Chapter 19

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Hey everyone so alot of you have been asking for Blakes p.o.v on the break up so ive decided that since im not finished with the next chapter then why not give u all something thats been asked for. Hope you enjoy :)

Chapter 19:

Blakes p.o.v

I woke up looking at my surroundings. Where am i?? I automatically assumed i was in Alys bed considering this seemed to be a girls room but because it was so early and my eyes were so foggy i didnt know i was highly mistaken.
Turning towards the girl laying next to me on my right i leaned over to get a glimpse at her.
Just as i leaned in, she rolled over flashing me a bright groggy sex induced smile.
"Hey there Handsome.." My eyes widened.
I fell asleep at Susies house. Oh my in big trouble. With trembling hands i unlocked my phone to see my phone blown up with calls and texts from Aly.
I jumped out of the bed quickly throwing on my clothes and packing up my bag. Running out of the room to make it to Alys before she woke up.

As i made my way into the house i slowly and gently climbed up the stairs as to not wake her up.
I sat my things down in the guest room and prepared myself for what was to come. I tried to conjure up some ideas of how to answer her questions and no tell her what really happened. I know im the worlds worst boyfriend but the only reason im planning not to tell her is to save her the pain ive already somewhat given her by not coming home.

I slowly opened her room door, peeking inside.

"Baby?" I whispered
It was silent for a few seconds before i heard her sniff and then sigh. Here we go.
"Where the hell were you last night?" She asked me sitting up firmly.
Although her body was firm giving away nothing her face was red and puffy and her eyes looked as though they were holding back a dam worth of tears.
"Baby whats wrong?! You loo-"
"Do NOT change the subject Where the hell were you last night?!" She cut me off
I felt my hands begin to sweat i was getting nervous. I didnt want to tell her what i did
"You know where i was" i replied calmly, even though in reality i was a mess.

"Dont get smart with me!! You dont call me back you dont answer my text you tell me youre coming home at 9 and then NEVER show up! You didnt come home at all you left me worried sick by myself waiting up for you to come home!!!" Her breathing was ragged by now and it was killing me

"Just please hear me out" i sighed pleading her to give me somewhat of a chance to explain. "I am so sorry..i never meant for this to happen things just got carried away and.." I couldnt believe the words that just came out of my mouth. This wasnt my plan but her pained expression didnt give me much room to lie.
"Get out"
"GET OUT!! Get out get out getout get out!! How could you?! You bastard?! I trusted you!! You know what happened with Jake you know EVERYTHING and you did this to me?!" By now she was shaking and the tears were pouring down her face "You..yo.. How could you?! What did i do wrong!! I tried to be the best girlfriend to you. And to think i bought all your bullshit about wanting to be with me and how much you said id changed you. You asshole!!"

I wanted to tell her it wasnt a lie. I never once lied to her about anything...up until now. I picked the worst thing out of everything to lie about.
My eyes began to water at the pain i felt radiating off of her and the internal pain i felt from doing this to her.
"Just go..." She put up her hand to dismiss me but i wasnt leaving
"Please just let me explain" i begged her as she turned her body to wear her face wasnt visible to me anymore. This crushed me even more
"Did you sleep with her?" She whispered
Oh no...
"Did you sleep with her?" She demanded
"Then theres nothing to explain. Im a fool for believing you and trusting that you wouldnt hurt me. Just save us both the trouble and get out" those words killed me.
I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces knowing i just lost the one girl who showed me that i didnt need sex to be happy i didnt need to sleep around. All i needed was her..

There was a moment of silence in which i stood there the pain and regret clear on my face and the tears threatening to spill.
As she turned her back to me i knew this was it...she was serious and it was over
I slowly turned making me way out of her room and shutting the door behind me.


Hope you guys enjoyed. As far as my updating schedule im so sorry its been taking me so long. Its just i didnt have any ideas but i had a writer help me and she will be given recognition in the next chapter and then there was my birthday and julys just been busy. im trying i really am to get this chapter out.
Please dont give up on my story. I love you cupcakes

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