Chapter 15

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Nooriya and Fatima sat down on the back seat of Zayyad's car while he entered the driver's seat and started driving towards Covenant University. Noor couldn't help but notice how he didn't care to put his seat belt, instructions is one thing he hardly follows.

"See ! This is Bilkisu's house." Fatima said and pointed at the house with the blue gate while Noor just watched and smiled.

"Something smells of cigarette." Fatima spoke again and covered her nose with a tissue. Noor noticed Zayyad's glare through the front mirror of the car, probably trying to intimidate her not to tell anyone.

"It's definitely those group of boys that we just passed since the window is open ." Noor said and Fatima just nodded innocently believing what Noor said.

They reached Covenant University in less than twenty minutes and Zayyad did a U turn with the car and drove back home as soon as he dropped the girls off, that's the same university he did some few years ago before he graduated with a first class and started working along side his father in order to keep the family's estate business and market business progressive.

Zayyad just entered home and he saw Abba about to leave to his office in his pure white suits that made him looks more like a young man that a man of his actual age.

Zayyad sometimes wonder how his father can be this strong, loosing your wife due to her heart shades and staying alone with out remarrying even though he has the beauty and more than enough money for that.

"Zayyad, you remember the business deal with the Bellos' right ?" Abba asked Zayyad who just got out of his car.

"Yes Abba." Zayyad replied after locking the car.

"Well, you have to go to Kano today. Just give them the building plan for our new estate and regulate the quality of equipments they use in the construction." Abba said to his son.

"Alright then, I will be back early before breakfast tomorrow." Zayyad replied his father , he wouldn't want to stay long in Kano , he wants to avoid his gangs as much as possible.

Zayyad stepped inside his room and packed what he needs in a black rolling suitcase , Zayyad  has lectured himself not to associate with his friends again but he knows it won't be easy to avoid them . He has grown too attached to them that separating with them will be quite hard now. He couldn't help but he internally happy that Nooriya is away from Kabir's hunting, this way she can be safe. Just like he wants her to be, safe.



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