Chapter 67

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With that, they all flew off, ready to take on whatever Team Rainbow Rocket had in store for them. The sky was filled with the sound of beating wings as the champions flew towards their destiny, their minds set on victory.

We now turn to Steven...


After Steven had left Galar, he hadn't felt the same. He's glad he can defend his region, but something has got to him. Steven knows what it is, and he hates it. He feels like he's overprotective of her. Yes, she's strong enough to hold her own, but still... battling by her side makes his heart warm... he was obviously thinking about Diantha..

Steven noticed a shine from the ground. Suddenly, a barrage of Dark Pulses started coming his way. "DODGE SKARMORY" Steven yelled as he held on tight. Skarmory quickly moved out of the way from the attack. He then started to descend onto the ground, meeting multiple Team Rainbow Rocket grunts.

For extra backup, Steven threw his pokeball. Out came the white Metagross. On the grunts side were Tyranitars, Salamence's, Golems, and Aggrons. Steven gritted his teeth. He may be outnumbered, but he overpowers them.

Metagross stood firmly by his side, his sharp claws glimmering in the sunlight. The grunts charged towards them, their Pokemon snarling and growling in anticipation.

"Metagross, use Meteor Mash!" Steven shouted. The white Pokemon nodded, flexing his arms and charging towards the Tyranitars. His body glowed with a brilliant light as he slammed into them with tremendous force.

Meanwhile, Skarmory was darting around the battlefield, dodging attacks and striking back with her sharp metallic wings. The grunts were becoming more and more desperate, but they refused to give up.

All the grunts pokemon backed up and prepared for something horrifying. "Now, Mega Wave!" they all said in union. They all waved their fingers onto their bracelet, forcing them to undergo mega evolution out of their own will.

Steven's heart began to race as he watched the grunts' Pokemon grow and transform before his eyes. Tyranitar became even larger and more ferocious, Salamence's wings expanded and glimmered in the sunlight, Golem gained even more power and Aggron's armor became almost impenetrable.

Steven gritted his teeth. He didn't want to send him out this early into the mission.. but..

"YAHOO! LET'S DO THIS AERODACTYL! ANCIENT POWER!" a voice was heard from the sky.  Steven looked up to see Deadly and his Mega Aerodactyl descending from the sky, making it rain huge boulders from the sky. All the rocks then managed to connect with the grunts' pokemon. But they all stood their ground.

"Deadly!" Steven said as he daped him up. Deadly gave a smile of greetings. "DEADLY, HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU! DONT LEAVE ME BEHIND!" another voice screamed from the sky. Steven turned around to see Wallace, flying towards them on his majestic Milotic. "Wallace!" Steven exclaimed. "I thought you were supposed to be defending Sootopolis City?"

"I was, but I heard you needed a hand," Wallace replied, flashing his charming smile. "But first..." Wallace walked over to Deadly and hit him. "You're a big idiot, I hope you know that" Wallace jokingly scolds Deadly.

Deadly chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry," he said sheepishly, "I just couldn't resist the chance to show off my Mega Aerodactyl's power." Steven shook his head in amusement as the three of them turned back to the battle.

"Aerodactyl, return.." Deadly returned him to his pokeball. As he put away his pokeball, he grabbed another one. "SWAMPERT! I NEED YOUR ASSISTANCE" Deadly yelled as he threw his Dive Ball. Out came Deadly's Swampert, its muscular form glistening in the sun. The grunts snarled in anger as they saw yet another champion level opponent join the fray.

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