Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

"Blake you can sit back there next to Aly" Mr. Logan said smirking at me. Damn him!!

"So its Aly huh??" was the first thing he said when he sat next to me.

"No shit" i answered crossing my arms and sinking in my chair.

"Dont slouch Alykins it's not proper" he said to annoy me.

"Alykins?? You're kidding, right?? You sound like my mom " i said waiting for an answered that never came.

"Whatever. Look im not changing my routine just cause youre here. Im tired and I'm gonna get comfy and take a nap so dont complain" i said putting my legs on his lap and putting my head down.

I smiled to myself thinking i won until he put his hand on my upper thigh. Oh hell no. I pushed his hand off. He put his hand back on my thigh again beginning to rub me. I pushed his hand off again and thats how all of first period went. Needless to say i never got to nap.

When the bell rang i was the first one out the door until a muscular arm wrapped around my waist pulling me back.

"Woah!" i squeaked hitting a hard chest.

"Youre not gonna wait for me Alykins??? I need your help getting to class" he said pouting at me.

"Give me your schedule" i answered so irritated. This is what happens when i dont get my nap.

Ugh!!! He would have all my classes. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand pulling him with me to class.

When we got to class, once again my teacher sat us together. Same with 3rd period. Is there no one else he can sit with!?!?!?!

Finally it was lunch time. I met up with Jessie and i jumped on her back as we went through the lunch line.

Hmm...wonder what happened to Blake?? I thought looking around the cafeteria until i saw him at a table surrounded by sluts and leather jacket jocks. No shock there.

Jessie and i grabbed our pizza and went to the table. We sat across from each other. I was about to talk to Jessie when i noticed she was texting someone and smiling.

"Who's the guy??" i said smirking at her.

"Whats up with you and hottie Blake???" she shot back. I've taught her well

"Touche my child." i said clapping

"Yasss" she laughed. "But it's none other than Chase!!!"

I gasped "Michaels??" i asked shocked. This girl has been crushing on Chase Micheals since the second grade!! We're in 11th grade now....yeah

"Yes!!!" we both squealed our asses off and then laughed. We're such losers.

"He wants to know if I'll go out with him tonight. Thankfully its a Friday!!! aww but we're having a-"

"Bitch you're going and thats final. You've been practically living at my house since kindergarten its not like we wont see each other ever again SAY YES!!" i yelled pissed that she would even consider saying no.

"Ummm....i dont know i mean-"

"Gimme ur phone" i said cutting her off and taking her phone.

"Hey!!!!" she yelled frowning.

To: Chasey (she would call him that)

Yes. Alys after school. Dont be late


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