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Bright sighed in sadness, only two days left. After that, he'll go back. Back at that same four walled building, the cell his mansion which he imagined to be bigger now after spending time here in a small hut.

Outside it was dark and drizzling, he rocked his curled body wrapped around the brown shawl. How days passed he can't imagine, it felt like he came here yesterday. The hut became his favorite, no one to meddle in his life, no one to come and interrupt, no one to come and say he had meetings, no one to come and talk about various deals and projects. Just him, kids used to come and play with him sometimes.

He sighed and packed his luggage. He heard a knock, he frowned. He went to the door and opened it.


"Bright.. Do you know where Ajin is?"


"I can't find him either, where that boy is gone, today he was feeling low, his mood was gloomy. Now he is gone, where no one knows"she said sadly.

" W-Why was he sad?" He was becoming tensed.

"For you" She said. That's it, Bright ran outside. He looked here and there with fear filled eyes "WIN" He screamed his name.

His wiped his face, rain was pouring down heavily. It was difficult for him to see around, he still stumbled at different paths to find Win. "WIN WHERE ARE YOU"

Bright was panting hard, after running here and there, his eyes were blurry due to tears. He sniffed, "Win please come to me" His voice cracked. He started running towards the forest area.

His movement halted in front of the bamboo house. Bright made this house for the kids. It was the last stop for him, his eyes landed on the mountains and edges but couldn't find Win.

His shoulder slumped down, tears escaped from his eyes, head hung down. Rain bathed him fully, he was feeling hopeless.

"Win come out please, stop playing with me, only two days are left now you're making me cry like this huh? Please stop this, come here" Bright cried.

Silence everywhere, the rain made pitter patter sounds, in the middle his sobs echoed around. He felt two hands encircling around his waist tightly trapped between the arms.

"I'm here" A soft hushed whisper, made him shiver. He was about to turn around, but the hands stopped him. "Stay" The same hushed voice near his ear. His head felt a tap, Ajin joined his forehead to his head.

The rain slowed down gradually. They both were soaking wet, water dripping from their collided bodies. Bright sighed, he held both hands "You will catch cold Master"

"Call me Win.. Please.. " His heart ached hearing the cracked hushed voice. He turned around, Win hugged him, hiding his face on the crook of his neck. Bright hugged him back, snuggling his face in his neck.

"Let's go inside now" Bright softly said after few minutes of standing. Win nodded. But they didn't budge, Win was hugging him tightly. "Bella?" Win smiled softly hearing the name, he hummed in reply.

Bright's eyes widened after getting the reply. "Y-You like the n-name?" Win giggled and nodded. Bright's heart thumped loudly, Win could feel it hammering against his chest. He lifted his head up to see Bright.

"I like it.. Tiger" Bright blushed hearing the new nickname. Win smirk, he kept his lips on his cheek mumbling "You like the new name now?" Bright blushed more, he was fisting his palms trying hard not to kiss the boy and scare him away.

Win pulled away, chuckled seeing the red face of Bright's. Win wiped away the wet hairs from his forehead and put a gentle kiss on the skin. Bright's mouth parted in disbelief. "Am I dreaming?" He uttered still in shock. Win pinched his cheeks "Wake up tiger you aren't dreaming" Bright bit his lips and looked away.

Win held his wrist and walked inside the bamboo house, Bright was blushing the whole time. He made him sit on the mattress placed on the floor, he grabbed a towel, sat beside him. He wiped Bright's hairs.

"My tiger is looking like a little kitten soaked in water" Win said. Bright shifted in his place, in giddiness. Tiger.. Kitten... Win what the hell are you doing to me, man up Bright show your dominant side. Bright cleared his throat "Bella why did you come here without informing grandma, she was worried about you"

Win stopped his movement, looked down to Bright's eyes. "I.. wanted to be alone" Bright frowned "Why?" Win sighed, put his hands down "Nothing" He backed away and sat at a distance from Bright.

Bright blinked I made him sad again, he sat closer to Win "Why is your face dull huh?" Win looked at him with a small pout "Do you really not know or you want me to spill it for you" Bright smiled softly "Two days" Win looked away. Bright touched his shoulder retreated his hand back "Uh.. Sorry"

Win frowned, he pulled his hand and kept it on his shoulder "Say", Bright chuckled "If you want me to stay here for more days I can do that" Win's eyes widened "What?"

"Yah.. I like it over here, Win let me tell you something. Being born in city under one roof inside four walls filled with expensive furnitures, screaming money everywhere where my eyes land isn't a life. Yah, in this capitalistic world we need money, true, but that doesn't mean that money can buy everything. Money can buy objects, money can buy someone else's property, money can build a fortress, money holds power. But money don't hold one thing, that's nature. The nature which is a gift by God for us, how much do you think we see being inside the buildings. We only see machines, shiny floor, table, chair and many things. I'm thankful to that, at least I can buy things for my need"

Bright looked at Win, "Money can't buy love, but nature gives you love. Remember you said once that 'the person need to succeed in competing with the nature, they have to stand up on their own not by someone's help, they have to face the shitty attitude of others, then only a person can learn what is struggle for existence' it's fact. Being here for four months, made me realize that I haven't seen anything beyond money. Actually, you are lucky, you are rich, you already own a small part of this world, everyone here is so happy with whatever they have, the kids they are free, fun loving. Money can't buy these Win, it can't. I'm a CEO, everyday that same routine, waking up early in the morning, frehen up, eat, be ready, get into the car, go to office, meetings, deals, projects, share markets, then after completion go back home, eat, sleep"

Bright smiled softly, Win had tears hearing his honest confession. "Working so hard for a living at the end it's worth it, which is seeing the beautiful scenario of mountains, glistening for it's ice caps, early morning seeing the glory of shining mountains tops, behind them the sun rising, birds chirping" He closed his eyes, his mind flashed the scenic beauty, which made a smile on his lips, Win too had a bright smile.

"I suffered, I got bullied, I got hurt, I slept empty stomach, I got admitted to the hospital, all because for one purpose"Bright opened his eyes and looked at Win. Both their eyes locked, their orbs held the hopefulness, love, desire for each other "To have a peaceful life and have you by my side Bella"

Win's tears finally escaped "B-Bright" He mumbled in shaky voice. Bright smiled "Thank you Master Win for giving me peace after so many years, for making me feel alive, for helping me to fly with my open arms."

Win burst down, when he heard "I love you Metawin, my Bella, I really do".

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