Chapter 1

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Every place in the New city area or sabon gari as it is traditionally called, is filled with unpleasant screams and noise of people, people are running up and down trying to get to their homes on time so as to save themselves from the unstoppable riots going on between the area boys. The 'Area boys' as they are called often clash with other group of 'area boys' due to unsolvable differences or the need to show dominance over the other group. 

It usually happens in new city area  but today's own seems to be  more serious than that of the other days due to how even the most quiet set of area boys came out to display their act of mild violence as they held minor hazardous items.

Nooriya is among those people running up and down, she doesn't know what's going on but she just started running towards her home too, the salt she was sent to buy for her mother dropped on the floor yet she didn't really care to pick it up since at this point, life should come first. She tried to mask up her terrified feeling as she run across the streets towards her home.

Noor got even more terrified when she saw some group of area boys' coming towards her with their short knives and daggers that looks like it can barely cut an apple. She was about to run pass them with her sudden boost of cheetah speed when they stopped her.

'Ke ! Ke ! ' One of the area boys' shouted at her making her feet to be frozen on a spot.  She looked up and met his face not thinking about the consequences of doing that, he has a deep scar above his right eyebrow and countless holes on his tattered top.

He raised his knife ready to cut Noor for no logical reason when one of them spoke.
"Kabir ! Let's just go and deal with the rest , leave the girl." Another one of them said and Noor felt more than relieved as she lowly exhale a sigh.

She couldn't help but turn to face the latest guy that spoke thankfully. He looks nothing like the first guy, his facial features look so soft that you could hardly believe he can be among these area thugs, she couldn't help but notice how his dimples show even as he speaks.

The first guy that spoke, Kabir frowned and said "kai ! Zayyad you know we can't let her go like that."

"Give us whatever money you have right now and then you can save your life." A third guy among them spoke threateningly.

Noor started trembling seeing as they aware not ready to leave her alone, she only has the remaining change for the salt she bought and she could clearly remember when her mother told her to 'bring it back home if there's any change', so she thought of tricking them in a way that didn't really ended smartly.

" I don't have any money." Noor lied trying to trick them into believing her, her voice came out smaller than it usually is revealing the fact that she's terrified presently.

Kabir released a short creepy laugh and said in his threateningly voice "Looks like you just want to die , alright then."

He brought out his knife once again ready to kill without any pinch of mercy as it seems when Nooriya finally decided to drop the act.

Nooriya quickly brought out the change and placed it on his palm trying her best not to make any contact with his dirty skin. Kabir swayed his right hand  indicating that she could leave. Noor quickly started running not caring about her veil that has dropped at the place but only caring about her life.

She didn't stop until when she reached home in short breath. She knows she wouldn't find her father at home now because this is the time his work gets more effective as a police man.



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