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Reporter 1: What do you want to say about the murder case which happened in your house?

"I don't have any idea about it" Brian answered.

Reporter 2: Is it true that your maids were used by the victim?

"Yes, he comes to my house and uses each and every maids for his superficial pleasures"

Reporter 1: Did you do anything about it?

"Ub.. Uh y-yes I did"

Reporter 1: What is it?

"Uh.. I told him not to come here anymore, but because of his uncle he always comes here using his powers" Brian lied smoothly.

Reporter 3: But we heard that the victim forced a boy also? Who's the boy?

"B-Boy?" Brian gulped in nervousness.

Reporter 3: Yes, according to the information, your nephew was married to a boy, who's this boy?

"My nephew didn't marry anyone, he's not gay"

Reporter 4: How can you say that without knowing his sexuality?

"Because he only use girls" Brian said, which made the reporters gasped. Brian realized what he said "Uh I mean he.. He's in relationship with a girl"

Reporter 3: Who's that girl?


"YOU BASTARD WHERE ARE YOU?" All flinched and turned to look it was another minister being a mess, he ran to Brian and grabbed his collar

"HOW DARE YOU? I BELIEVED YOU, I PUT MY TRUST ON YOU AND YOU KILLED HER" He screamed at his face, he punched Brian, Brian fell down.

The police ran to him and held him back, helping Brian to stand up. "ARREST HIM... ARREST HIM OFFICERS HE KILLED MY DAUGHTER.. MY YAYA"

All gasped. The cameras clicked pictures, some recorded.

"I.. I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING" Brian shouted back, the man was about to jump on him, but the police held him back.

Reporter 1: Is it true that she's dead? Mr. Brian said she was in relationship with his nephew?

The man glared at the reporters, yanked away his arms, grabbed a mic and said "Yes.. Yes she was in relationship with his nephew Bright, she was so happy to have him, she was planning to get married to him. I was happy to see my daughter happy, I talked with him about their marriage once, but he didn't respond anything, his nephew married a boy. My daughter was sad and heart broken, when I came to know about this asshole's intention that he's only using his nephew for getting more votes and beating people collecting their debts forcefully I told my daughter not to be with him. My daughter was madly in love with him but his nephew... His nephew was hurting her these few days, he wasn't paying any attention to her, abusing her.. And now... " He broke down, "HE KILLED MY DAUGHTER" He fell on his knees crying hard.

Brian was shocked. "Where is Bright? I ASKED WHERE'S HE?" Brian shouted at Bright's mother who flinched. "I don't know about him" Brian walked to her and choked her neck "It's all your fault... ALL YOUR FAULT THAT HE'S LIKE THIS.. I SHOULD'VE KILLED YOU IN THAT JAIL ITSELF" He didn't realize what he was saying the police were shocked, including all the reporters.

It was live telecasting everywhere, the citizens were so angry at him. "This man is our leader? I can't believe this"

"He should rot in jail"

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