Chapter 13

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The next morning came after a long night sleep , Noor woke up and did her normal day routine which is to bath , pray and then every other things come after.

Noor put on an ash Abaya and carried her green mini bag, Noor intentionally carried the green bag to remind Zayyad of the first time he actually indirectly showed that he still has some hidden light traces in his heart which was the time that he gave her the green bag that his friends were planning to collect from her.

Noor smiled after thinking about that time . She went downstairs already ready for her first day in a new university.

Noor joined them in the dining and greeted "Good morning Abba."

Abba smiled and replied "Morning Nooriya."

"Good morning Fatima." Noor greeted Fatima who is seated just beside her.

Fatima side-hugged Noor and answered her. Noor intentionally refused to greet the stone hearted guy.

Zayyad glared at Noor in between spoon fulls but didn't say anything until after some minutes.

"Good morning my mother Noor ." Zayyad sarcastically greeted seeing as she won't talk to him first. He wonders wether she's upset with him.

"I can't be your mother, my heart shade is white remember." Noor said knowing that Zayyad's mate mother had a black heart shade just like Zayyad, everybody in the place was shooting daggers of glares at her. 
In the process of trying to annoy Zayyad, Noor has managed to touch a delicate topic that all the family members don't like to hear about.

"So...sorry..I .. " Noor stammered while trying to apologize even though Zayyad was still glaring at her, Abba and Fatima stopped the glare and managed to offer her a short tight smile.

"It's okay."Abba said though it's quite obvious that he's slightly hurt, calling his wife someone with a black heart shade even though her heart shade was actually black sounded like an insult to them. A black heart shade mostly signifies negativity.

"It's okay ? It's not okay ! Don't you dare talk about my mother again ! If not I promise you, you'll see the worst side of me !" Zayyad suddenly shouted and Fatima was not surprised since she knows how Zayyad acts when someone talks about their Kate mother's heart shade. He stormed out of the dining place leaving his food half eaten.

"I didn't mean to upset anyone I swear." Noor said apologetically.

"Zayyad was so close to my late wife , he wouldn't want anyone to talk about her heart shade." Abba said to Noor still offering her a smile.

"If you talk about Zayyad's shade infront of him he wouldn't have acted like this but when it comes to Mama, Zayyad acts wild." Fatima said with a smile.

"Should I go and apologize to him now ? " Noor asked naively .

"No don't say you want to apologize to him now, he's probably very angry now " Fatima said.

"Maybe later, when he has cooled down " Abba said with an assuring smile. Noor wished she has just shut her mouth and continued eating but now she has managed to angered the black heart shaded guy.

"Abba , we are going now bye ! " Fatima said and then turned to Noor and said "let's go Nooriya."

Noor got up and went out of the building following after Fatima .

"You know I really don't think ya Zayyad will take us to school now because I know he's annoyed." Fatima said as she leaned on Zayyad's white bugatti.

"So now ? " Noor asked and glanced at her wristwatch.

"So now someone has to sweet talk him and I'm hundred percent sure that person can only be Abba " Fatima said.

"Where is he now ? " Noor asked intending to go and speak to him.

"There's a door directly facing the dining room, I think he's in that room." Fatima replied.

"I'll try to speak to him." Noor said.

"You think he'll listen ? You don't really know Zayyad huh ?" Fatima said and chuckled at the end of her sentence.

"I'll just try." Noor said .

Noor tuned back and entered inside the house as she walk to the described room, she opened the door which Fatima explained and entered inside. The next thing she saw amazed her.



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