Chapter 18

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Saturday passed and it's now Sunday . Noor got up really early and went downstairs after dressing up in a yellow gown, after performing her prayers and after having a short video call with her family.

Nooriya saw the maids arranging the dining table for breakfast so she helped them.

Fatima, Abba and Zayyad joined soon after.
"Good morning Abba ." Noor greeted and sat down just like all the rest.

"Morning Noor " Abba replied with a smile .

"Good morning Noor " Fatima greeted Noor with a hug.

"Morning Zayyad " Noor greeted expecting no reply but Zayyad smiled at her and replied "Morning . . . " Noor hid her shock quite well.

Everyone quietly ate their breakfast and the only noise you hear was the movement of forks and spoon as they eat.!Abba left the dining room first as usual because he usually doesn't eat much,Zayyad left and entered the opposite room.

Upon seeing that, Noor cleaned her mouth with a napkin and followed him with the intention of stopping him from smoking which is something she notice he is now doing.

As Noor entered the room, she saw what she was expecting, Noor immediately snatched the cigarette before he lit it.

"What was that ? Give me !" Zayyad said and extended his hand to collect it but Noor refused to give.

Zayyad stopped attempting to collect it making Noor to think he has accepted defeat but he's actually in pain.

Noor watches as he clutches his chest tightly as if short of breath and then in the next second Zayyad passed out on the soft carpet in the room .His prepossessing eyes slowly closing .

"Zayyad!!" Noor shouted so loud that even Abba and Fatima heard her because they quickly entered inside.

"What happened to him ? " Fatima asked as she bent down beside her unconscious brother.

"I don't know . . I just tried to stop him from smoking . . and then he was trying to collect the cigarette and he f. . all." Nooriya stammered as she tried to explain the situation.

"Zayyad smokes ?" Abba said in a questioning tone but didn't wait for reply. He quickly lifted Zayyad up with ease and rushed his son into the S U V .

Noor and Fatima sat at the last seat behind while Zayyad was laid in the middle seat and Abba seated at the drivers seat.

In the next fifteen minute, they reached the Reddington hospital and Zayyad was immediately rushed to the emergency unit .
Abba, Fatima and Noor were told to wait outside. Abba sat down with his palms holding his cheeks while Fatima sat beside him.

Noor was pacing from left to right and couldn't even sit down , she doesn't even know why she's worried but she didn't care to know anyways. After an hour, the doctor came out and informed them of what they need to know .

Dr . Sambo has always been the family's doctor since when Janan was alive so they all trust him a lot when it comes to someone's health.

"Good morning sir." Dr . Sambo greeted Abba with a handshake.

"What's wrong with my son Dr. Sambo ." Abba asked directly showing his sincere concern .

"I'm sorry to inform you this ." Dr . Sambo started speaking but stopped to make eye contact with each and every one of them .

"Dr. Sambo speak !" Fatima said and got up to stand beside her father facing the doctor.

"Zayyad lungs has been damaged and now he has lungs failure ." Dr. Sambo said .

"Is there any remedy ? " Noor asked and came to stand along with the rest .

"The worst part is that he'll soon be gone ." Dr . Sambo continued speaking.

Noor unintentionally moved back after hearing that with her back hitting the wall, she wasn't expecting to hear this. It felt like the news drained away any pinch of life she has had in her.

"Zayyad's nice , he can be a little bit tough sometimes but he's good , i hope what the doctor's saying isn't true." Noor thought inwardly.



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