𝟐𝟖~𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞

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[real life]

Matt is woken up suddenly by his shoulder being aggressively tapped. He turns around slowly and groans. "Hey," Stella whispers. The boy opens his eyes abruptly, because why the fuck was Stella waking him up. He looks over to his clock, which read 02:38AM.

"Stella its almost 3AM what to you want" Matt slurs, still half asleep. "Couldn't sleep, now get your ass up i wanna talk to you," the girl rolls her eyes and begins pulling at his arm. "Okay, okay, im getting up" he sighs.

Stella leads him downstairs to the living room, taking a seat on the couch. She motions for him to take a seat next to her, which he does.

"Cassie hasn't really given me details on whatever the fuck happened between the two of you, so i need you to explain yourself," Stella huffs.

Matt takes a deep breath, but doesn't object. "i realised i wasn't able to stick to her rules, i tried to voice this to her but she wasn't listening to me. Cassie basically said it was my own fault for loving her and that she would always hate me so i should just get over it" the boy explains quickly.

Stella blinks, trying to process everything that was just said. "You love her?" she smirks, punching Matt playfully. "Shutup Stella, you knew this," He scoffs. "I know, i know, i've just never heard you say it out loud before, i guess thats one out of two," Stella says smugly.

"Okay we're getting off track, she needs to realise that she loves you" Stella states. "Chris said i should keep a distance since it will make her miss me and then she might figure it out," Matt replies.

"Wow, Chris actually having something valid to say, i'm impressed," She raises her eyebrows.

"She's stubborn, so its going to be hard but i believe it will work, i have to, because i cant even begin to imagine a life without her in it," Matt sighs.

Stella gives him a comforting smile, understanding how the boy was feeling. "I believe it too, you guys will get there eventually, just give her time" she says softly. Matt nods.

"cmon, we have to go to school in like 5 hours" Matt says, and they both walk back to bed.

The morning is absolute chaos. Lost eyelash curlers, missing jeans, items scattered everywhere, no coffee, unfinished homework.

Cassie has become a literal demon, snapping at everyone to the point where she ended up crying of frustration.

"fucking hell Cass, im ready so i'll go grab you some coffee quickly before you literally murder someone" Nick almost chuckles. "Thank you" she sighs, giving Nick an appreciative smile as he heads out the door.

School started a total of 32 minutes ago and they still hadn't left yet. "Ugh, guys lets just skip at this point, i have no energy for this shit today," Valerie groans. As much as they all knew it was a bad idea, of course they were going to do it anyway. McDonalds breakfast plus hanging out by the pool beat school any day.

The group walked to the car and headed to McDonalds. Cassie was the last one out of the house, but almost magically, the passenger seat was the only one free.

She rolls her eyes and hesitantly sits down. Matt knew the group had done this on purpose, but he was in no way complaining.

When they got to the drive through, everyone begins saying their orders, except Cassie, who insisted she wasn't hungry. Matt looks at her and tightens his lips, before ordering for himself.

When they receive their food, Cassie sits in silence, only looking up when she feels a tap on her shoulder. Matt was placing a McDonalds hot fudge sundae into the girls hands. Her favourite.

Cassie looks up at him, wide eyed. She opens her mouth to say thank you, but no words come out. Instead she just nods and begins to pile some onto her spoon.
Such a small gesture, but it felt so significant to the boy.  As soon as she catches him watching her, Matt looks away quickly, then drives home.

"Later can we watch one of those movies again, you know like the chicken flick ones, not that i liked it, i just know you guys did" Chris says, attempting to brush off his comment.

The girls laugh, "yeah sure, but only because we like it" Cassie giggles, Chris's cheeks burn red as he nods and walks out to the pool.

The three of them head upstairs to put their bathing suits on. "Cassie" Stella sighs, the girl turns around to face her. "yeah?" she replies.

"Seriously cut it out now, why can't you accept the fact that you have these feelings for Matt, i mean, me and Val don't know what happened with the two of you, but you were young and it was a long time ago, it can't of been that bad," Stella huffs.

Cassie looks down and picks at the strings on her shorts. "I dont love him, fuck, everyone keeps saying that, but in reality none of you know shit, so stop acting like you know how i feel and how im supposed to feel, because you really don't, its my fucking life. If you were a good friend you would respect my decisions instead of trying to convince me differently." She says through gritted teeth, before storming out of the room and slamming the door.

Both Stella and Valerie stand I'm shock, looking from each other to the closed door. Stella's eyes start to well up with tears. "Hey, it's ok, she's just stressed, she doesn't know what she's feeling, don't think too much into it," Valerie says sympathetically, wrapping her arm around the girls shoulder. Stella nods, wiping her eyes, then the pair on them walk downstairs to join the others.

tysm for 3k reads ily

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