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I woke up to Charles peppering my face with many kisses as I rolled over onto my back and slowly opened my eyes. "Good morning mon amour!" Charles whispered excitedly as he pulled me in by my waist for a hug. "Ugh you are such a morning person. Let me sleep!" I said playfully, resting my head on is chest. "But we need to be the first ones to put our tracks in the snow." he whined. "You do realise I'm a terrible skier. You'd be much faster without me." I told him as I slowly sat up against the headboard. "But I can help you mon amour. Plus today is not part of my training, it's just a bit of fun." he told me, looking me dead in the eyes to try and encourage me to agree. "Oh alright then. But don't laugh at me if I fall ok?" I replied trying to hide the smile on my face as Charles grinned at me. "I can't make any promises mon amour... Let's go get ready and then we can go shred the gnar brobro." Charles said to me, which earned him a hard shove out of bed and onto the floor. "Never say that again, I don't think I've wanted to throw up so much in my life." I laughed as I ran into the bathroom and locked the door so that I could start to get ready. 

20 minutes later, Charles and I were sat downstairs in the hotel restaurant with a cup of coffee and a bowl of oats each to get us fuelled for a morning of fun. Charles had brought his mum's old skis for me to borrow this week as I didn't have any of my own yet, but he had also bought me a red ski suit and leant me his spare goggles and helmet. It was clear to see that I was with Charles due to the fact that he also had a bright red ski jacket on with a pair of black salopettes. We were definitely the 'it' couple at this point. 

Heading outside, my nerves began to kick in as I clutched Charles' hand for support. "You will be ok amour, I promise. If you fall I'll make sure it's onto me, that was you have a super soft landing." he told me in reassurance. "Awww thanks C, I'm sure the snow would be more comfortable though." I flirted back. "You are so lucky I love you, otherwise a snowball would be heading straight your way." he laughed, making me feel more relaxed. We continued to walk further from the resort to a slightly more secluded place where he could teach me the basics of skiing. The entire journey, he tried to explain where I should place my weight when skiing and that I should try to keep a slight bend in my knees. Now that I was finally doing it, there definitely seemed to be a lot more to skiing than I first thought. 

"Right" he stated, placing our skis and his helmet on the floor. "First things first is to get you clipped onto the skis. Take my hands and place your left boot on first, toe then heel." Charles instructed me as I lifted up my left foot. "Amazing! And now the same with your right foot." he said once one was clipped in place. "Ok so now if you put a slight bend in your knees and lean forward just a little bit you will have the right posture." Charles said encouragingly as I did as he told me. "Just like that?" I asked. "Just like that ma cherie!" he responded in delight before placing a kiss on my lips. "So now I would like you just to slide towards me down this very small slope." he told me as he backed away slightly. I did as he said and slowly glided towards him before he caught me to bring me to a stop. "See, you're a natural... now to teach you how to stop on your own." he announced. 


After spending almost 4 hours out in the snow learning all of the basics, I was so tired that all I could do was just lay down under a nearby tree. Charles came and laid next to me as he took out his phone and began taking selfies of us pulling funny faces. "Charles?" I asked to which he simply looked up at me. "I've been thinking, what if we go official?" I added, looking into his beautiful green eyes. "Only if you're comfortable with it amour. I don't want you to feel pressured." he replied sincerely.  "I want to, I promise. And even if we get some hate, I know that we will look out for each other. We can't hide forever you know." I told him, a small smile forming on my lips at this newfound courage. "I would love nothing more than to share my gorgeous girlfriend with the world amour. Help me choose a nice picture." he smiled back before scrolling through the pictures he had just taken. Once we had found a few  pictures we were happy with, Charles decided upon a caption which wouldn't be too cheesy and scare his fans away. I decided that I didn't want to be tagged in the post just yet so that I could still maintain some privacy. However, Charles did warn me that people would likely find my account and request to follow me anyway within a matter of hours. "And... posted!" he stated excitedly as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me onto him for a tight hug. 

"Have I ever told you how much I love you." I whispered as my chin rested on his chest. "Hhmm maybe once or twice." he replied as his eyes glistened with joy and my favourite dimples made their appearance. "I love you to the moon and back Charlie. And sometimes my love for you is so strong that I don't even know how to express it." I blushed, hiding my face in his jacket. "Cherie, you know I feel exactly the same. I still can't believe how lucky I am to be with you." he said to me calmly, placing his hands on the either side of my cheeks so my eyes met his once again. I didn't have a suitable response so I just kissed him passionately, all of my love and desire for him poured into that one long kiss. It was difficult to stop and not keep going, but I was getting really hungry and I also didn't want anyone to find us making out and share pictures of our private moment all over the internet. "Come on C, let's go back to our chalet to get some food and watch a movie. I need a rest after this mornings' events." I laughed as I got to my feet and held out a hand to pull him up. "How about Spiderman no way home?" he asked me, knowing it was one of my favourite movies. "I would love that C!" I replied excitedly as we walked back to the chalet. 

It wasn't too far of a walk, but as soon as we got back I laid down in the hallway and closed my eyes as Charles helped me to get my ski boots off. Eventually I did get up off the floor so that I could go for a quick shower to freshen up, before putting on my favourite pair of fluffy pyjamas, which 'coincidentally' were matching to Charles'. As the shower was quite big, we decided to share and also because we didn't want to be apart from each other for more than a few minutes. It did get a little bit heated at one point, but I was just too tired to let it lead to anything more. 

Afterwards, I dried my hair a little bit before Charles offered to put it in 2 dutch braids whilst we started the film. I loved it when he braided my hair, although it did make me feel even more sleepy! A brief intermission part way through the film allowed us to finally get some food as I was absolutely starving and the crisps we had been snacking on were yet to fill me up. Whilst Charles cooked the pasta (under my supervision) I chopped up some vegetables and meat to mix in as Charles had to start getting back onto his usual diet to ensure he was in the best shape possible. Whenever Charles got bored of watching the pasta, he would come up behind me and wrap his arms around my waist as he placed delicate kisses on the side of my cheek. These were some of the moments I cherished the most, the everyday tasks which somehow turned into something so special. 


There was still 30 minutes left of the movie as Charles and I were cuddled up on the large sofa, when his phone began to ring. He quickly kissed my head in apology as I reached for the remote to pause the film whilst he walked into the kitchen for some privacy. I could hear some muffled talking and it sounded as though Charles was slightly upset about something but I was unable to make out exactly what was being said. Whilst he was gone, I decided to go on my phone and scroll through instagram as I hadn't been on there all day. I had quite a few follow requests from who I assumed were Charles' fans, but I chose to just ignore them for now as I still wanted to maintain part of my private life. I did notice that some more of the F1 drivers had requested to follow me, so I did accept those before continuing with my endless scrolling through cat memes, fan edits of Charles and holiday destinations. I chose not to look at any of the comments under Charles' post just in case people were being mean, although if they were, it would likely just be out of jealousy anyway. 

"Amour, Arthur and Carla have broken up. He just called me to let me know, and he seems quite down at the moment so I just need to call Enzo quickly." Charles told me as he approached me from behind. "Oh no... I hope they're both doing ok. I'll message Carla just to check on her." I replied as I exited instagram to go to my messages. So whilst Charles made a quick call to his older brother, I sent a text to Carla asking if she was ok and to call if she needed. 

"Right, let's get back to our film shall we. It'll be time for dinner soon!" Charles laughed when he jumped back onto the couch around 5 minutes later. "We still need to find out how the Spidermen will defeat these villians!" I laughed back, looking at the time and noticing how long it was taking us to actually finish the film. "Well then, we better get watching mon amour." he whispered as he placed a kissed on my forehead and pulled me into his arms. 

A/n: Kinda got a bit cringe at the end but oh well. One more chapter to go and then I am officially done with this book. 

Izzy :)

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