𝟏𝟗~ 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰

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[real life]

Cassie had been pacing her room for the past 6 minutes, occasionally glancing at the door, half expecting Matt to burst in any second asking for an explanation. But Cassie didn't even have an explanation, too many thoughts were running through her head, too quickly for her to consider them.

She had hated Matt for as long as she could remember, now suddenly he had kissed her. Why would he kiss his sworn enemy?

Cassie didn't not like it though, that was the part that confused her. She finally stopped pacing and took a seat on her bed, burying her face in her hands. How she had managed to end up in this situation she doesn't know.

The girl is interrupted from her distress when she hears a clank of metal hitting her window. Cassie turned to face the glass, wondering what the source of the noise was.

Her question was answered when she sees Matts face emerge into her view. He notices her looking at him and taps timidly on the window.

She hesitantly goes to slide it open, and motions for the boy to climb through. Matt gives her a nod before proceeding to slip through the frame.

Once he's inside, he slides the window shut, and stands awkwardly next to it. Cassie sighs, very reluctant to have a conversation with the boy, then points to her desk chair, he goes to sit down.

Neither of the pair talk for the next 3 minutes, they just stare, neither of them wanting to be the one to address the situation they knew they needed to have. Cassie begins to fidget with the hem of her shirt as she bites the inside of her cheek.

"why'd you leave without telling me" Matt finally blurts out. Cassie sighs, "i uh- i don't know" she lies. The pair go back to the awkward silence, not knowing what to say next.

"i don't get you" Matt throws his hands in the air, defeated. Cassie quirks a brow, needing him to elaborate.

"At the party, you were obviously using that guy to make me jealous, and then when i-" He pauses, not wanting to say it out loud. "When i kissed you, you left in the morning with no explanation" he continues.

Cassie bites the inside of her cheek, " honestly Matt, i don't understand either, all i've ever known is hating you, and now out of nowhere, something.. changed" she says, the end of the sentence trailing into a whisper.

"i know" Matt replies. Theres something Cassie needs to ask, but she can't bring herself to say it, she just cant.

The girl sits, picking at her nails, "what are you thinking" Matt asks, making her eyes shoot up to meet his. They were the kind of eyes you could look out for hours without getting bored.

"theres so much you don't understand" she mumbles, his eyes widen. "Then tell me, make me understand" the boy pleads.

Cassie takes a deep breath. "You make me feel something i've never felt with anyone else before, its completely unexplainable but i know its real. But it doesn't change the fact that you also shattered me, Matt, you were all i had" The girl begins to choke back tears, but she continues, never letting them fall.

"All i know, is that i can't forget that part of us, but i also can't shake the feeling i get whenever your near me, whenever your skin accidentally touches mine. Its perfect and too much, all at the same time." Cassie's eyes widen, waiting for him to reply

Matt stares back at her, trying to process everything the girl just said. "so what do we do now?" Matt finally mutters.

Cassie frowns a little, before shrugging her shoulders at the boy. "I can't be with you, but i also can't just be nothing with you" Cassie explains.

"What does that mean" Matt adds, not completely following her. "I can't just let this go, because its the realest  thing i've felt in fucking years" Cassie replies.

Matt sighs deeply. "So, you want me, but you don't want to be with me"

Cassie nods a little, understanding how crazy she probably sounds. "yeah i guess"

Matt processes this for a minute, "I can do that" he shrugs, he can't do that, there's no way he'll be able to be around her and not need to be part of her heart, but he'll take what he can get.

Cassie raises an eyebrow, "what?" she responds. "I can do that, like the friends with benefits kinda thing, if that's what u want." he replies.

"Are you serious?" She chuckles a little in disbelief. Matt nods. "ok, but first, I have 2 rules, don't bring up our past, don't expect a relationship, that way we can maintain it without it getting out of control." Cassie states.

Matt starts to nod again, he nods knowing there's no fucking way her can follow her rules, but yet he still nods, because if that's the only way he'll get to hold her and kiss her, he will, he can pretend.

"no strings attached, I can do that" Matt smirks, walking over to the girl. She smiles a little, still unsure, but her worries somehow float away as he places his hands on her waist. Matt tilts her chin upwards, without closing the distance between them, he waits for her to do it.

Cassie longs for the boys lips on hers, and grows impatient as his stares down at her. When Cassie can no longer take it, she closes the small distance between the two, crashing her lips on his.

Her hands moved up to his neck ,the heat of their bodies and the moment suffocate them as Matts tongue grazes her lips. The girl latches onto him and deepens the kiss.

The pair pull away from each other, both breathing heavily and still holding on to one another. Cassie sighs and lays hey head on Matts chest. The pair are silent as they appreciate the embrace, not knowing what they had gotten themselves into.







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