Chapter 70

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"CHARIZARD! BLAST BURN" a loud voice was heard from above. Blue flames then started raining from the sky onto Mega Tyranitar and Mega Absol. Everyone looked up and saw a Mega Charizard X flying above everyone else.

As Charizard descended onto the ground, his trainer stepped off of the giant blue and black beast. It was Alain. His blue fur scarf was a little dirty, and his clothing a little torn up.

The Tyranitar and Absol got scorched up from the blue flames, screaming in pain. Inside the blue flames, a purple light is shown, glowing brightly.

As the flames descended. It revealed Tyranitar and Absol are no longer in their mega forms. They both fell on their sides. Xerotic, and the rest of the grunts gritted their teeth and returned their pokemon.

"This isn't over... Team Flare has yet to release the most powerful pokemon to ever live... and once we release it... we will create a new world.." Xerotic said before disappearing

Wikstrom, Ippie, Alain, and Kimia returned their pokemon and surrounded Diantha and Malva. Malva brought out a cloth and soaked it in alcohol. "This is going to sting.." Malva said to Diantha.

Diantha nodded as she braced for pain. Once the cloth touched Diantha's flesh wound, she groaned in pain, holding onto Kimia's hand tightly.

Once the pain had numbed, Malva had Ippie hold the cloth and she brought out some bandage wraps to hold the cloth in place.

"Kimia, hold the cloth for Ippie, boys go over there" Malva said to Wikstrom, Alain and Ippie. Kimia stepped forward, holding the cloth in place as Ippie went somewhere else. Malva pulled Diantha's shirt up and then proceeded to wrap bandages around Diantha's stomach, securing the cloth in place.

"There... It'll take some time to heal. Try not to do anything that requires running" Malva said as she closed her first aid kit. Diantha looked at Malva with a worried face.

"But.. I have to continue fighting... I have to protect the region.. I.." Diantha tried to stand up but the pain kept her down.

Malva placed a reassuring hand on Diantha's shoulder. "You will continue to protect the region, but you need to rest and recover first. We won't let anything happen to the Kalos region," she said firmly.

Diantha nodded weakly, understanding that she needed to take care of herself before she could protect others. "Alright.. I'll keep it easy for now.." Diantha said... Suddenly, The Golden Girls theme starts playing again.

"♩Thank you for being a friend! Traveled down the road and back again!♩" The phone rang. Diantha blushed out of embarrassment as she looked for her phone

"Seriously? The Golden Girls?" Kimia laughed.

"That's very you, Diantha," Alain commented.

Diantha chuckled softly as she answered the call. "Hello?" she said, still feeling a bit embarrassed about the ringtone.

"Hey Diantha! Umm... where are you.." Korrina said on the other line. "You told us to meet at the sundial.. and there's no one here.." Korrina said, feeling lost.

Diantha laughed. "Oh! I'm sorry! We were caught up with Team Flare. Wait for us, We'll come over there and we can discuss our plan." Diantha said through the phone.

Diantha hung up the phone and looked over at her friends. "We should head over to the sundial to meet Korrina and the others," she said, still feeling a bit sore from her wound. Malva offered Diantha a hand and helped her stand up. Diantha thanked her, her arm wrapped around her shoulder.

As they started walking, Kimia commented. "What would Steven think about this.."

Diantha looked at Kimia, wondering what she meant. "What do you mean, Kimia?" she asked curiously.

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