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The vacation was over, everything came to normal once again, though the employees are scared of Win, but he tried to comfort them. The employees finally saw them together, no more secrets. The boss and his secretary are in a relationship, they have to accept it.

Months passed, no more paranormal activities took place within these months, Win was partially relieved but was alert all the time. He can't let his consciousness down for even a single second, two lives are in his hands Bright and Lily.

Win won't accept any harm to Lily, she already lost her parents due to that paranormal thing, she still doesn't know about that. Bright was worried about her too, he wanted Lily to be their daughter but things weren't going smoothly. He wasn't complaining about it, but he can feel the tension surrounding around Win.

He won't leave Win in misery, he already made mistakes, he suffered from it. Yes he accepts the fact he was too in danger but not more than Win. Win handled every unusual thing on his own, now he also wants to help him. He can't do much, but he trusts God and his genuine love for Win. He still remembers those words of Win's grandma

"He may look strong, but he also needs support, a pillar so that he can lean on his misery days"

Each and every words of his grandma was finally connecting dots. Win's other name is Ajin, it was his grandfather's name. His grandfather was a famous necromancer, he dealt his whole life with souls, good and evil both. He too believed in God, his daughter Win's mother was his first girl child who also learnt few things from her father, but when she got married, Win's father didn't want her to stay attached with them anymore, thinking about his daughter's wellness, he let her go away.

Win's mother, obviously didn't like it, being detached from her family, so after giving birth to Win and his sister, she gave both of them to her parents. Win's father was shocked and angry with his wife, but a car accident took then away from this world.

Win grew up in the village, nutured by his grandparents. He saw his grandfather doing some magical things with his innocent eyes at a very young age. And as he was blood related, the same gene passes to him, which also made him a necromancer.

He practiced it, his grandfather passed away when a bad soul attacked them, but during his last stage, his grandfather told Win

"F-From today you're name is A-Ajin.. Y-You'll be th-e ma-master of this vill-age. T-T-Take this ring, i-it's powerful.. Don't g-give to an-ny bad soul"

These were the last words from his mouth and passed away in Win's arms. Win worked hard for it, but always kept it as a secret. He met Bright, who was a debt collector, the way the boy attracted him, it was hard for him to move on.

The first encounter of him was in the class, where the boy used his hand to give himself a hand job. Win hated it, but at somewhere at his mind he wanted his attention. As if someone heard it, that night Bright came to give a proposal of marriage. He was happy, but his happiness faded away the very next day, as he encountered the condition of Bright.

Getting drunk, smoking, beating people, using girls for his pleasure. Win felt jealous, betrayed, heart broken, and his age was just 21 so it was quite hard for him to manage his flaring jealousy. He did what he wanted, he used his power in a bad way, that lead him to manipulate Bright's mind.

He left him. He went back to his village, he broke down their in front of his grandfather's grave, blaming himself for using the power in a bad way, asking for his forgiveness.

For four years, he went through many tests, to purify himself from the bad souls. He went to temples, bathed in cold water, walked bare foot on the mountains tops, he gave many tests, surrending himself to the God. He promised his grandfather that he won't opt his powers instead he'll use them when it's required, he wants to live a peaceful life under God's blessings.

Two years he worked for a job, he managed to get the job in Dew's company. He didn't know Dew was Bright's friend, but his all happiness went down when he heard about his sister's condition. He got that, why it happened it was the outcome of his sins. As he surrendered himself to God, he also accepted the fate. But God played with his fate when he again met his ex-husband.

Win was in the park with Lily, she was playing with other toddlers. He had a small smile looking at her smiling face. Wish I was like you Lily. I'm sorry I couldn't save your parents Lily. Forgive me angel.

His eyes landed on one couple who was looking at Lily with adoration. Lily fell down, he was about to run to her but he saw the couple helped her to stand up. He walked to them, he heard

"Are you hurt bubba? Here hocus pocus poo, let the boo shoo" The male said. Lily giggled, Win smiled at their interaction. The lady kissed her forehead "Where are your mumma papa bub?" Lily's smile faded along with Win's. She looked down, the couple looked at each other with corcern. Win sighed

"Can I have a talk with you?" The couple turned to see Win. They nodded. They sat on the bench, Win said "She lost her parents, me and my boyfriend took her care"

The couple sighed. "Can we adopt her?" Win's eyes widened. The lady clasped her palms, her eyes teared up "I can't have children, my husband tried so many times, but I.. I can't give birth, I had three miscarriages before" She cried, her husband hugged her shoulders from the back. Win held her palms "I'm sorry, you can adopt Lily, I just need my boyfriend's permission"

"WHAT THE HELL YOU'RE SPEAKING WIN? ARE YOU INSANE?" the loud voice echoed around the mansion, Win flinched. Bright was angry at his decision.

"Bright try to understand please.. They can't have kids, and seeing them adoring Lily so much, how can I reject them?"

"How much money they are offering that you made such a decision without informing me?" Bright spatted. Win's eyes widened "Bright how could you?"

"Do you think I'm incapable of looking after Lily huh? Or they're offering too much money to you tha--"


Win's tear rolled down "I know that you love Lily like your own daughter but have you thought of the consequences she'll face while staying with me.. With us?" Bright was looking down. Win left his collar, backing away

"You thought I did it for money? Thanks Bright for showing my status again. They offered me money, but I didn't take it. I gave her to them, just because of her safety. She already lost her parents for me, I wasn't careful enough for my people, I didn't look after them. I was already hurt for that little child, now you.." Win whimpered. Bright looked at him with teary eyes

"Win.. I.. I didn't mean to say that.. I--"

Win showed his palm to him "Stop whatever you want to say. You love Lily, then talk to them and take her back, I won't come near you or her, I'm a threat now, I have yours and her life in my hand. Sorry Bright, we need to take a break, you can have her as your child. I'm out of this, only to keepy both of you safe. Bye Bright take care of you and your child" Win walked away from the mansion.

Bright fisted his hair strands, in frustration "Again... Again... AGAIN YOU HURTED HIM BRIGHT FUCKING CHIVAREE.... URGHH! JUST WHY CAN'T I THINK LIKE HIM FOR ONCE? OF COURSE HE THINKS OF OTHERS BEFORE HIMSELF AND ME? FUCK... FUCK" He threw the pillows of the sofa on the floor. He sat down triedly.

The whole mansion was once more silent, no more giggles, no more running around. He felt a small ant in the massive mansion. He ran out of his house, went to the nearest club.

Uh oh Bright messed up again😶... *handing over the tissue boxes* here for you all.

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