Chapter 16

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"Fireworks in the morning. Oh God. Lagos people." Noor mumbled  as she got up from her bed. It's a new day and a new year today, yesterday was Nooriya's first day in a new university, it was short but interesting as she met new people that are a lot nicer than the ones she knew back in BUK.

Noor is happily 23 years old now and the best part is that she has only one year of University now. One year of having to go to Covenant.
Noor freshened up and prayed, since it's a Saturday, there's no need for going to university as she doesn't have any lectures today. She just wore a black Abaya with a matching veil and got downstairs.

Noor was surprised when she didn't see Zayyad at the dining table so she quickly greeted them all and asked "Where's Zayyad please?"

"He just returned from Kano , he's in the room opposite this dining room ." Fatima replied and Noor noticed that it's the same room he entered yesterday.

Noor quietly ate and then went out of the dining through the dining's large door which serve as both and entrance and an exit. 

Noor opened the door to the room she knows for sure that Zayyad is inside and the first thing she said was "Why do you like coming to this room ne ?" Noor asked but stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Zayyad smoking again.

"I swear I'm telling Abba now !" Nooriya threatened and turned to leave.

"Abb!!..." Noor was intending to shout Abba's name but Zayyad covered her mouth with his palm while she struggles to speak.

"Keep quiet." Zayyad said but Noor couldn't reply so she nodded her head indicating that she will keep quiet.

Zayyad then removed his palm from her mouth and backed away from her giving her space while Noor breath out of relief.

"To answer your  first question, this was my mother's favorite place of the house." Zayyad said and sat down on the chair that's close to the closed window.

"Oh , it explains why you like entering this room." Noor said as she properly examine the huge dark room.

"So ? " Zayyad inquired and raised one of his dark full eyebrows.

"What ? " Noor asked.

"Why did you come here ?" Zayyad asked.

"I don't know..I guess I just wanted to make sure that you're not smoking again." Noor replied.

"I hope I'll not hear about my smoking habits from Abba's mouth .." Zayyad said  resisting an urge to roll his eyes .

"I hope so too." Noor replied with a small smirk

"I've a question though before I leave." Noor said .

"Go on " Zayyad replied .

"If your heart shade-" Noor started speaking but was cut of by Zayyad.

"Bye Noor " Zayyad said completely interrupting Nooriya.

He doesn't want to talk about his heart shade now , it's not all the time that he feel nonchalant about having a black heart shade .

"But I didn't finish." Noor defended.

"I hate the starting of your question already , I don't want to hear the ending ." Zayyad said and went out of the room leaving the poor Noor confused.

Noor then left the room too and coincidentally barged into Fatima in the hallway.

"I'm going out !" Fatima said excitedly.

"Have fun !" Noor replied and Fatima's    excited smile turned into that of disappointment.

"Won't you join me ? " Fatima asked .

"Sorry but no , you see I'm still new to this place ." Noor said.

"Tomorrow, I promise ." Noor said to Fatima who then smiled in reply.

"Sorry please, where is Zayyad? " Noor asked not wanting to leave him alone so that he won't smoke again.

"He went out just now, probably in the garden or so." Fatima replied and left shortly after.

Noor found the garden after some minutes of walking  around the house. It's a unique-looking garden with a few chairs circularly arranged and different colors of flowers and plants.

Noor saw Zayyad sitting on one of the chairs with something that looks like a medium sized paper on his hand which he was concentrating on for the whole time that he didn't even notice that Noor came in.

Noor sat down opposite Zayyad and he immediately covered the paper not wanting her to see the picture he was staring at.

"What do you want ?" Zayyad asked looking down at his feet.

"Nothing, just bored." Noor replied.

"You're bored so you came here ? " Zayyad asked not believing his ears. Might his assumption be right ?

"Yeah why not ?"Noor replied.

"I really hope you're not starting to like me ..because you'll just get your heart broken."Zayyad said while turning to look at Nooriya.

Noor huffed and replied "In your rarest dreams." She said ignoring the fact that she knows she's starting to like this stubborn headed guy.

"We'll see " Zayyad answered and continued to stare at the piece of paper.

"Can I see that ? " Noor asked while pointing at the piece of paper.  Zayyad quietly passed it to her and she gratefully collected it enjoying how he's slowly starting to trust her.

Noor saw that it was a picture, a beautiful woman with the same dark eyes as Zayyad, the same full dark shaped eyebrows and the same light skin complexion.

It all defines who the woman's, Zayyad's mother, the woman he loves the most in this entire world. She has kicked the bucket a long time ago.



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