𝟏𝟒~ 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧

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[real life]

Cassie had woken up this morning as normal, trying her best to forget about the day before.

When she got in the car the triplets were discussing plans for Saturday. Chris was already in the passenger seat, which she was thankful for,she sat in the back next to Nick. "Hey Cass" he smiles as she takes the seat next to him.

"We were just talking about how it's Vals birthday on Saturday so we're gonna throw a party for her" Chris tells the girl. "oh my god yes good idea" Cassie smiles, she slightly catches Matt looking at her in the rear view mirror.

The rest of the drive to Valeries they discuss the party. "Should it be a surprise party?" Cassie asks. "Yes, definitely surprise" Matt chimes in as they pull up to the girls house.

"Hey" Valerie smiles as she enters the car, she stops and gives Cassie a look, silently discussing their conversation from last night, then starts talking to the rest of them while they head to pick up Stella.

When they get to school, they all head to their lessons for the day, and meet back in the auditorium for lunch. Cassie didn't have any classes with Matt that day other than homeroom, which she was grateful for.

The group sit in their usual spot at lunch, discussing random shit, per usual, when Stella's phone buzzes. When she picks it up, she instantly turns pink.

Valerie looks over the girls shoulder to see who the text was from, when she sees it, her eyes widen and she turns to look at Stella, who was now bright red.

Cassie exchanges glances with Nick and Chris, realising the text was from her own brother. Apparently Stella and Charlie has been talking for a week now, Cassie was happy for her, but it also made her sick because of the fact that it was her brother.

Cassie notices Matt staring at her in the corner of her eyes, "what the fuck are you looking at" she scoffs. Matt rolls his eyes, "Your ugly ass" he replies. He doesn't elaborate which makes her slightly uncomfortable.

"a piece of your hair is sticking outwards and its driving me crazy." the boy clarifies. Before she can grab her mirror to fix it, Matt is next to her.

Her body is filled with chills as he brushes a piece of hair in the other direction. He moves back to where he was sitting, leaving Cassie unable to move and her mouth agape.

The group stare back and forth between the pair, Matt doesn't acknowledge it, he sits and stares at Cassie.

After lunch ends, Cassie, Valerie and Matt head to homeroom. Valerie walks quite far in front of the pair, giving them space and hoping that they'll actually talk to each other, her plan worked.

"Hey, can we talk later?" Matt whispers so that only she can hear. Cassie's whole body tenses. "Um what about?" Cassie replies, she knew exactly what it was about.

"Don't play dumb Cass, you know what" he rolls his eyes and whispers back to her. She doesn't reply this time, she turns to him and nods, before going forward to catch up with Valerie.

Cassie spends the whole of homeroom thinking about what Matt might say to her. Did Chris tell him what they talked about? Would he finally tell her why he suddenly iced her out all those years ago.

School finally ended after what felt like years. In the car ride home, Cassie acted as normal as possible, she sat in the passenger seat this time, despite her brain telling her not to, she argued with Matt over the aux, and got her way again.

By the time Matt had pulled into his driveway, her heart was beating 1000 times a second and her palms were becoming sweaty. This used to be the way that Miles made her feel, but the difference was, with Miles, she liked that feeling.

With Matt, it made her confused and nervous and it honestly made her hate him more and more, but it was also something that was deeper than just heart flutters.

Cassie headed straight to her room again, but not in a weird way this time. She sat and waited for a knock. She distracted herself on tiktok for a while, when she finally heard a light tap on the door.

Matt walked into her room, gave her a nod, and sat on the end of her bed. The girl waits in anticipation for him to speak. He clears his throat, "Uh the other day in history, you know I wasn't... flirting.. right?" Matt sighs.

Cassie's heart sinks a little when he says this, why does this make her heart sink? She shakes the thought out of her head. "Uh yeah, yeah I know" she replies.

"cool, I just wanted to clarify" he adds, he's obviously finished talking, yet he stays seated. "Is that all?" Cassie scoffs, sounding more rude than she intended. He looks taken aback by her tone. "yeah I guess, I just wanted to let you know so like it wasn't weird or anything" the boy mumbles.

"It's fine" she says sharply. why was she being such a bitch? "Um ok" he sighs, sounding a little hurt, before getting up and walking towards the door.

She instantly feels guilty, "Matt" she starts, he turns to her. "Sorry" Cassie tells him.
Matt shakes his head "for what?"

"don't play dumb Matt, you know what" she smirks, using his own words against him, "you were just clarifying something that didn't need clarification" Cassie adds, she's lying, it definitely did need clarification.

He nods, giving her a tight lipped smile. The air grew tense, it was obvious there was something unspoken between the two, but neither of them were willing to be the one to speak it, seeing as neither of them knew exactly what it was.

He lingers in the doorway, staring at her, for a few seconds too long, before he snaps out of it, and disappears into his own room.


i wonder what the unspoken thing is??


i love you all


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