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Bright was hella drunk, he was mumbling in gibberish, talking to the small glasses. The bartender walked up to him "Sir.. You have to leave now our duty time is over" Bright glared up "Who you?"

"I'm Podd, the bartender of this club. Sir call someone to pick you up you're drunk" Podd said. Bright chuckled "No.. One... Will.. Come here" His voice was slurred. Podd sighed, he shook his shoulder "Sir call someone, friend or parents anyone"

"Win... " Bright mumbled feeling sleepy. Podd stopped when he heard the name. "Win.. " Bright uttered again.

Is Win his friend? Podd thought. Suddenly Bright's phone buzzed, Podd shook him, but he was just swaying. He sighed and pulled out his phone. Dew.


"Who's this?"

"Uh Sir, I'm Podd. Your friend is drunk, he can't stand up properly. Our duty time is over already, can you pick him up?"

"Yah sure, what's the name of that place?"

"L Co Hol club"

"Ok I'm coming".

The call ended. Podd just stayed beside him holding him tightly as the man kept on thrashing and whining Win's name. Minutes later, Dew entered inside.


"Sir here" Podd waved his left hand. Dew noticed it, quickly rushed to that side. He grabbed Bright from the other side. Both lifted Bright up and walked out of the club.

"Can you help me to take him home please?" Dew asked. Podd nodded. Both stepped inside the car, Bright was at the back seat, mumbling something.

While driving, Bright started crying "Win why you always hurt me like this?" Podd looked back at him, he completely broke down, whimpering as if he was deeply in pain.

"Why you hurt me... COME BACK TO ME" He suddenly shouted making Dew and Podd flinch. Dew sighed "I'm sorry for my friend's antics"

"No problem.. Uh can I ask you something?"


"Is Win his friend?"

"You know Win?"

"Yah I met him one day at the bar, he came with his friend"

"Yah, he was my secretary, now he's his secretary as well as his lover"

Podd's eyes widened Lover? He felt sad. He looked down to his lap. Dew drove to Bright's mansion. Both dragged Bright's drunken body inside, flipped him on the bed.

Dew's phone rang. "Hello babe?" Dew flinched at the loud shout from the other side. "Babe, Nani calm down.. What happened?" Dew patiently listened to him, while Podd was helping Bright to take off his suit and shoes.

Dew sighed loudly, he ruffled his hairs in frustration. "Ok fine, I'll see tomorrow" The call ended. He looked at Bright Why you always mess up like this? Stupid Chivaree.

"I'm sorry for taking your time. Come I'll drop you to your home" Dew said. Podd shook his head "No need, thanks for the offer, I can go by myself. Take care of him, don't let him drink too much, his... " Podd looked at Bright, his fist tightened at the sides "His lover won't like it" He said sadly. Dew obviously noticed the tone, he shrugged it off.

Podd went away. Dew sat beside Bright's lying body. He looked at him "Why you end up like this? Can't you think properly before doing anything?" He sighed. He was about to stand up but he was held back by Bright. He looked down to see Bright looking at him with teary eyes.

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