Chapter 15:

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Chapter 15:

*Alys p.o.v*

His leather jacket........Blake was giving me his leather jacket! I pulled it out of the box and raked my eyes all over the beautiful jacket.

He had it specialized too. On the back, in cursive Royal Blue letters that matched my headband, what a coinkadink huh??, it read 'Forever and Always Blake's girl'. Underneath, it said March 28,2013.

"You're giving me your jacket??" I asked unable to take my eyes off the beautiful piece of leather.

"Well its special to me and im hoping that giving it to you will show you, and everyone else, just how special you are to me." He answered smiling genuinely

I couldnt help but tear up some at the gesture. I remember when i first got to wear his jacket. Giving it back was hard for me and i didnt like him then as much as i do now.
"It does. Thank you soooo much baby i love it".
"Well enough of the sappy stuff we should get going."
I chuckled at his wall when it came to expressing feelings. Loser.
We got up and headed home. I was quite exhausted myself so im glad he offered to go home.
Thinking about today and ill the things he did to make this day special for me more so than himself made me proud to call Blake my boyfriend.
I smiled to myself as i closed my eyes. Minute by minute i could feel myself slowly losing consciousness until finally i drifted off letting my body sink into the dark abyss of sleep.

*Blakes p.o.v*

Once we arrived home i looked over to the passengers side to see Alyssa completely asleep. I couldnt help the smile that took its place of my face (haha rhymes) as i thought about todays events. I can honestly say i did a good job just by the looks Aly has been shooting me all day. Her smiles made me feel so accomplished.
I gave her a once over loving how she looked in the dress and wearing my jacket. I wont lie. Giving up my jacket was pretty difficult because ive had it since i was young. So many memories.
But giving it to Aly felt right. I want her to have something of mine all the time to remind her and everyone else that shes mine and ONLY mine. Yes im very possessive. I know it she knows it everyone does. But when i love something theres nothing thats gonna take it away from me

"MOMMMM IM HOME!!!!" I yelled as i walked through my front door. I dropped Aly off first and greeted her mom before coming to see mine.
"How was it?! Did she have fun???" My beautiful mother gleamed, strolling in the room with my baby sister on her heels.
"Hi princess," i said picking up baby Aly "It was great actually. I think she really enjoyed it. She smiled all weekend and im really proud of myself mom. Thank you" i kissed her cheek.
"No problem but its pretty late. You should probably prepare for school tomorrow considering you were gone. If you have any homework or a-"
"I know mom i know"

I jogged up to my room to unpack. Exhausted would be an understatement to how im feeling so i wasted no time knocking out even though it was only 7.

Alys p.o.v

"Omg Jess, you dont understand how much fun i had this weekend!!" Jess and i squealed as i informed her on this weekend events in FULL details!
"Thats so cool!!! I cant believe you got his sexy ass jacket. Lucky! I wish Chase had a jacket like that"
"Sucks for you" i giggled playfully sticking my tongue out at her
"Hey save it for Blake missy" she scolded playfully as well
"So tell me anything happen while i was gone??"
I relaxed back on Jessicas bed. After Blake dropped me off my mom said i could sleep here at Jess's house knowing i needed to gossip with her.
"Eh just a party this weekend but it wasnt that good there was no alcohol"
"Damn that sucks." I gave her a look of sympathy.

"Yeah but theres supposed to be a better one this weekend so we'll see" she rolled her eyes.
I chuckled "well nighty night i need my rest for tomorrow."
"Kk love night"

Ugh School. Nasty food. Rude ass people. Nothing good about this place.
Oh..i spoke too soon. I watched as Blake made his way through the door in his Black t shirt and his black jeans.
He was the definition of delicious.

"Well hello gorgeous" he gave me his signature smirk snaking his arm around my waist and pulling me flat against his chest.
"You seem to be in a good mood" i smiled pecking his lips
"You looks so sexy in my jacket i just cant help it" he whispered against my neck causing my breath to hitch.
"Babe.." I muttered not actually wanting him to let go

"Yes lo-"
"Well if it isnt the big fat slut of the west??" I heard that nasty voice say from behind me.
"What the fuck do you want Susie?! Cant you annoy the shit out of someone else??" I gave her a disgusted look
"Ohh so the slut doesn't wanna be bothered?? Eh too bad. But anyway I'm not here for you. Im here for him" she smirked pointing at Blake
I glanced between them not impressed by her smirk.
"Hey Blakey poo. So project after school??"
Project?? We just got back from school when did they discuss this?

"Umm yeah..."
"Ok ill be at your house by 6. Toodles" she winked sashaying away.
I turned to Blake angrily.
"Its extra credit. It was assigned on Friday after class for all failing students in the class. Im guessing she chose me as her partner so she text me last night to let me know so shes gonna come to my pla-"
"Your place?? You're staying at mine how is that gonna work?"
"Well we're gonna go to my place to do the project. Just so we wont bother you. I promise you can trust me babe nothings gonna happen ok??"

I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I don't trust Susie. Not one bit. A whole class of people and that bitch could've chosen anyone else who was failing to be her partner. I tried to be rational though. I trust Blake. I really do soooo...

"Ok" i sighed as he kissed my forehead and dragged me along to class.

Well this is definitely gonna be interesting.

Ok guys. Finally got you a chapter. Im sorry thats its probably not that good but i haven't written in a while so I'm trying to find my motivation again. Hope you guys enjoy it..
Remember: Read. Vote. And comment!!!

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