Living With the Bad Boy

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Chapter 1:

"ALY!!!!!" 'oh no!! shes coming damn it man!!' was all i thought as i heard my best friend coming up the stairs to my room. I didnt wanna get up for school.

"ALYSSA GOMEZ IF YOU'RE NOT UP WHEN I COME IN THAT ROOM I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS" she yelled almost to my room. I immediately got up and opened my room door.

"Bitch..." i muttered

"I love you" she said cheerily.

I took a quick shower throwing on my black jeans and red V neck t shirt.

I grabbed my brown over the shoulder bag and slipped my phone into my pocket.

Let's do this shit.

When we got in the car, as usual, Jessica (my best friend) filled me in on all the gossip i would need to know in order to survive today.

"Did u hear that there's a new kid?" she asked excitedly shifting towards me in her seat "i heard he's hot. Got that whole bad boy thing going on!" she said wiggling her eyebrows.

We bothed laughed pulling up to the school.

I walked to the back of the car to meet Jessie when some asshole on a motorcycle almost hit me causing me to jump backwards.

"Oh my god, dude. Are you okay?!" Jessie said with a hint of laughter on her voice at my reaction.

"Yea let's go" i muttered pissed off big time.

"Dont be mad baby" she said catching up with me.

We linked arms and I let it go until I saw the asshole again.

"Sorry bout that gorgeous didnt mean to almost hit or scare you" said the asshole with a small smile.

"Then be more careful next time" I said with a sardonic grin.

"Will do cutie" he chuckled shaking his head and getting off the death mobile.

He wrapped his arm around me and looked down at me. "What's your name??" he asked. His cool minty breath hitting my face.

"Whats your name? " i retorted stopping at my locker looking at him with my hand on my hip. I heard Jessie laugh from beside me.

"I asked first" he said copying my stand

"I asked second" i answered raising my eyebrow

He chuckled. "Blake. Your turn gorgeous"

"Hmm i would tell u if i didnt have to get to class sorry" i said smirking at his shocked face. "Bye gorgeous" i added winking. I grabbed Jessie's hand and we walked to class giggling.

"Good morning ladies!" i smiled at my techers enthusiasm. Mr. Logan, yeah I call him by his first name, was 26 and hot but he wasnt about that student teacher relationship life. Dont get it twisted. He was cool and let me slack alot.

When we sat down Jessica turned around from infront of me so we could talk. We had a 2 person table but i sat alone. Thank God mr.Logan let me sit alone. It made it easier to sleep in class.

"You're crazy girl!! That new Blake guy was hot and you totally shot him down! I would've given him my number by now!!" she said looking at me like i was a mad woman

"Yeah but-" i was cut off by Mr.Logan

"Jessie, Aly please be quiet" Mr. Logan asked politely.

"Yes sir" we echoed.

I pulled out my phone to see class was about to start. Nap time!!!

"Class please welcome our new student Mr. Blake Stone"

My head shot up at that.


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