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We made our way to his house first. He needed to leave something behind and wanted to make sure to tell his parents he was not joining them for dinner as well.

"Would you like to say hi to my mom? I know she'll be thrilled to see you before we go," he says, giving me that signature smile as he takes his duffle bag out of the trunk of his car and tosses his helmet over his shoulder. "I supposed to. She's not too busy, is she?" I ask, feeling shy. I don't know why, but I always feel so shy around his mom. She's got this aura to her... She's the sweetest woman, and very beautiful, but she's not someone to mess with either.

I've seen her. I've seen her momma bear side, and it is not pretty. I remember a few times they messed with Nate as we were growing up, and she took action. She is not the kind to take things lightly and never hesitates to advocate for what is right. I love that about her. It's very admirable indeed.

"She can never be too busy for you, Mia. You know that. Come on, let's head inside." he says, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me in for a kiss as we make our way inside his house. But my deception falters soon as I see her with none other than Jordan's mom inside, talking away.

Jordan's mom, Amanda does not like me, or any of my family members. She has butted heads with my sister Audrey and Nikole many- many times. Why? I don't know, but it's come to a point where she has even argued with her husband in front of us because one of us is present. She especially loathes my dad and me.

"Nate, I don't think it's a good idea, maybe I should," I whispered, hoping they don't see me, but Nate hugs me around my shoulder and pulls me closer to them.

"I'm home. Mom, look who's here!" Nate announces, cheerfully, making them turn with a smile. "Oh, Mia. Hi, sweetie. Come, take a seat. We were just about to enjoy some iced tea, would you like a glass?" Sophie offers, with a smile. But Jordan's mom, Amanda is seeing red.

"Actually, Mom, Mia, and I are going out to dinner. I just came by to drop things off before we head out."

"Wait, you're not staying for dinner? But I made food already. I'm just waiting on Dad, he went to pick up Ruthie from ballet. Mia, would you like to stay for dinner, hun? There's plenty for everyone." Sophie asks, and I honestly would love to stay, but I stay quiet, looking at Nate. I don't know what to say, it's awkward enough as it is to have Amanda glaring at me with so much discomfort written on her face.

"Uhm, I,"

"Mom, we kind of already had plans. Is it ok, maybe I bring Mia some other time for dinner?" he suggests, and Sophie gives us a sad smile. She hugs me real tight, and I can't lie. It feels good. She makes me miss my mom. I sigh, giving her a warm smile in return. "Ok. I'll look forward to it. And now that you two are dating, I expect to see you around here more often. You know you are always welcome in my home, ok sweetie?" she adds, cupping my cheek with one hand and making me smile. "Thank you. I might just do that." I say, but we get cut off by Amanda who doesn't hesitate to meddle in.

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