Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

*Aly's p.o.v*

Only 1 more day...only 1 more day. I chanted counting down the days until Blake is done with this project and i dont have to worry that disgusting vermon, Suzanne, anymore. Luckily tonight is the last night!!
I took a deep breath making my way to the girls bathroom with Jessica during class.
"Its just so stressful especially since i know i Susie is from experience. But then again i trust Blake sooo i dont know" i sighed
"Dont worry my love. Blake is a good guy he wouldnt do anything to hurt you. Plus youre way hotter than her shes just a fucking slut soo yeah its obvious why youd be scared. I just cant understand why Jake would be hanging out with her" she tilted her head in confusion.
Oh how i wish i knew....


As Jess and I made our way to lunch i couldnt help but wonder where Blake was. Looking around i noticed that he wasnt yet in the cafeteria. Neither was Susie.
My heart was beginning to race and i was scared that i knew what was happening.
To make things even worse Jake, noticing my panicked look, decided to give me nasty looks just to worry me even more.
I quickly scooted my chair back to get up when i heard his voice.
"Whats wrong babe?" He asked his face scrunched up in worry
I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down. God im so paranoid.
"Sorry im late i needed extra time for my math test" he smiled at me and that was all it took to reassure me that it was JUST paranoia that was freaking me out
I smiled up at him. "Nothing just wondering where you were that was all"
He kissed me and completely took my breath away "im right here"


I separated from Blake as he made his way to the restroom before class. Taking my seat, i decided to take out my phone to keep my self occupied.
Glancing up i caught the dirty smirk Jake was sending me once again. Thats enough.
"Do you have a problem?" I spat at him venomously
"No" he chuckled " i just cant believe how naive you are."
"Whats he going on about??" Blake asked
"I have no idea. What are you going on about Jacob??" I asked using his whole name
"Ask your boyfriend. Or maybe even S-"
"Good Afternoon class!" The teacher exclaimed cutting off Jake.
My body filled with great worry as i noticed Blake was in a tense state next to me.
Was Jake gonna say Susie? Maybe this is just the paranoia getting to me but i have a huge feeling theres something going on behind my back and i WILL find out what it is.

Tonight i decided, since its the last night i would wait up for Blake. He said he'd be done by 9 so why not stay up and wait.

I sat down at the kitchen table waiting for Blake. 10 minutes and he'd be home ending my anxiety.

Ok He's not here yet maybe hes just walking over. Or its taking a him a little longer.

I decided to Send Blake a text and ask him if it was taking a little longer.
Sadly i recieved no answer

Relax. Its only been an hour. Maybe they forgot about something. Its probably just taking them a little
Longer to finish.
I sent him another text which again left me with no answer.
I decided to watch some tv while i wait. Maybe itll calm my nerves.

What the hell????? I called Blake for the 2nd time and still no answer.

IM FUCKING DONE!!! I angrily got up from the couch throwing the remote across the room. By now i was fuming with anger.
Where the hell is he?! Why hasnt he answered my calls or texts?!

What the fuck is going on?!?!

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