𝟏𝟓~ 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲

847 24 15

[real life, social media]

The rest of the week went by as normal, Cassie and Matt went back to their usual bickering, the tension stayed though.

She didn't talk to the boy in History, and only spoke to him in homeroom when she had to.

It was Friday night and they had all planned Valerie's birthday by now, pretty much the whole grade was invited, so the triplets where ready for their house to be trashed.

"wait, what about that girl Val likes" Cassie suddenly remembers, her and Stella were making sure everything was ready. "Oh yeah fuck" Stella huffs. "Her names Courtney right, I think I have her insta, I'll dm her" Cassie states.


hey Courtney, sorry this is kinda last minute but
we're having a party for my friend Valerie's birthday tomorrow I think you have a few classes with her, it would be great if you could come.

yeah of course, just send me the details.

party starts at 8

thanks, cya there.

"Yep she's coming" Cassie smiles, high fiving the other girl.

Nick, Matt and Chris walk into the backyard and take a seat next to the pair. "what are you high fiving over you goofs" Chris laughs.

"Well, we just got Valerie's crush to come to the party so pipe down bitch" Stella says, matter of factly. "Wait that Courtney girl?" Nick asks, the girls nod. "Oh my god Vals gonna loose her shit" Nicks eyes widen. They all agree.

Stella stays over at the triplets house that night so that tomorrow they could spend the whole day setting up. The girls are sitting on Cassie's bed watching mean girls when Chris and Nick waddle into her room, wrapped in a blankets and holding bowls of popcorn. The girls laugh at the sight as they take a seat on the girls bed.

"We wanted to watch" Chris smiles, they continue watching the movie. 20 minutes later, Matt walks into Cassie's room, but stops at the doorway when he sees his brothers and Stella sitting with her. "What the fuck are you doing" he scoffs.

"watching a movie" Nick scoffs back, stating the obvious. Matt rolls his eyes and goes to walk out, "Matt stop being so lame, come watch" Cassie blurts out before she can stop herself.

He sighs, but doesn't object, he walks over to the group, but there isn't much room on the bed, so he chooses to sit on a beanbag next to it. Cassie rolls her eyes, "Bro your such a fucking loser, sit on the bed" she scoffs, then her eyes widen, taken aback by her own words. The only space on the bed is next to her.

She doesn't take her words back though, despite the other three sharing looks behind her back. Matt sighs and hops on the bed, taking the only space, next to the girl. He tried his best to sit in a way as too not touch her, but ends up giving in.

He's sat, leaning against the headboard, his arm touching hers, along with their legs. Stella noticed this interaction and nudged the girl, but Cassie just shrugged it off. As the movie went on, she became less tense and more comfortable with the boys touch.

Every now and then he would whisper questions about the movie to her, it made her laugh that he was so interested in it.

It was coming up to 2am, the movie had finished. Matts brothers lay asleep, same with Stella. When he looked to his side at Cassie, she was awake, but her eyes were fluttering, after a few minutes the girl finally fell asleep, her head resting on Matts shoulder.

He leans himself on the pillow next to him, careful not to wake Cassie up, and drifts of to sleep himself.

When Matt woke up, the first thing he did was look down at the girl beside him, somehow during the night her head had wiggled into the crevice of his neck.

The rest of the group was still asleep, he checked his phone, 9:36am. Matt looked back down at the girl, and instead of getting up, his intrusive thoughts won.

He found himself wrapping his arm around Cassie, pulling her closer to him, then went back to sleep.

Cassie was woken up by the sound of Nicks voice, but she doesn't open her eyes yet, she listens. "oh my fucking god look at them" Nick sniggers. "never gonna happen, my ass" Chris adds.

She suddenly becomes aware that she's laying in someone's arms, matt, she sighs deeply, biting the inside of her cheek to stop herself from smiling.

"Wake them up" she hears Chris giggle, "No you fucking idiot, let them sleep" Stella scoffs.

Cassie hears them leave her room, and as soon as they do, she opens her eyes and looks up at Matt. She doesn't know why, but she makes an impulsive decision and wraps her hand around the boys waist, and closes her eyes again.

For the first time in what felt like forever, she let herself forget, she didn't think about why she was doing this or what it would lead to, she forgot about the hatred and their past, what she was feeling in that very moment, was happiness, and she wanted to hold onto it for a little longer before reality set in again.

About 2 hours later, Cassie heard a knock on the door, she sighs, not wanting to get up yet. The person at the door clears their throat.

"Uh sorry to interrupt... whatever this is, but were going out in 10 minutes to pick up drinks and a cake for the party, so you kids gotta get up" Cassie recognised the voice to be Stellas.

She hears Matt groan, he rolls away from her a little, "Cass come on, get up" he says. Cassie doesn't move, she doesn't want to. "Cass i know your awake, get up" Matt tells her.

She finally opens her eyes and sits up, she looks at Matt deeply, as if she was trying to figure him out. As soon as Stella sees this, she exits the room to give the two privacy.

Matt turns from the door to look back at Cassie, he brushes the hair out of her face. "Get up" he sighs as he gets of the bed, motioning her to get off aswell.

She slides of the matress and walks straight past him, letting go of the happiness, and back into reality.


i was really excited to publish this so i hope you love it


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