Chapter 22

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*Blakes p.o.v*

I lay in bed in Alys guest room, thinking about how i could show Aly that she meant more to me than any other girl. That the things Susie said werent even remotely true.
How was i to prove to the girl i think i was starting to fall for, that i wasnt man enough to defend her when she was there. That i let her be humiliated and i just watched.
Even though i defended her once she was gone i shouldnt have watched that happened.
Running my hand over my face, i got out of bed to go to the restroom. Just as i was getting to the bathroom i heard my phone ring. Groaning i went back to grab it.
I didnt recognize the number but i didnt care enough to ignore it.

"BLAKE! Its Jake have you heard from Aly?? She was supposed to meet me hours ago and i havent heard from her. She text me once she left the house but she hasnt answered me for about an hour and 40 minutes." Jake yelled into the phone
"No i havent" i answered calmly even though i was shitting myself internally "umm..where were you guys meeting maybe i can try to take all the ways there to find her"
"Okay we were meeting at Chilis on 57th. Please let me know if you find her. Bye"

I grabbed a wife beater and my phone. Slipping
on my air forces and grabbing my keys i ran to my car speeding off to find her.

*Alys p.o.v*

So many noises but the weight on my eyelids was too heavy to fight.
I could hear people's voices but everything was jumbled and this had been going on a while but I wasn't sure how to let anyone know I was awake.
I tried moving my fingers but to no avail.
Then, finally I heard

"Is she okay?!"

Blake. It's you. I know it's you

"Blake..please relaxx..she's gonna be okay. She has a few broken bones and some cuts and bruises but she'll be okay."
I heard him sigh. "Thank god"
Then it was quiet again and I didn't like that because it scared me. I didn't want to go back into the dark where all I could hear were my thoughts.

"Do you think I could have a moment alone with her?" He asked Jake and my mom
They hesitated before my mom murmured an "I guess"
I heard the door shut and a chair being moved and then he grabbed my hand.
"Aly...I don't know if you can hear me but it's worth a shot right? I'm so sorry for everything. And you don't have to believe me but I honestly am. Cheating on you was definitely a mistake and I should've been honest with you when it first happened but I was scared and I didn't stop and..I'm sorry. I know you won't be able to trust me for a while but please..please give me another chance. Aly I love you"

Woah. I almost died today. I almost died and to think I would've gone without hearing this boy out. Without knowing that he loves me. I would've died without being with the one person that I want more than I have anyone else.
With all that in mind, I mustered up all the mental strength I had and attempted to squeeze his hand.
"'re awake.."
You can do it Aly. Open your eyes. Say
something. Come on! Damn it!!

And suddenly, I did it.

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