𝟑𝟒~ 𝐝𝐞𝐣𝐚 𝐯𝐮

609 14 28

[real life]

Cassie had her brother drop her off at school the next day since she didn't want to be around Matt any more than she actually had to be.

When she walks through the school gate, she is greeted with a warm hug from Stella.

"Hey, sorry i didn't see you when you got up yesterday, Val told me everything, that Alexia's a real bitch" she scoffs, making Cassie smile.

"Tell me about it" the girl replies with a chuckle as they walk into the auditorium to find the rest of the group.

Unsurprisingly, Alexia is sat with them, leaning her head on Matts shoulder, obviously too mind numbingly stupid to get the hint that none of them like her, other than Matt of course.

The sight makes Cassie roll her eyes. She takes the seat furthest away from the couple, next to Valerie, who was already shooting Alexia dirty looks.

"Hey Cass, how ya feeling" Valerie smiles, her mood switching almost immediately. Cassie returns the smile but says nothing.

"Uh wheres Nick?" Stella asks, attempting to break the tension in the circle. "He had an early photography class" Matt blurts out, being the first thing he'd said to the group all morning.

Stella nods before looking back down at her phone. An awkward silence washes over them, the only noise being Alexia and Matt all over each other.

"Can you guys seriously get a room, its deadass annoying." Chris scowls and furrows his brows at the pair.

Matt shrugs and turns to Alexia "I know an empty janitors closet" he smiles, grabbing her hand and pulling her up.

Those words make Cassie's stomach flip. That same janitors closet that he had once took her in. It pulled on her heart.

Matt looks over just as Cassie's face drops and his eyes widen once he realises why.

The two of them lock eyes, and its as if the world stops, time stops ticking, just for them. It only lasts a second, but they both felt it in the bottom of their hearts, an ache filling their insides.

But instead, Matt brushes it off, before walking away with Alexia tied to his hip. Cassie's eyes trail after as he walks away, as if she had just lost him for good, forever.

She sighs and buried her face in her hands. I bet he gets deja vu. Cassie quickly jerks back up, "Shit i gotta get to class" She huffs and struts away to her sociology class.

Cassie doesn't pay a wink of attention all of her first 3 periods, her mind was off wondering about Matt. She knew she had to let him go, after all, she was the one who told him to get over her in the first place.

The girl realised that's exactly what he was doing, getting over her. Maybe she had made the wrong decision in letting him go.

Her thought is interrupted by the lunch bell. Cassie packs up her books and heads to meet the group in their usual spot. To her annoyance, Alexia is there, yet again.

"Good morning" Nick says cheerfully as he goes to sit down. "Its not the morning anymore" Alexia replies.

Nick shoots her a deathening glare. "I hope you get shit on by a bird you menace, literally fuck you"

Alexia looks utterly taken aback, while the rest find it utterly amusing. "Matt are you seriously gonna let your brother talk to me like that" she scoffs.

Matt turns to her, still sniggering slightly, unaware to whether she was being for real or not. By the look on the girls face, Matt understood that she is in fact serious.

"Babe he's just kidding, take a joke" The boy teases. Alexia kisses her teeth rudley at him and her eyes begin to rim with tears.

"you never fucking defend me, im your girlfriend and you never take my side" she begins to sob into her shirt before storming off. "No wait lex" Matt starts, but shes already out the door.

"somebodies having a tantrum" Cassie mumbles, making the group fall into small chuckles. "Grow up for fucks sake" Matt scoffs, pulling a disgusted face.

"your seriously telling me to grow up after your little girlfriend just ran of like a literal toddler" Cassie mocks.

Matt just shakes his head before finally going after Alexia. Chris smirks a little. "fair fucking play" he holds his palm out to Cassie who enthusiastically gives him a high five.

"Ugh seriously though can Matt get over this little rebound era already because that bitch is driving me insane," Nick adds and the group all nod in agreement.

Matt doesn't return to the table to Cassie assumes hes was still with Alexia.

The rest of the day goes by pretty quickly. Again, Charlie picks her up from school. "Hey Cass, how was school" Charlie asks as his sister gets into the car. She squints at him.

"you never asks me that, whats got you in such a good mood." she questions.

A smile breaks out onto the boys face as he pulls out a small teal box from his glove box. "Its me and Stellas 6 months anniversary tommorow, i got her this, i really think she'll like it" Charlie beams.

Cassie opens the box to reveal a gorgeous rose gold bracelet with the letter S engraved into it. She looks back at her brother, wide eyed.

"its beautiful, shes gonna love it" the girl grins. "You think?" Charlie replies, "i know" Cassie smiles again.

"Ugh, how come you get to be in a happy, functional relationship and i dont" she scoffs playfully.

"i guess i got lucky" her brother shrugs as he pulls out of the parking lot and begins to drive back to the house.

i just woke up to see that Anna paul and Glen broke up wtf

anyway i hope your all eating and drinking and staying away from alcohol (im still hungover)


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