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Win winced at the pain on his plantar surface (feet), he stood up slowly, holding the big bump, supporting his waist with other hand, he exhaled out from his lips. He waddled towards the washroom, carrying a baby for eight months was a hectic job for pregnant people, but Win shrugs off the thought of pain, because he was blessed by God with such feature in him. The motherly feature, giving a home to a child inside his body.

He bent slightly down to open the lid, he sat on the comod, he sighed loudly. Being pregnant, handling the big bump, he can't even wear pants without Bright's help. So he remains naked most of time, as he had to go the washroom frequently.

He heard some heavy foot pad stepping inside the washroom.

"Mi Reina" His husband called him softly, peeking inside. Win smiled, he tilted his body at the side "Tigre"

"Are you ok there?" Win smiled softly seeing his man worried, he nodded. Bright still came inside, he looked at Win

"Poo or pee?"

Win laughed, he slapped Bright's bare stomach. "Poo poo" Bright nodded, he went out side. After few minutes Win called his husband. Bright came inside


"Done" Bright helped Win to stand up, they walked back to the bed. Win softly moaned wincing in pain once in a while, holding his bump.

"Need a massage?"

"Can you do it? Aren't you in a meeting?"

"Meeting can wait, my husband needs me first"

Win closed his eyes and smiled "Tell you need me"

"Oh hell yeah"

Win chuckled, he nodded "my feet, they are swollen, my thighs are also paining, my whole portion is feeling heavy" He said softly, Bright stood beside him with a small frown.


"I have to complain to God, why will he give pain to pregnant people?" He pouted.

"No love, it's a motherly pain, it's painful, but it indicates that it a God's creation inside me"

Bright smiled, he bent down to kiss the bump, he ran towards the wardrobe. He came back with the lotion, he put Win's legs on his thighs. He massaged the lubricant on his thighs, kneading the skin gently. Win didn't feel embarrassed in this showing his lower portion to his husband. After all the whole body belongs to his husband, and seeing him caring for him ever so softly made him feel all giddy inside.

Bright massaged his legs, started talking "Hey buddy, you ok there? I am getting impatient you know. I hate it when your mama wears tight clothes sometimes, I know you feel suffocated baby, that's why I bought more shirts for him. And gosh these pants, I'll hide these pants now, what's in being naked huh? He's my baby, you're my baby I myself am a baby. We three can be naked no problem" He talked with the baby.

Win chuckled, he stayed silent to listen more of these talks, because he'll surely miss this cute man's talk once he give birth to the offspring.
The baby kicked.

"Aww" Win winced, rubbing his belly. Bright smiled "You agreed isn't it?" He patted the belly, continued massaging the legs.

"Baby loves daddy more than mama" Win said.

"Just like you"


"You like me, baby likes me both of you are same" Bright shrugged. Win giggled. Another kick.

"See... I'm always right" Bright laughed.

"Talk more na please I want to hear your conversation" Win requested softly rubbing his husband's bicep.

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