Chapter 64

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"All rise..." Giovanni commanded everyone. Archie, Maxie, Cyrus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Lysandre and Guzma all rose from their chairs and rolled out their blueprints and maps. Giovanni surveyed the room as everyone busied themselves with their maps, nodding in satisfaction at the familiar faces of his most trusted allies. They had all come together for a final time before they unleash hell all over Earth.

Giovanni cleared his throat, "As you all know, we have been working towards this day for a long time. After the World Tournament, we will finally make our move and take over the world." He paused for a moment, letting the weight of his words sink in. "We have all put in countless hours of planning and training. We are ready to execute our plan and show the world our true power."

Archie chimed in, "Our teams have been hard at work, gathering intel. We have infiltrated the government's systems, and we have control over their technologies. We are ready for anything they can throw at us."

Lysandre added, "Team Flare's research teams have also discovered a new type of energy source that we can use to power our Pokemon. Mega Wave. This energy source is far more powerful than anything the world has ever seen before. Our Pokemon will be unstoppable."

Giovanni nodded in agreement. "Thanks to the assistance of Volo, I've managed to collect more than enough Aura to power up the all mighty Mewtwo."

Mars spoke up, a sly smile on her face. "And let's not forget about our ace in the hole. The legendary Pokemon, Giratina. With its ability to manipulate space and time, we'll be able to strike anywhere, anytime."

Suddenly, Maxie pointed at Mars. "What do you mean 'Ace in the Hole?' It's completely obvious that our 'ace in the Hole' is The legendary Pokemon, Kyogre. With its power, we can control the oceans and flood entire cities.

Mars arched an eyebrow. "Kyogre? While it may be powerful, it's limited to the oceans. Giratina can move through space and time, it has the potential to be the ultimate weapon."

Guzma interjected, "Why are we even having this argument? We have captured our desired legendary Pokemon.. We don't need to argue over which one is the strongest."

Cyrus agreed, "Let's not bicker among ourselves, we need to remember that we are all working towards the same goal.The power of the legendary Pokemon is impressive, but we cannot discount the importance of our human resources. Our agents have been planted in key positions throughout the world, ready to carry out our orders when the time comes"

As the others nodded in agreement, Giovanni spoke up once more. "Excellent points, everyone. We will utilize all of our resources to ensure success. Remember, we are not just conquering the world, we are freeing it from the grasp of weak, incompetent leaders who are holding it back. And we will be the ones to usher in a new era of strength and power."

The room fell silent for a moment as the weight of their mission hung heavy in the air. But then a smirk spread across Lysandre's face. "Speaking of power, have you all seen the new trainer I've managed to recruit?"

Giovanni's interest was piqued. "Tell us more."

Lysandre leaned forward. "His name is-"

Suddenly, the door to the room burst open, and a masked figure walked right in. Everyone in the room reached for their Poké Balls, ready to defend themselves. The masked figure raised their hands in surrender, revealing themselves to be a man with black, spikey hair and crimson red eyes poking through his silver mask.

Lysandre walked up to the trainer and scratched his head, smiling. "This is the trainer I was just talking about. He's joined our cause willingly, and he's incredibly powerful. He's already captured several Pokemon that could rival champions, and he's eager to help us in any way he can."

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