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: Read at your own risk, mention of violence, blood, murder ⚠
Bright became a helpless man day by day, he was loosing his weight, he can't fight with people anymore. Instead he gets beaten by others, the things which he loved to do, those things were becoming his enemy now.

He easily gets frustrated with those things, even more frustrated seeing his mother being so kind and soft to his uncle who tortured her. He saw his mother's strange behavior towards him. She wasn't the same person, she was acting rude to him.

His uncle also don't pay attention to his presence, the other minister try to coax him in getting in their team for profit. He agrees with it, but his mind and soul was controlled by someone else.

He can't feel that manipulator beside him, nor he can see that person who's controlling him. But the only person he sometimes see was Win. Win crying, begging, shouting for help, his mind was completely going crazy with those voice.

This was the fourth time, he was getting such nightmare. He woke up panting hard, sweating heavily. He wiped his face with both palms, shaking, looking here and there. He closed his eyes, hands on his head gripping his hairs.

The other family members were having their breakfast. There were some ministers also, they were talking, Bright stepped in.

"What's with your messy appearance huh?" His mom shouted. Bright looked at his mother with a frown "I-I had a bad dream" His mother clicked her tongue "Idiot, why don't you show the doctor then?"

"Uh huh.. Calm down, he's probably tired of fucking girls at night" His uncle said to his mother. Bright glared at him. "What? Sit now" His uncle ordered him. Bright sat down still glaring at him.

The maids served the food in his plate, he silently scooped the food and ate it.

"Brian, send your nephew to deal with him" One of the minister.

"Him? Huh... Have you see his face, he's nothing but useless now" His uncle rolled his eyes. The others looked at Bright who wasn't looking up, only eating his food.

"What about your nephew? He's powerful too isn't it?" Brian asked. Bright's eyes shot up to the person. It was the same man who tried to force on Win.

The man smirked "Yah I can do that, but I want a reward"


"I'll tell that later.. Uh.. I'm going to fill my glass" He stood up then walked towards the kitchen. Bright's eyes followed his each and every steps.

"Follow him"

He stood up. All looked at him "Why are you standing?" Bright looked at his uncle "Washroom" His uncle nodded. Bright walked at the side, looked behind from his shoulder, all were busy in talking and laughing, he smirked, he looked at the front, rolled his head back then at the side then at front.

"N-No leave me pl-lease I'm b-begging you" A girl whimpered, as the man who was in the kitchen trapped her in his arms. He tried to kiss her, she thrashed around. He opened her dress from the shoulder, but got yanked away.


His eyes widened, his body stilled, blood lines spilled from his open mouth, the knife was plunged into his mouth, it's tip came out from his nape. The maid shook his fear, she couldn't form a word, she covered her mouth.

Bright smirked, he knelt in front of the lying dead body, he touched the blood pool on the floor, turned his palm towards him, blood dripping down from his wide palm. "I... I finally took revenge from him.. " He looked at the dead body with shaky orbs, his right eye twitched then chuckled "How can you get rid of me when you touched my Win with your filthy hands?"

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