Chapter 12

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Noor was about to sleep when she heard a knock on the door, she quickly put in her hijab and opened the door only to see Fatima by the door after opening it.

"Were you about to sleep?" Fatima asked when she noticed the scrambled blanket in the bed signifying that someone was lying on it.

"Yes ." Noor shortly replied.

"Actually Abba wants to speak to you." Fatima said and awkwardly rubbed her neck.

"Alright let's go." Noor replied and gently closed the door behind her. Noor followed behind Fatima who then led her to the same luxurious living room she first saw Abba when she came earlier.

Abba was seated on the couch just next to the side table, Zayyad on the opposite couch.

Fatima walked and sat on the free couch while Noor sat beside Fatima even though there are other free couches in the living room.

"Abba see her here." Fatima said and pointed at Noor with her middle finger out of habit.

"Fatima, how many times will I tell you to stop pointing at peoples with the middle finger, you point with your index finger." Zayyad said to his sister in a tiring voice. He can't count the number of  times he had corrected her yet there's still no change. Perhaps he has to chop that finger up with his dagger.

Fatima gasped dramatically and said
"Ya Zayyad, you've only told me that once when I pointed at Kabir, you only tell me that when I point at people you care about so.." She said adding some seasonings to her reply mainly to look for her brother's trouble.

"You're getting it all wrong Fatima." Zayyad said not wanting his sister to think he has feelings for Noor and Fatima was about to reply when Abba said "enough you two." making both the two of them to keep quiet  silently talking to each other with their glares.

Abba usually doesn't sound strict, but anytime he is strict,they know better than to provoke him.

"So Noor, it's about your education, Aminu has already paid for you to join the same University as Fatima." Abba said and stopped before continuing to speak  "so what do you think ?"

Noor offered a short smile and said
"I'm fine with it sir."

"Call me Abba, you're also my child too." Abba said and walked out of the living room to retire to his room.

"I've made my decision." Noor said now turning to fully face Zayyad ignoring the impact of his handsome face on her pure heart.

"About ?" Zayyad asked.

"Wether to reveal your secret to Abba or not." Noor replied internally enjoying the defeated look on his face.

"And what have you decided ?" Zayyad asked while Fatima interestingly listen to both of them.

"I'll not tell him but on one condition." Noor answered raising her index finger to indicate the one.

"Stop trying to act smart with me Noor ."Zayyad warned and dropped his phone beside him.

"No I'm actually serious here ." Noor replied.

"What's your condition ?" He asked.

"You will never every say no to Nooriya Aminu."  Noor answered stating her condition mainly to see his smile.

"As in how ?" Zayyad asked with a frown of confusion that Nooriya is now used to seeing.

"As in you will never say 'No' to anything I ask you to do." Noor replied wanting to see how a smile will look on his already handsome face.

"And if I say no ?" Zayyad asked.

"You should be able to guess what will happen." Noor answered.

"What will happen ?" Zayyad asked.

"I will break the bottle that contains your secret and share what is inside with Abba." Noor replied trying her best to sound serious, even though she knows she could never do that.

"Hmm." Zayyad sighed and said 'Accepted.'

"Great !" Noor exclaimed finally happy that she can see the smile she wants to see.

Zayyad got up and was about to leave when Noor stopped him by calling his name.

"Zayyad." Noor said and he turned to face her and his sister who is acting as if she's not hearing what they are saying but is actually hearing everything.

"Smile..." Noor said and pointed at her smiley face with her finger.

"Are you mad ?" Zayyad asked sarcastically trying his best not to fall for how cute her face looks right now. My heart shade is black, my heart shade is black.. he kept changing inwardly in his head to stop himself from accepting whatever strange change his heart is going through.

"Smile !" Noor said once again making her voice a little bit louder.

"No !" Zayyad replied.

"Okay then, I'll just go to Abba now."     Noor said with a pouting mouth.

Zayyad sighed in defeat and gave the shortest smile that he could muster yet it still managed to show his deep dimples.

'Good boy ! ' Noor said after recovering from the effect of this guy's smile, yet he still claims his heart shade is black.  How can someone with a black heart shade has a wonderful smile like this. Zayyad went out leaving the two girls behind.

"What are you planning Noor ?" Fatima inquisitively asked after her brother is out of sight. She could not help but notice the chemistry between the two.

"Just wait and watch Fatima, I'll change your brother for the better." Noor said.

"But how ?" Fatima asked knowing well that her brother's heart shade is black.

"His heart shade can't be entirely black, he still has some light in his shade. I can see that." Noor replied and Fatima believed what she said hoping it's true.

"I think I'm going to bed now ." Noor said and yawned shortly after.

"I was actually planning to go out." Fatima said and Noor's eyes widen in shock.

"To where ? I mean it's after 9pm now."Noor almost framed out as she said this quickly checking her wristwatch.

"Calm down ... I'm going to Bilkisu's house." Fatima replied.

"Who's that?" Noor asked wondering if they might be relatives.

"A childhood friend , they live just two houses away from this house." Fatima replied.

"Do you want to join me ?"Fatima asked Noor who then shook her head and said "No I'm really feeling sleepy now."
Noor walked back to her room while Fatima left for Bilkisu's house.




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