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Liam got a call. "Hello?" He smirked after hearing from the other side. He cut the call.

"Your boss is rotting in hell" He hissed at Win. Win pushed Liam then stood up. Win ran outside. He called Dew.

"Hello.. P'Dew"

"Win? What happened?"

Win explained everything to Dew. Dew immediately gave an official holiday to the employees. He and his secretary Nani got out of the office went directly to airport. Win was waiting for them.


Dew immediately called his members to arrange his private jet immediately. They stepped inside, Win was shaking, sweating like hell.

Nani was beside Win, he comforted him. Dew was calling his business partners in Paris to look after the matter, told them to shut the medias off, as the news was rapidly spreading about Allison being kidnapped by the secretary of Astro company.

Win was feeling weak, he was mentally tired thinking about Bright. The journey was a tension filled one, 12 hours later they reached. Win was feeling extremely nauseated, he almost threw up after stepping down the jet plane.

He had a pale face, continuously worrying about Bright. He was praying to God all the time for his safety.

Dew got a call. "Hello?"

"We got information about Mr. Chivaree"

"What.. What information.. Tell quickly"

"He's arrested by the police officers"

"WHAT?" Dew shouted. Other two males flinched hard. Dew asked for the address, the three of them booked a cab and went to the respective police station.

Win ran inside, followed by Dew and Nani. The inspectors stood up some of them stopped Win.

"Where's he?" Win shouted in rage. The head officer frowned "Sorry sir, whom you're searching for?"

"Bright.. We're here for Bright" Dew uttered. The inspector frowned more, he flipped the pages of his criminal record. He shook his head "We don't have any person over here named Bright. You're in the wrong police station"

"But someone informed me he's here, you arrested him yesterday" Dew said hurriedly. The inspector checked the register again, he saw one name

"His name is Win Metawin. Who's Bright?"

Three of them stopped. They looked at each other. The inspector sighed, he closed the register and walked to them.

"Sir you mistakenly came here there's no one named Bright. Yesterday we arrested Win Metawin as he kidnapped Mr. Liam's daughter Miss Allison. We still didn't get any answers from him about her disappearance" The inspector said.

Win couldn't believe in his ears, that his name was registered in the criminal record but police didn't arrest him, rather they arrested Bright.

"S-Sir.. Can we see him please" Win begged. The officer hesitated but seeing the vulnerable boy, he felt bad. So he took them to one cell where he was kept. They saw a miserable state of Bright. Win gasped at the sight.

One officer was beating him with the stick. Bright was tied on a chair, only in tank top and black pant. His head was hanging down, hairs was wet, water dripping from the hair strands, his body was bruished, red strips around his arms and neck.

The inspector got inside the cell and grabbed his hairs bend his head back. Bright looked at the officer with blurry eyes, he smiled

"What now officer? Want me to kill finally?" He panted hard while talking. The inspector slapped his face "Your mouth only opens at the time of savageness instead of answering the questions"

Bright chuckled, his head bobbed up and down, his shoulders shook as he laughed loudly. His laugh faltered, his eyes widened as he saw that person. He gulped. Both stared at each other.

"He came to see someone named Bright, do you know him?" Inspector asked. Bright didn't reply, his eyes turned blurry as he was shaking in fear what if he got exposed.

Win glared at Bright "He's Bright not Win" He announced making all stop. Even the prisoners in other cell also got interest in this matter peeking through the bars.

Bright shook his head "N-No he's not Win.. I-I'm Win.. "

"I'm Win Metawin" Win said again. "No I'm Win Metawin" Bright said. The inspector frustratingly sighed "He's Win you're Win, who's the real one then?" The officer looked at the other two men who were standing behind Win. "Hey you two, speak up who's the real one over here?" Bright glared at them shaking his head, Win turned around looking at them. Dew was in dilemma whom will he choose, he can't see Bright suffering like this nor he can't tell who's the real Win otherwise Win will suffer. 

"SPEAK UP" the officer shouted, Nani looked at Dew with worried eyes, Dew glanced at Bright who was shaking his head he glanced at Win who nodded at him. Dew raised his finger up shakily towards Bright but Win moved at front so the finger pointed at him. Bright's eyes widened, same goes for others. 

"So the criminal was roaming around freely huh, officers arrest him and beat him into pulp one for telling lies and second for kidnapping a girl" The officers handcuffed him. Win didn't say a single word. Bright shouted "DEW YOU FUCKING BASTARD I'LL KILL YOU, LEAVE WIN HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING LEAVE HIM I SAID" 

"SHUT UP, OTHERWISE YOU'LL GET MORE PUNISHMENT" The inspector shouted back. "I DON'T FUCKING CARE, BEAT ME PLEASE BEAT ME LEAVE HIM NOOOO FUCK LEAVE HIM PLEASE" He screamed and cried when he saw the officers were beating Win. Win absorbed all the pain, he silently cried enduring all the pain. Bright shouted tried to wriggle around cursing Dew and all of the officers. 

After beating Win, he was weak and pale, his body fell down with a thud, blood oozed out from his mouth. Bright cried hard, gave up. The inspector saw both of their condition and tsked "looks like both are lovers, hey put this boy in his cell" the officer picked Win and pushed him inside Bright's cell. "Stay here lovebirds until and unless that girl is found". 

One of the officer untied Bright, Bright fell on his knees as he picked Win's body up in his arms hugged him gently, keeping his head close to his chest. "Bella, bella I'm sorry baby please open your eyes" he cried hard. 

"Please open your eyes I can't see you like this... why did I do this why why am I so stupid.... why I end up hurting you.... why you always save me like this huh...answer me bella.. answer me" he sobbed rocking Win's body along with his. He was cursing himself for doing this, only because of him Win needs to suffer just like before. Win was his weakness, still now his weakness is Win, he can take pain from others for him, he can destroy everything just for him. Only Win.

Nani was crying too, Dew had tears in his eyes, he slowly walked to the bars, kept his hands on it he softly called him "B-Bright", Bright didn't look up. "Bright I-I'm sorry" Dew burst down. Bright was panting hard, he looked up to Dew, he spat out in anger "GET THE FUCK OUT FROM HERE", Dew flinched. "Don't come near us anymore, go away just GO AWAY" he cried kept his head attached to Win's head. Dew walked away, Nani followed him. 

Sorry for making you all cry I'm crying too. *sniff* 

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