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Bit mature at the end!

"What's your name?"


"Full name"

"Bright Vachirawit Chivaree"

"Do you know about your husband?"

"Win.. Metawin.. Chivaree"

"You remember everything about him right?"


Bright answered with closed eyes, Win sighed in relief. The guru patted his shoulder "He's fine now, he'll take some time to open his eyes don't worry he'll be alright. But Win, you need to visit the temple again"

Win sadly looked to the guru "Can I go after giving birth to my child?"

The guru sighed "I know Win you don't want to meddle your husband or child in this mess anymore, and for that you have to clear up the tests of God"

Win nodded slowly, holding his belly. It was his fourth month, Bright was still unconscious, being possessed by the demon it took a great time for his body to recover. Win sat beside him holding his small bump, caressing Bright's hairs.

"Wake up tiger... baby needs daddy" Win sniffed, his hormonal imbalance was making it worse for him to control himself. He was craving for his husband's embrace, sweet little whispers, the protective father mode, everything. He started wailing suddenly in the silent room, his mind was clouded with the negative thoughts, he gripped Bright's wrist.

Please hold me tiger... Please, my abdomen is aching badly gosh, I can't. Urgh! Win's face srunched up in extreme pain at his back and abdomen, his cries were muffled, he bend his head down exhaling small bouts of air from his mouth.

Suddenly he felt warmth around him, he gasped looked up to see Bright hugging him. Bright kissed his cheek "Shhh... Don't cry, baby will cry too" He whispered. Win smiled in tears, sniffed, opened his arms like a child. Bright picked him up from the chair "Lift your legs" Win lifted his legs, Bright caught the back of his thighs, lifted them around his waist.

"Now now.. Don't cry.." Bright murmured rocking his husband in his arms.

"I was scared.. I thought I.. I will.. lo-loose you" Win wailed at the end of the sentence. Bright bounced him in his arms like a toddler

"Aw.. How can I leave you alone after making you pregnant with my child huh? I have to take responsibility for what I did isn't it?" Bright said. Win hummed.

Bright walked upstairs with Win clinging in his arms. He made Win sit on the bed, they pulled away, Bright sat beside him. He touched his husband's small bump

"Can I?" He asked in a hushed voice. Win giggled then nodded. Bright smiled, he bend down, put his ear on the bump

"Hey buddy. How is everything inside? Comfortable? I'm sorry for taking care of you and your mama. You can punish me after you come out. Oh more 5 months huh? Don't give a hard time to mama ok, be a good boy" He kissed the navel.

Win put his palm on Bright's head "How do you know it's a boy?"

"I know, he came into my dreams and said I'll be a daddy's boy" Bright proudly said. Win rolled his eyes "What if he's a mama's boy?"

"Nuh.. He will be daddy's principe.. I'm damn sure" Bright said with confidence.

"What if it's a girl?"

"Then daddy's little principessa, I don't mind, he or she is ours after all" He shrugged.

Win smiled then gave in, he don't want to argue with his husband, whatever they'll have Win wants him or her to follow their dad.

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