𝟏𝟏~𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡

889 20 2

[real life]

Cassie groans as the sound of her alarm wakes her up. school. she sighs.

The girl gets up and heads downstairs for some coffee, she shakes her head at the fact that the first thing she goes for when she wakes up.

She set her alarm for 6am, since she took ages to get ready, so none of the triplets were up yet. She made her cup of coffee and head back upstairs to get ready.

She walked into her room, but stopped. She found herself backtracking towards Matts doorway. A smirk filled her face as she headed to the bathroom, filled up and cup of water, and headed back to the boys room.

He lay asleep in his bed, the girl tiptoed towards him, then dumped the liquid all over his face. Matt jerked off the bed, surprised by the sudden awakening.

He opened his eyes to see Cassie standing, cup in hand, grinning at him. As soon as he had caught on to what she had done, "im gonna fucking kill you" the boy scoffs walking over to her, the girl begins to back up, before running down the stairs, giggling.

Matt chased after her as she ran into the kitchen. He caught up with the girl, and without hesitation, picked her up.

Matt heard Cassie's breath hitched for a split second as his skin touched hers.

"Matt put me down" the girl says, struggling, Matt ignored her, walking with her in his arms, over to the bathroom and into the shower.

He suddenly dropped her on her feet, and turned on the water, making sure it was ice cold, before backing out of the shower door.

The girl screamed as Matt held the door shut, her pyjamas soaked along with her hair. "WHAT THE FUCK" Cassie yelled.

Matt was in hysterics watching the girl struggle. When he finally let go of the door, she pushed it open, dripping wet, and pushed Matt towards the wall.

Their bodies were so close, and even though Cassie was freezing cold from the water, the heat she was feeling was undeniable.

Their bodies tensed, realising how close were, and almost instantly broke apart.

The boy stayed glued to the wall as the girl backed away, tucking her hair behind her ear in embarrassment.

The silence between the two was deafening.

Matt was the first to break it, "Maybe next time don't pour water on me" he laughs, breaking the awkwardness and handing her a towel.

She wraps it around herself. "you did it to me first" she scoffs. "Okay well its 6am" he replies.

The girl rolls her eyes before looking back to the boy, they stare at eachother for a second too long. "Uh my clothes are layed out on my chair, can you go grab them for me" she asks.

The boy sighs, "yeah i guess" then he disappears upstairs.

Cassie turns around and leans on the sink, looking at herself in the mirror. She notices her cheeks are a little pink, but convinces herself its from the cold.

She takes a shaky breath, still confused on what just happened, then turns around and waits for the boy to return.

She wonders how Chris and Nick hadn't woken up from her screaming, but her question is answered when she sees the boys walking down the stairs.

Matt walks straight towards her, handing her the clothes, and without even looking at her, walks away.

The two boys walk to the doorway and look her up and down. "what the fuck was the screaming about" Chris asks.

"your brother threw me in the shower" she rolls her eyes and closes the door before they can reply.

Cassie gets dressed in the white tank top and baggy jeans that Matt brought, drys her hair, then leaves the bathroom.

The three boys are already dressed and ready, sitting on the coach, only because they had woken up almost 2 hours before they needed to be.

They're all playing Fortnite, not even notices that she had left the bathroom. She rolls her eyes and heads upstairs to finish getting ready.

She straightens her hair and puts some makeup on, double checks shes got everything, before heading downstairs to join the brothers, who were still playing Fortnite.

"Guys im ready" she tells them, they turn around to look at her. "SHIT I DIED" Chris shouts, "its your fault Cass" the boy adds, pointing at her.

The girl makes an offended face and motions for them to hurry up. "I just texted Val and Stella that we're leaving to come on" she whines.

The boys groan before getting up, "for someone who was whining about going back to school, you seem very eager to get there" Nick states.

Cassie shrugs.

They picked up the 2 girls and head to school. Cassie and Matt argue over the aux per usual.

"WE'RE LISTENING TO L-" Cassie begins but gets cut off, "So why don't any of us ever get a say in the songs" Stella laughs.

"Because Cassie is a little entitled bitch" Matt smiles sarcastically.

Cassie turns to him, her jaw dropped in offense, before turning back to look out the window.

When they get to school, they head straight to the office to pick up their schedules, then head the to auditorium.

They sit in the corner in their usual spot, and look over their time tables. "MATH FIRST ARE YOU KIDDING ME" Valerie whisper yells, then burys her face into her hands.

"Oh same" Stella groans. Chris sticks his tongue out at the pair.

Cassie's eyes scroll over her schedule. Spanish. "Oh i have spanish first" she smiles, the girl always had liked spanish. "Oh cool same" Nick grins back at her.

"Uh i have Business, English, then History" Matt reads. The group look back down at their schedules.
"Spanish, Math, History" Cassie groans, her eyes flick to Matt, who also groans.

Nick and Stella nudge eachother. "Do any of you guys have history third?" Cassie pleads.

They all shake their heads, Cassie looks back to Matt "Fun" she says sarcastically, the boy gives her a tight lipped smile, then looks back to the group.

"Ok we better get going, meet here back at lunch" Chris tells them, before walking off with Matt, who had the same class as him.

Nick and Cassie head to spanish. The girl was dreading 3rd period already.

i've had no motivation to write all day BUT I DID

well that chapter was interesting.


ok bye


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