Chapter 7

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Noor spent more than two minutes trying to apologize to her mother for not answering her when she was leaving for Zayyad's house. Anger was the main emotion she was feeling when she saw Munir in that condition and that anger was what made her to stomp out without answering tot he screams of her name from her mother.

Even though fighting or having some minor arguments with Munir has been a common circumstance, the love she still has for her brother is unconditional, how she wish he could be quiet and not the type that wants to invoke some strength that he doesn't not really have compared to the strength of the people he often clash with.

Zainab accepted the apology but Noor kept on apologizing regardless due to the sudden guilt embedded in her pure heart, a heart that's free of a black shade rather is white in shade.

"Mama I'm really sorry, I swear I won't do it again I promise ." Noor apologized while kneeling on her knees infront of Zainab.

"How many times will I tell you to get up ?"Zainab asked tiredly and that's when Noor got up and hugged her mother gratefully. How lucky she is to have such a mother that always seems to understand and forgive !

Munir has woken up since from his unconscious state since and is now eating in front of Noor who had to force him to eat his dinner. She could feel the tension in Munir words as he speaks.

" I swear ..when I'm done eating I'll go there and beat that boy ! What did you say was his name again ?" Munir asked in between spoon full of food.

"Zayyad ?" Noor asked , she's couldn't believe that Munir is saying all this but she knows he is just saying it, she knows he's just embarrassed to accept the fact that he has been beaten up.

"Munir..' Noor called and he answered "what ?"

"Will you break up with Fatima now ? I mean her brother just beat you ." Noor said in a whisper so that Zainab and Aminu won't hear her. She plans on keeping this a secret for as long as Munir wants, hopefully he'll one day muster up the courage to tell his parent that there's a girl he's interested in.

"My enmity is with her brother , not with her ." Munir replied.

"So..that's a NO ?" Noor asked.

"Obviously." Munir answered hastily got up to go to his room with his hearts till burning in shame that he got beaten up by his girlfriend's brother.

Noor sighed and left to her own room. She quickly climbed the stairs and entered her room where she prayed isha before laying on her bed ready to sleep.



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