Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

After three weeks people finally let it go that Blake and I are dating. THREE WEEKS!!! Which proves how many people in my school have no lives!!! I mean let shit go for the love of God.

The only people who were still stuck on it were the girls who wanted Blake in their pants and I mean who can blame them for hating me?? I got a hot piece of ass for a boyfriend. Ewww that sounds sooooo wrong..... Wow three weeks. Meaning it's the 4th weeks and my feelings have grown immensely in these four weeks

I put my books in my locker as fast as possible so i could get to lunch already.

"Hey gorgeous" a familiar husky voice said from behind me making me blush

"Hii..." i turned around to face him

He grabbed my hand and lead me to the cafeteria. I looked at all the options for lunch and decided to get pizza and fries. I pulled out my money to pay but Blake reached the lunch lady and paid for me.

"Ugh" I groaned. I can't stand when people pay for me. They're wasting their money.

"Shhhhh" he said leading me to the lunch table. "I want you to meet some friends of mine"

We got to the table and there were 4 other guys sitting there. One had black hair with gray eyes, there were two blonde boys one had brown eyes while the other had green eyes and the last boy had brown hair with hazel eyes. They were all hot but not like Blake. They all wore leather jackets.

"Aly these are my friends, Nick, Jack, Drake, Thomas. Guys this is Aly" he introduced.

"Hey" Drake said winking at me from across the table. I blushed while Blake gave him a warning look.

"She's mine" he said pulling my chair closer to his. Oohh hot and possessive.

"So this is the girl that's got you whipped huh??" The one named Thomas smirked.

"I'm not whipped" Blake said crossing his arms.

"Hey hate to interrupt but why haven't I met you guys yet?? I mean we've been dating for three weeks plus I've never seen you guys around here." I asked. It didn't make any sense. I would've seen them at least once if they went here before Blake but I didn't recognize them and if they're new how can Blake and them be so close already??

Thomas chuckled "Blake, Drake, Nick, Jack and I used to go to military school together. But now the boys have been reunited." He smirked.

"Alyssa!" Jessica ran up to the table "I have been looking everywhere for you!! Chase isn't here today and I'm not sitting alone" she walked around the boys and pulled up a chair across from me. "Jessica. Jessica Almonte. Im Alys best friend. And you are???" She asked the 4 boys while munching on a fry

"Thoman Drake Nick and I'm Jack. Nice to meet you cutie" Jack winked

"I have a boyfriend" she smiled turning back to face me. "Have you talked to Jake lately??? He's been acting weird"

Now that I think about it, I haven't hung out with Jake since the party which was weeks ago. I feel like such a bad best friend. Ill talk to him in class after lunch to see how he is.

"No I haven't actually....hmmm I feel bad but ill check up on him later don't worry" I picked up my pizza and scarfed it down in a fast but proper manner. Blake helped me finished my fries, without permission if I may add.

Once we finished I picked up my tray dumping my garbage in the trash. The bell rang just as I sat the tray ontop of the tray holder. Blake grabbed my hand and we made our way to class.

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