he would remove the pout from his face. "I'll take that!" he laughed.  I then did the last few touch ups to my hair and put on some jewellery and my heels to complete the look before finding my keys to the apartment. "Ok, I need to go now as Katherine is here to pick me up but I'll call you if I need anything. Thanks for looking out for me." I told Charles as I locked my door. "No problem mon amour. Have fun but not too much fun." he winked before we said goodbye and he hung up the call. 

When we arrived at the party, there were already so many people there and I suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of nerves course through my veins. I tried to remember what Charles had said to me earlier and pushed the nerves aside in order to have a good evening. Marcus came over to Katherine and I with 3 drinks, one for each of us which I took gratefully. I think it was a martini although I wasn't too sure because my knowledge on alcoholic drinks was pretty bad. Thankfully it wasn't too strong so the effects were very minimal which meant I was able to have a few more drinks that I knew I would be able to handle. Katherine and I were on the dance floor for most of the night and occasionally Marcus would join in as well when he wasn't at the bar downing shots with a few of his friends. When Katherine left to go to the toilet, I moved to sit back at the table in the corner of the venue where I had placed all of my stuff at the start of the night. 

"Hello y/n/n, I hope you don't mind my company for a bit." the uncomfortable whisper sent shivers down my spine as I turned my head to be faced with Theo who had a glass of champagne in his hand. "I'm actually alright on my own thanks." I replied firmly. "How could a pretty girl like you be left on her own. Someone needs to protect you." he insisted as a smirk crept up on his lips. "No thank you." I said as I got up to leave but Theo grabbed my wrist to pull me back down in my chair. "It's a bit rude to walk away from someone; especially your boss." he whispered next to my ear as he ran his hand up my arm. I tried to look around for someone to help me but I didn't know anyone and nobody else was looking in our direction. "I said no Theo. Leave me alone!" I stated harshly as I pulled my face away from his in order to put some distance in between us. "Oh come on. You know you want me, but I get it you're just scared to make a move." he continued. "It's ok, I'll help you to realise that it's me who you deserve." Theo moved his entire body closer to me and tightened his grip around my arm so that I couldn't escape. I felt so powerless and I shut my eyes to block out the view of his face right next to mine. 'Not again. Please not again.' I pleaded in my head as I thought about the last time he did this and also all of the things that Harry had done to me in the past. My thoughts were suddenly disrupted by the feeling of his slimy lips on my own, his snake like tongue trying to worm its way into my mouth. I wanted to throw up and I finally managed to find the strength to rip myself from his grasp. I picked up my belongings in a hurry and ran out of the venue, towards the exit of the docks. I quickly dialled Charles' number and hoped that he would pick up as it was only 11.30 and he said he would answer if I needed. 

"Hello?" my voice croaked as tears streamed down my face, my body shook violently and my knees gave way to my body weight making me fall to the floor. "Y/n/n, are you ok? Hang on, I'm on my way I have your location, don't go anywhere." Charles rushed, I heard the clattering of him rummaging around in his room for his things before the slam of a door was heard in the distance. "Don't hang up ok. I'm on my way, you can tell me what happened when I get to you ok?" he spoke to me calmly after he started his engine. No words would come out, the only thing that escaped were the loud sobs that choked me. 

Not even 5  minutes later, I looked over to my right to see Charles' car come to a forceful stop before the drivers door was flung open and his figure came sprinting towards me. He knelt down next to me and pulled me into his arms so that my face was buried in the soft fabric of his hoodie. I felt his hand run smoothly through my hair as he rocked me gently back and forth and pulled me closer to him more. "Theo - he - he kiseed me - I'm so - sorry." I stuttered breathlessly. "He what? Don't be sorry, it is not you fault. That piece of shit, how dare he lay hands on you!" Charles shouted as he got up to leave and make his way over to the party. "Charles! Please, don't go in there. I just want to go home. I promise I will deal with it tomorrow." I begged him which caused him to turn around to face me again. "Ok, let's get you home. You're ok, you're with me now." he reassured me calmly. He carefully picked me up walked me over to his car to strap me into the front seat next to him. I heard him get in the car before the sound of his engine roared around me and we were driving back to Charles' house. It didn't take long for us to arrive at a stop and Charles instantly rushed around to my side so that he could carry me inside. 

"Oh ma cherie, I am so sorry. Let's get you cleaned up and into bed." he brushed the hair out of my face as the tears still streamed down my face. He carried me upstairs and into his bathroom in order to remove the make-up off my face and so I could brush my teeth. He placed me on top of the counter and pulled out the make-up remover and toothbrush I had used the last time I stayed over and forgot a few of my things. He gently wiped the cotton pad over my eyes before putting some toothpaste on my toothbrush so that I could brush my teeth. "You have a few cuts on your knees so it's probably best if I clean them up and put a plaster on them." he told me, to which I simply nodded. He reached under the sink for the first aid kit and began to clean the cuts that I must have got when I fell to the floor earlier. I felt a strong stinging pain as he used the antiseptic wipes, which made me wince slightly. "I'm sorry mon amour. It's nearly over I promise." he reassured me quietly, his free hand drawing circles on my trembling one which was placed on my leg.  He then left the bathroom to get some of his clothes for me to wear when I went to sleep as I just wanted to get the dress off of me. I then proceeded to wash my face with his cleanser in order to remove the feeling of Theo's lips on my own. When Charles arrived back in the bathroom with the clothes, he placed them on the counter before leaving the room to give me some privacy. Once I was finally finished, I threw my dress in the hamper before walking out of the bathroom to be met with Charles laying on his bed as he was furiously tapping away at his phone. 

He looked up at me with a pained look and placed his phone on his nightstand to open his arms for a hug. I walked over to him and fell into his arms, slowly tears began to fall from my eyes once more. I knew I wouldn't be able to stop them from flowing so I just let them be and pulled myself closer to Charles. The entire time we laid there he didn't say anything, although I could tell that he had a lot on his mind just like I did. Eventually after what felt like ages, I finally stopped crying but I refused to let go of Charles. "Can I just stay here with you please? I don't feel like being on my own tonight." I asked quietly, my voice no louder than the gentle breeze flowing through the curtains. "Of course mon amour, whatever you need." he replied, placing a gentle kiss into my hair. I nuzzled into him as I felt him lean over to the side of the bed to turn off his lamp to submerge the room into a pit of darkness. He then pulled his duvet cover over the both of us to prevent the cool summer air causing more shivers to wrack my already shaking body. 

"I will get this sorted for you ma cherie. I am not going anywhere, not now, not ever. I hope you know how loved you are, and I will make sure that that man is caught and punished... Sleep well y/n/n, I'll be here if you need me." Charles whispered sweetly as I felt a kiss being placed on my forehead before I began to drift off to sleep. I moved my body even more to be closer to him as the rise and fall of his chest lulled me into a deep sleep. 

A/n: A slightly hard hitting chapter compared to my usual stuff. I hope none of you ever have to experience this in your lives and if you have I am so sorry, I understand your pain. Remember it's always important to speak out if you ever feel uncomfortable; do not feel ashamed for how you feel. 

Izzy x 

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