36. Cleaning

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I didn't press him more to change 'cause I knew he was not anyway going to listen to me if I tried. So I decided to stay quite. I noticed his phone ring again and again but he just kept on disconnecting it.

Everytime it rang he would hang up.

That sound was irritating me "Pick up already!?" I told him irritated. He raised his eyebrow and I thought that he was going to yell at me for ordering him or something but I was surprised when he just nodded.

"Hello." He said talking to whoever it was on the other line. Then he was just hmm-ing for a while.

"I can't be there am busy at the moment." He said in business like tone.

"Okay.... Yeah.... Alright." With those word he hung up.

"Some illegal drug dealer was found by Police in our Oprus construction site." He said, clearly worried.

"You should go." I told him immediately.

"Jake.." He started but I interrupted.

"I will take care of him." I assured him.

"It might take a while." He said.

"I will handle you go." I told him without giving anything much thought. He just nodded and left my bedroom leaving me with sleeping Jake.


I heard someone murmuring and my eyes opened.

"Jake... Shit." I touched his skin it was really hot. He was shivering. I instantly covered him with another duvet and ran to the kitchen and grabbed some more ice cold water. When I came back he was sitting with his leg crossed on the bed.

"Jake?" I asked.

"Hmm..." He was shivering and humming. I instantly knew that fever had reached his brain. I got really worried and I patted on his back trying to get him to lie down.

And within few second he threw up all over my carpet. I patted his back and after giving him some water and then changing his shirt into the one I brought for Mr.Agrawal I gave him the medicines. Then I helped him lie down and within seconds he drifted to sleep. I groaned the vomit, it was stinking. I had to clean up.

After cleaning up I took a shower and changed. I walked back towards Jake and he was sleeping peacefully. I checked his temperature and it was normal. I sighed in relief.

It was already 7:00 in the morning and I was not at all sleepy. I walked into the kitchen and made some oatmeal and grabbed 100℅ real fruit juice. I thought of waking Jake up. I was going upstairs when I heard Jake shouting.

"Where the hell is my Liz?" He yelled. I almost ran upstairs to see an angry Jake who looked just like a mini Agrawal.Now I had no doubt that he was none other than Mr.Agrawal's son.

"Where is Liz?" He questioned me.

"Umm... Car." With that I ran towards my car followed by him. I knew that football was meant everything to him. I hoped that it was there in my car. I grabbed my car keys and walked towards my car. Jake was beside me all the time.

I opened the car's door and sighed in relief seeing his football on the back seat. I took the football.

"Don't!!" He yelled "don't touch her!!" And with that he snatched his football from my hand and hugged it like his life depended on it.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him.

"What happened to me? And what am I doing here?" He asked then looking around he asked "Where's Agrawal?"

"You had fever last night. You slept in my car. Why?" I asked.

"Your car?" He asked looking towards my Porsche. "I never thought it would be your car. Last night there were 2 cars and this car's window was open and it's a Porsche. Except Agrawal who can afford to buy such cars." He said. I rolled my eyes. Womenizer plus Orthodox.

"So you thought it was his car and you slept in it?" I asked.

"Ya I was tired!!" He said as if it was the most obvious thing.

"And why were you wet?" I asked him.

"Ohh!! Wet.." He said and I saw him rubbing his neck.

"Say?" I ordered.

"Liz fell in the guttur outside the office. So I thought of cleaning her up from the pipe in the yard so..." He explained.

"God!! You.. Ahh!!" I groaned. " come on let's get in breakfast is waiting. "

"Yeah!!" With that he bounced Liz and walked behind me.

I served him juice and some oatmeal. I heard him groan.

"Eat it." I ordered. He rolled his eyes.

"Where Agrawal?" He asked.

"He was.. " I started but was interrupted.

"Yeah!! It's okay he must be busy." He said. I saw sadness in his eyes but he instantly covered it and started gulping the orange juice.


After breakfast I asked Jake to sleep for some more time and in the meantime I thought of calling the maid to clean up the house. Till the time she arrived I cooked some Pasta Salad for lunch. I am really not good with cooking but can survive.

My house was a mess like a teenage boy's room. I thought of cleaning up today as I didn't have to go to work. I started gathering empty pizza boxes, cans, beer bottles, dirty clothes that were lying around in the house.

Wrappers and tissues were everywhere. I decided to change in something cleaner and become more comfortable before I started with the cleaning.I always think about being tidier but usually when stuff is just lying around everywhere it's much easier to find everything.

Maid arrived and she started cleaning up the Upper floor. I was cleaning the living room and found a shopping card on my couch. I thought of using it later and went to keep it in my purse and came across some old credit cards and other unwanted game cards and stuff so I started cutting down the old cards.

I heard my microwave ding and it seemed like my hot chocolate was ready, I walked towards the kitchen and had some hot chocolate when I noticed my laundry was done so I put in the remaining stock of dirty clothes in the washing machine.

After doing some more cleaning chores I came to the living room and started picking up the chargers, headset and other necessary stuff lying around. Then I picked up the old credit cards that I had cut and saw my new debit card cut off along with it. Why would I cut down my debit card. I never did that.

Then I turned around to see Jake painting. 'Why he was colouring my couch? And 'When did he came down stairs?' I thought.

"What the... What are you doing Jake?" I asked dumbfounded. He turned towards me and smiled.

"Giving your boring couch a new look." And with that he continued smearing my couch with paint.

"Stop.. Stop" I told him "did you do this?" I asked him showing him my chit of a debit card.

"Ya, no need for thanking me, it's okay." He said. "Saw you having trouble cutting those card so helped ya."

"Ahh..!! What the..." I groaned "those were my old credit cards."

God ! That's the reason why I don't like kids.


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- D.love

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