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"P' Win?"

The males were shocked to see each other. But the other two males were confused. "You guys know each other?" Dew asked. "Yes Sir, he was my junior in college" Win said. Nani nodded.

"Oh then, um Win your position will be given to Mr. Jirankit" Dew said. Win's eyes widened, he was shocked as hell. "B-But sir, why so suddenly?" Win stuttered feeling scared of losing the job. He almost teared up, Dew saw that he was feeling guilty. He walked to Win "Hey hey I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way, it's just um"

Nani took the initiative, he held Win's hand "I will explain to him" he dragged Win outside. He stopped inside the male washroom. Looked here and there then at Win, who was confused and teary.

"Phi... I'm sorry, I didn't know you were here, trust me. If I knew, I wouldn't have applied for this post. Believe me please" Nani said.

Win sniffed and nodded unable to form words. Nani became sad, he held Win's hand tightly. "Phi... The reason I chose this position is because of two reasons. Firstly Mr. Chivaree told me to shuffle my position with you and secondly I.. "

"You?" Win asked. Nani looked down "I and Dew are in a relationship" He closed his tightly feeling scared. A few moments of silence made Nani tremble. Suddenly he was embraced by a long pair of arms.

"I'm sorry too, I didn't know about it nor did you contact me. You can take my position nong, I'm happy for you. You're the only one, Sir Dew was talking about" Win said. Nani blushed.

They were released from the hug. Win sighed "I've to look for another job then"

"No no Phi... You will work for Mr. Chivaree" Nani said immediately. Win's breath hitched. "Huh?"

"Yes Phi.. Mr. Chivaree was talking to Dew about your shifting to his company that's why he ordered me to Dew's secretary"

Win gulped hard. The door swung open, entered Bright. Bright noticed Nani's arms around Win's waist. He glared at it "what's going on here?"

Nani got scared, so he removed his hands. Win looked away, Nani bowed to his boss "I'm sorry Sir, I was just explaining to Phi Win"

"Then why were your hands on him?" Bright scoffed. Win said suddenly "He fell down that's why I held him" Nani snapped his head at Win. Bright's eyes darted at Win.

"Fine, is your deal done?" Bright asked Nani. Nani nodded. Bright looked at Win "So Mr. Metawin?" Win gritted his teeth and nodded slowly. Bright smirked slightly and said to Nani "Hirunkit I need to talk to your senior, can I borrow him?" Nani nodded and immediately left the place.

Bright walked towards Win slowly, Win stepped back as the other male's step came forward. Win was about to hit the hall, Bright held his waist and pulled him close.

Win kept his hand on Bright's chest due to sudden pull, but immediately withdrew his hands and looked away.

"Careful belle" Bright whispered in his ear. Win moved his head more "Get off me Mr. Chivaree"

"Again you're calling me Mr
Chivaree huh?" Bright gripped Win's waist tightly. Win hissed, he jerked away. He held his waist, biting his lips at the excruciating pain.

"Belle... What happened? A-Are you hurt somewhere?" Bright asked worried. Win moved away "Stay away from me, I don't want to work for you, you can't control me" He was about to walk away.

"Ming Metawin, age 19, currently suffering from transient psychosis, has a brain tumor. No family except Win Metawin, the only brother she have. Need to pay 20 lakhs, for further surgery otherwise the doctor will clear her name and pass her to the mental asylum. And if a patient goes into that room, no one comes back home. Win Metawin the struggling man who was once a person who can't be predicted now struggling to pay the hospital bills, maintaining house chores, looking after his sister going back and forth to the hospital."

Win's tear dropped. Bright was back facing him, both of their backs to each other. Bright turned around "Make your way easy Win, I'll make your life easy" Win angrily turned around and held Bright's collar

"Why... Why are you making my life more miserable huh? Do you feel happy to make me suffer like this? Not once you did many times. I didn't get anything from you 6 years before, now why are you acting like you care for me? Huh?" Win shouted at him, tears rolling down from his eyes.

Bright held his shoulder, his gaze was soft "What I did, I had my reasons behind it. But what you did, was unpredictable Win"

"Shut up. Just shut the fuck up. What I did was only for you and my relationship, but you never cared for me. Never ever you asshole." Win shouted again.

Bright pulled him close, "Then let's forget all those things and start a new life, let's be us again?" Win pushed him away "There was no us Bright"

"Yes there was us, there is us, there will us. No one can come between us" Bright said more like ordered Win. Win shook his head, "I'm not your mistress Bright, nor I'm your secret husband anymore. You can't lead my life the way you want"

"I don't want that too. I want you to fly around, to have a stable life yourself. I want that too, and I'm honest with my words. I'm not that same Bright anymore Win, why can't you see the love I have for you?" Bright said frowning.

Win chuckled, he laughed loudly tears spilling down to his cheeks and wetting his neck "Love... Love you say. THERE WAS NO LOVE BETWEEN US. You used me, you used a 21 years old boy just for your business. You and your uncle ruined my life, and worse you even tried to kill me"


Win flinched, his tears spilled out more the past glimpses flashing back, he was shivering badly, feeling scared of Bright. He slowly shook his head "I-I don't want to work for you.. Please don't make my life hell please" He fell down.

Bright knelt at his level "I'm sorry belle, I'm so sorry for shouting at you. I didn't mean to shout.. Oh god.. Please Win, I'm sorry don't cry na. I really really want to help you Win, I want you to live the way you want please trust me. I won't tie you around anymore, I won't force you anymore. Please tell me what I should do? Anything just say I'll do it. Please don't say no to my offer please. "

Win wiped his tears "Fine, I'll work for you, but.. You have to stay away from me. Stay at your limits, if you cross your limits that very day I'll resign from your company."

"Win you can't--"

"Stop. Stop Mr. Chivaree, we are in different position let it be like that. You want me to fly right, you want me to live freely isn't it. Then let me be the way I want, it's none of your business" Win said and looked away.

Bright sighed feeling dejected. "Ok then.. But please don't say that you'll leave me, I can't bear that"

"When was I yours Mr. Chivaree? It'll the happiest part of my life if I can leave you again just like 6 years ago" Win spatted out with anger. Bright clenched his fist, trying not to break down.

"One more thing" Win said, Bright raised his head. Both looked at each other.

"I'll work under you, till my sister's surgery is over. After that, we'll walk away from each other forever"

Bright's lips parted in disbelief. Is it how he felt that day?

Side By SideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora