Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

"Jessie lets go we're gonna be late!!" i yelled to her ready for school. Yup its monday again.

"Go without me Chase is giving me a ride!!!!!!" she yelled back.

I ran to my car jumped in amd sped off to school. I did not wanna see them kiss again. Jesus no.

When i got to school i grabbed my notebooks from my locker and went to class. I wasnt looking forward to sitting next to Blake after his actions at the party on Friday.

I walked into class and went straight to my desk. Everyone filed in as the bell rang. Blake sat down without saying anything to me thank god. But as he sat down everyone started starring at me and snickering. I felt the tears build in my eyes as the embarrasment hit me like a ton of bricks

"Aly why is- wats wrong????" she asked turning around

"Ill tell u later" i muttered lowering my head. Lets hope she forgets so I wont have to tell her

"Silence class everyone turn around and face forward" Mr.Logan said noticing my embarrassment.

"Yo man!! I saw the video from the party on instagram!!" some jock said to Blake reaching out to fist bump him but Blake just ignored him.

I could feel Blakes eyes burning a whole in the side of my head.

"Look Alyk-" he started but i cut him off by walking out the class. Mr.Logan nodded at me for permission knowing that i was crying.

"ALY!" Blake yelled grabbing my arm once we reached the hallway.

"What!?" i spat venomously at him. "You wanna publicly humiliate me even more!??!?! What i said to you wasnt right but at least i didnt embarass you infront of everyone!!!!!!"i yelled infuriated that he had the nerve to talk to me after what he did.

"I was angry cause of wat u said. I know i crossed the line but please hear me out. It-"

"No!!" i yelled walking out the doors of the school. I wasnt prepared to be here today. I need to leave. I need rest.

Once i arrived home i threw on some pj pants and took a nice nap.


'Im gonna pop some-

"Youre requesting my assistance" i said answering my phone. I already knew it was my mom cause that was her favorite sad..

"Hey baby" my mom said "Jessica text me letting me know you went home. Mr.Logan told her he would let your other classes know that you werent feeling good. Are you ok?? Do you need me to come home??"

"Im fine mom thanks. Ill be good just needed some rest." i assured her i was ok.

"Ok well we have some new neighbors so i need you to go over today after school and take them some of the cookies you made. They have a son youre age so you might know him from school their names at the.....the Stones there we go sorry i forgot the name" she said.

"Stones??" i asked.

"Yea well i have to go. Love u baby see u tonight muah!" and with that she hung up. in....Blake Stone......?

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