Chapter 24

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The next few years passed hastily,with Fatima and Munir being married a year after Zayyad's lungs failure, with Zayyad relatively recovering gradually while still working in one of his father's company that became his, and Noor finishing her studies to be an employed working woman now, life's gradually becoming nicer and nicer and nicer for her and her family.

The fact that Noor's wedding will be in a few weeks time added cinnamon to her life, getting married to the love of her life is all she could ever wished for. Only three of them live in the huge house now, only Abba, Zayyad and Nooriya since Fatima is in her marital house comprising of her husband, Munir and her.

Sometimes Nooriya wonders wether leaving to stay in the house Zayyad bought is a good idea seeing as it means they'll leave only Abba in this house...alone. Just the thought of being in a house alone beings goosebumps to her skin. And so when Zayyad and Noor returned from their various working places, Noor decided to discuss the little issue with him.

"Abba...good evening. " Noor greeted when she stumbled parts with Abba while looking for Zayyad.

He smiled at her responding to her greetings "Evening Nooriya. "

Noor asked for Zayyad's whereabouts and Abba's reply was that "You should know by now that if you can't find Zayyad anywhere in this house then he is in that very room opposite the dining room."  He said and that's when the realization hit Noor, she remembered the time Zayyad told her that it was his mothers favorite place of the house.

Noor offered a 'thank you.' to Abba before making her way towards the room that's always dark in such a way that one can hardly see anything inside the room. Noor raised her hand to knock when she reached the front of the door but before she could she heard a familiar voice from inside saying "Come inside Nooriya."

Noor brushed away the shock as to how he knows she was there, she gently pushed open the door to the room and was met with a shocking view of a generously bright room, the lights spread through out the room showing the clear beauty of the room that used to be hidden by the darkness in the room.

Noor slowly moved to sit beside Zayyad at the far side of the couch so that they'll be a safe distance between them. Still gazing around the lighted room.

Noor finally pulled out of her glance and turned to look at Zayyad's face surprisingly.
"What's with the change ?" Noor asked raising one eye brow up inquiringly.

"You caused the change Noor, my heart shade is not black anymore, my life is not dark anymore then why should this room still be dark ? Light  is needed in this room too you know, not only in my heart." Zayyad said flashing one of his charming smiles to Noor.

"Wow.." Noor mumbled partial because of the surprising change in the room but mainly because how adoring his smile is. Even his face looks lighter Masha Allah. She almost forgot what brought her to the room in the first place and when she remembered she facepalmed herself and spoke.

"Zayyad I wanted to talk to you about us..moving out after marriage. " Noor started speaking slowing looking down to the floor as she speaks.

"Why are you too shy ? " Zayyad asked releasing a low chuckle.

"I'm not shy.."Noor replied still looking down.

"You always look down when you are shy...and your cheeks slinky changes color too.." Zayyad said making Noor to wonder how much he has been examining her reactions to situations.

"As I was saying..I think we should just stay with see he'll be all alone in this it'll be only him. " Noor said with a clear concern plastered on her face for her soon-to-be father in law.

Zayyad ran his hand across his curls before speaking "Right..."

Noor smiled at his understanding, she was planning to leave the room when she noticed Zayyad trying to hide something into the sides of the couch but her sharp eyes caught the movement and she internally started praying for it not to be cigarette.

Noor got up, her hands across her chest as she speaks "what is that Zayyad ? "

Zayyad offered a tight smile saying "what is what ? What ?"

Noor moved fast enough to yank the hand he's been hiding the thing in and the item on his hand tore, and that's when Noor saw the actual thing he's holding. It's a familiar picture of his mother in a small printer paper and now she has torn it almost completely.

Noor placed a palm over her mouth "I'm sorry...I swear I thought..I swear Zayyad I'm sorry...I.." She continued rambling but was cut by Zayyad who said "it's okay's okay. "

Noor almost thought she didn't hear him right "it's okay..?" She asked and he nodded with a small smile.

Even Zayyad surprised himself by saying 'it's okay' . The former Zayyad with a black heart shade will never say 'it's  okay' to this rather he'll cause a fight or shout, but his heart shade is now white, untimely death doesn't threaten him again. The darkness has been cages out of his life by Noor, the girl that bright light to his existence.


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