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Y/n woke up like a mess, her hairs were looking like a bird's nest. Her eyes were droopy, feeling extremely groggy. She scratched her head groaning and looked at her side to see a man glaring at him. He was sitting on the chair like a boss. She made a comical expression


The man rolled his eyes, swing his leg on his other leg, ignoring her.
Y/n tsked "Winnie baby" She called her friend. The man shot his glare to her, Y/n felt irritated "Stop glaring you idiot, the audacity to glare at me"

Win entered the room "Ah ah stop fighting, Y/n here drink this lime water" He handed her the glass, Y/n drank the water and sighed "Thank you Winnie. Babe who's this?" She asked handing back the glass. Win glanced at his back, he sighed and looked away "My boss"

"What the fuck? Why your boss is in your house and specifically in your bedroom?" Y/n shouted. Win tried to stop her but she shouted back at the man "Hey you, get the hell out of here, how dare you to come in someone's house in the early morning without going to office?"

"Y/n stop" Win tried to hush her. Both glared at each other with same intensity. Win huffed "Babe, please stop shouting, freshen up yourself and come to the living room" He walked out. Y/n huffed and got up from the bed.

She walked towards the bathroom she stopped when she heard "Stop calling him babe" Her head tilted back, the man was standing with his hands inside his pockets with cold stare.

"What's your problem?" She hissed. "My problem no need to know, I'm warning you" He said. "Warn you my foot, I don't care if you're his boss or slave, you're a stranger for me and I don't tolerate motherfuckers like you" She sassily answered and went to the washroom.

The man's jaw clenched and walked out of the room. Y/n came out after cleaning up, she wore the bathrobe and came out.

"Winnie I'm taking your clothes" She shouted got an answer back yes you can. Then she got another answer No you can't. She stopped, frowning she dresses up in simple shirt and shorts. "How tall is this rabbit?" She huffed.

She saw Win was in the kitchen and the man was sitting on the chair looking at him with a soft smile. Y/n raised her eyebrow and moved in front of him blocking the view. His smile turned upside down

"Stop looking at him pervert" She said. The man moved his chair and sat then again smiled looking at Win's back. Y/n moved again in front of him. Again he moved, again she moved, he moved and she moved. The man stood up towering her, she felt herself small but she didn't budge from her place.

"What's your problem you bitch?" He whispered. Y/n's eyes widened "You dickhead, call me bitch again, I'll snatch your eyeballs"

"Oh really? You don't know me darling" He smirked. Y/n rolled her eyes "I don't want to know about a dickhead, get that shit inside your head"


"What's going on?" They looked at the side to see Win holding two plates on both of his hands looking at them frowning.

"Nothing" Both smiled. Win rolled his eyes and kept the plates. "Come here then and eat the food", he sat on one chair. The man and Y/n raced to him who'll sit beside him. Y/n kicked his feet, he winced, she sat beside Win.

"You little urgh" The man winced, Win stood up and went to him. "Y/n stop this" Y/n gritted her teeth looking at the smirking face of the man.

"Mr. Chivaree sit down here" Win said. Bright sat down "Bella call me Bright na" Win looked at him then looked away.

"Why? Why he'll call the boss in a casual way?" Y/n asked. Bright glared at her "Because he's my secretary"

"Secretary ok.. Then he'll adress you formally" She shrugged. Win thumped his palm on the table "Now will you guys eat? Or else be hungry your choice" Both gulped and started eating.

After having breakfast Win asked "Mr. Chivaree do you need anything else?" Bright scratched his nape, Y/n chuckled "Get out then" Bright glared at her then showed puppy eyes to Win. Win sighed "Mr. Chivaree do you need anything? Any documents?" He asked again.

"Can I spent time with you?" Bright asked immediately startling Win and Y/n. "Uh" Win hesitated.

"No you can't" Y/n said. Bright asked "Is it your house?" "Yah it's mine"

"Oh well then, bella let's go to my house come" He held his wrist, Win pulled back, Y/n stood up "Stop stop, why are you calling him bella? He's a boy not a girl idiot"

"You are a little duffer you know that" Bright said. Y/n became shocked. Win bit his lips, Bright noticed it and smirked, his orbs stuck at Y/n "Your friend be a girl or a boy, he's bella, my bella"

Y/n's jaw dropped, Win glared at Bright who looked back at him with love filled eyes. Y/n stomped her feet "Enough, if you want to stay then stay don't disturb my baby" She raised her finger. Win sighed and walked to his bedroom. Bright looked at his retreating figure and whispered to her "You shorty, if you call him baby one more time, I'll feed you cockroach soup"

She made a disgusting face and kicked his balls. His legs joined and winced in pain, he crouched down holding his main point.

"That's what you get for being a dick" She answered. Bright glared up at her "Fuck you"
"Same to you darling" She grinned at him then walked away.

The whole day passed by both of them quarreling, fighting, being possessive over Win. Win was frustrated seeing both like this. He wants peace but two of them were like Tom and Jerry in the house.

It was lunch time, both were eating glaring at each other. Bright grumpily chewed on the rice, Y/n sipped the soup and moaned "Umm... Baby you make the best chicken soup" Win smiled "Thank you"

"Bella you make everything good not only soup, your hands are magical" Bright said to Win and looked at him in a innocent expression. Win gripped his spoon, Y/n kicked Bright's feet under the table. Bright glared at her and kicked her foot back. Y/n screamed, Win looked at her shockingly.

"What happened Y/n?"

"Ahh" She winced. It was a hard kick. "Oh nothing hippotamus opened her mouth" Bright said and munched on his food and moaned "Too good" Y/n glared at him, Bright winked at her.

Lunch time over. Win ordered them to sit quietly. But it was them, they won't be quite at all. Three of them were watching TV, Win was in the middle, he was feeling the heated tension of argument around him. Suddenly Y/n's phone buzzed, she walked away with her phone.

Win felt a warm contact on his shoulder, Bright put his hand on his shoulder. "Mr. Chivaree?" Bright smiled "I'm keeping my distance"

"Then what is this?" Win pointed the hand on his shoulder. Bright blinked "My hand" Win raised his eyebrow "it's not fair, she's your friend you're allowing her to touch you why not me?" He whined. Win rolled his eyes "Because she's my friend you aren't" He pushed his hand away.


"Babe, I need to go now, mum is calling me" Y/n said. Win stood up "Ok then" Y/n took her belongings including her dress in a packet. "Um I'll your clothes later ok, I need to wash these first" Y/n said. "It's ok babe" Win said and smiled.

"Bye baby" She kissed Win's cheek and went outside. Win turned around to see Bright standing.


"Uh yoh have something on your face wait" He took out his handkerchief and wiped the cheek where Y/n kissed. "Yah now it's gone, little bit dirt" Bright chuckled. Win rubbed his cheek.

"Uh Win, we have to go to Paris this Sunday. Mr. Liam is holding a board meeting with our company". Bright said. Win nodded. They walked towards the door, Bright opened it and turned around to Win.

"See you tomorrow then" Bright said. Win sighed and nodded. "Won't you say goodbye to me? I'm sad" Bright pouted and looked down at his shoes. "Hm bye"

"Nooo... Say it properly with my name"

"Bye Mr. Chivaree"

"Not that"


Bright pouted more, his eyes turned little glossy. Win sighed, he closed his eyes "Good bye P'bai" Bright smiled brightly and kissed his cheek "Bye bye bella" He ran away. Win huffed and closed the door muttering "assbum".

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