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The conference room was silent, the employees were sitting, looking at the white board. The CEO was staring at his secretary who was explaining about the complex.

His eyes were glued at the perfect figure of his husband, he rolled his ring, rubbing it with thumb with a faint smile.

Win stopped speaking, he frowned a bit, he looked down slowly, his vision started to become hazy.

"Are you ok Mr. Metawin?" One of the employee asked. Bright frowned, Win shook his head, he looked up "Yah I'm fine, just a bit.. Never mind let's get back to topic"

He turned around to explain the rest of the structure of the complex. Few minutes later, he again felt his vision hazy, he held the wall, to stabilize himself.

"Mr. Metawin.. " Some one called, he couldn't pay attention, his head spinned, vision completely blurred, his eyes rolled upwards, his body went limp. Bright immediately ran to his husband, and held him who was about to fall.

"Win... Bella" Bright patted his cheek, but Win was unconscious. He held Win up in his arms, "Meeting dismissed everyone" He hurriedly declared and walked out of the room. He jogged towards the entrance, the other employees were looking at them being worried.

He asked the security guard to open the car's door. He put Win in the passenger seat, he rushed to the driver seat, he drove to the nearby hospital.

"Doctor.. Doctor" Bright was shouting, holding Win in his arms. The nurses rushed towards him, a male nurse came with the wheel stretcher, he made Win lay down. The stretcher rolled to one empty ward. Bright waited outside.

Win groaned, his eyes fluttered open. He blinked several times, he realized that it was a hospital, he was lying on a hospital bed. He sat up, at the same time, the door swung open.

"Bright.. What happened?" Win asked, Bright smiled, he walked towards his husband, patted his head "You're fine now that's what happened" Win sighed.

"Why did I faint?" Win asked.

"Dehydrated and empty stomach" Bright squinted his eyes, Win frowned "But I had breakfast then?"

"I don't know, I need to feed you healthy foods more now" Bright chuckled. Win was confused, he nodded nevertheless.

They walked out, Bright pushed Win gently "There's the exit, not here, let's go" Win followed Bright. They walked until Bright gradually decreased hos speed of walking. Win turned around

"Why are you walking slow?" Bright smiled softly and shrugged his shoulders. Win squinted his eyes stopped in front of Bright.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Win asked, Bright shurgged again, he looked at the side. Win followed his direction, his eyes landed on the name plate Pediatric Ward 👶.

"Why are you looking at this room?" Win asked completely confused. Will Bright adopt a baby? He didn't tell me before. Bright eyed him, who was looking back. He chuckled, his eyes glided down at Win's stomach.

"Need to fill the tummy with healthy foods" Bright mumbled with a smile. Win looked down, his eyes slowly widening in realization, as if his tears were ready to come out, his tears spilled out from the corner of his eyes. His hand automatically held the flat stomach, he couldn't believe that he's God gifted.

He heard a small laugh, his lips curled up. He looked up to see a teary Bright with a happy and proud expression. Win hugged his husband, Bright hugged him back.

"We did it" Win mumbled. Bright rubbed his head from the back "Yes we did it, we're going to be parents" Win broke down hearing the word Parents.

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