Chapter 66

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Meanwhile, In The Middle of The Ocean.
Galarian Aircraft Carrier.

"Wait, why are we recalling these planes again?" Asked a dark toned man with his Machamp next to him.

"Direct orders from President Weston. I don't know what she's up to, but we can't question it at this time." An older lighter man explained. Everyone in the Navy had been scattering around, packing everything.

But... something horrific happens..

A huge explosion occurs on one of the boats. Everyone tucked their heads underneath something, some put their hands on their heads and laid down. As the explosion died down, everyone got up and witnessed a tragedy

"ADMIRAL MUSTARD! SOMEONE OR SOMETHING HAS ATTACKED SS SERENDIPITY!" The dark toned man yelled. The older man's face turned grim as he looked out at the wreckage. "We need to get to the bottom of this. We can't let whoever did this get away with it." He turned to his Machamp. "Get the others, we're going to investigate this."

The dark-toned man nodded and sent out his Pidgeot. "Let's go!" he yelled as he mounted the bird pokemon. The older man climbed onto his Lapras and they set off towards the wreckage.

As they approached, they could see that the ship had been completely decimated. There were no survivors among the crew, and large chunks of debris were scattered everywhere. Then... it starts raining..

"Admiral... what's happening?" The dark toned man asked. Mustard didn't speak, he concentrated on the seas, trying to detect what's down there.

His eyes widened, he pulled out a pokeball and brought out the king of all penguins, the water/steel type pokemon, Empoleon.

"Empoleon, go down there and eliminate whatever's down there." Mustard ordered. Empoleon nodded and dove into the ocean.

A few minutes later, Empoleon gets shot out of the water into the decimated ship, unconscious. Mustard gasped in horror at the sight of Empoleon. He quickly recalled his pokemon and turned to the older man. "We need to contact President Weston immediately. This is worse than we thought." He said, his voice filled with urgency.

As they made their way to the ship, Mustard jumped out of the rescue boat quickly and tried contacting the President.

"President Weston, do you copy?" Mustard yelled through.

"Oh I copy, but I'm not president Weston.." A voice was heard. Mustard's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Then who are you?" he demanded.

There was a pause on the other end of the line. "Let's just say I'm someone who's been watching you and your little navy closely," the voice said, a hint of amusement in their tone.

Mustard gritted his teeth. "What do you want? Why did you attack the SS Serendipity?" he asked, his voice laced with anger.

"Ah, I'm glad you asked. You see, I have a little proposition for you. I want you and your navy to join me, and together, we'll rule the seas," the voice said, a hint of excitement in their tone.

Mustard's eyes widened in disbelief. "You're insane. We would never join someone like you. You're a monster," he spat, his voice filled with disgust.

The voice chuckled. "Well, that's a shame. I was hoping you'd see things my way, but if you insist... I'll make sure you perish.." He said

But a few seconds later, he said something else, "Before you die, I might as well tell you who I am, and what challenge you're fighting against. My name is Archie... and THAT is Kyogre..."

Meanwhile, on the battlefield.

"LUCARIO! COME ON OUT!" Ash yelled. Lucario leaped forward with a front flip and landed gracefully, aura leaving his body.

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