Chapter 17

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It all explains who woman is. Janan.

"Is she your mother ?" Noor asked even though it's obvious.

Zayyad nodded his head and replied "she is "

"She is . . so  very beautiful " Noor replied as she stare at the black gown Janan has on in the picture.

"I know . . " Zayyad replied.

"Just like you " Noor said and start to compare their features together.

Noor passed the image back to him, he collected it and continued to stare at it.

"I'm bored ! Let's play a game ! " Noor said as a way of trying to lighten the mood of Zayyad.

"Like ? " Zayyad asked ,  he folded the picture and put it in his pocket .

"Truth or dare ? " Noor suggested.

"No." Zayyad replied.

"Why not ? Are you scared or something?" Noor asked trying to urge him to play.

"Alright then, start. " Zayyad said falling directly into the trap.

"Truth or dare Zayyad? " Noor asked .

"Truth. " Zayyad answered.

"I truth you to change your truth to dare " Noor said.

"There's no such thing like that in this game . " Zayyad uttered.

"Alright alright! Is it True that you've ever hugged a girl ? " Noor asked .

"Yes . " Zayyad dryly replied .

"Who is that girl ?" Noor asked .

"You can only ask me one question Noor."Zayyad replied.

"Please, please." Noor pleaded desperately in need of an answer .$

"Who is the girl ? " Noor asked again .

"You " Zayyad answered.

Noor gasped at his reply and shouted "liar ! I'm a Halal girl, liar ! When was that ?"

"Calm down halal girl ! Just joking. " Zayyad said and chuckled lightly.

"Truth or dare to you now " Zayyad said .

  "Truth. " Noor replied .

The place was quiet for a moment before Zayyad asked "Have you ever liked Kabir ? " The familiar question made Noor to wonder why he'll even ask that in the first place .

"I don't think I ha.." Noor started speaking  but didn't complete her statement when Zayyad cut her up , that's something he's always doing nowadays.

"Yes or No  ?  " Zayyad asked firmly simply wanting to hear between those two options .

"No " Noor replied as she noticed how Zayyad breath out a sigh , but is it that a sigh of relief ? Why will he be relief that she has never liked Kabir ?

The two of them kept quite , Zayyad was quietly looking at his feet while Noor was just staring at his face .

Noor didn't know how long Zayyad stayed staring at his feet or how long she stayed staring at his face until when the silence was cut off by a familiar voice .

"Game over now ! I'm back ! " Fatima said as she walk in her usual majestic steps in to the garden.


Author : You are either a 'Fatima ' or you have a friend , cousin or aunty called Fatima . I mean they're everywhere.
And they just add vibe to everything.



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