chapter seventeen

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"We should've left five minutes ago! Magnolia, you're supposed to be the punctual one! Let's go!" Tina yelled and grabbed Maggie's clutch from the bed.

"I'm just not sure about this outfit," she emerged from the bathroom, her green jumpsuit hugged her curves.

"Holy shit! If I was Julien I'd be going feral. That makes you look amazing, let's go!" Tina shoved Maggie's coat and clutch into her hands before dragging her out of the room.

"The drive shouldn't take too long, we aren't that far away from the stadium," they quickly ran to Magnolia's car and started what should've been a short drive to the stadium.

"Dude, Gracie's almost done with her set, we need to hurry up!" Chloé stressed, her leg bouncing up and down.

"What do you want me to do? Use the force to move the damn cars?! I just need to turn right over there and we'll be where we're supposed to go!" There was an entrance three cars up where Maggie had to turn.

"This is very official, Lucy was right," Tina grabbed her phone as they turned down the road.

A man in a yellow vest stopped the car once they got to the entrance, "Names?"

"Magnolia Waters, Tina Jong, and Chloé Gavin," the three girls told the man their names. When they got let in, they ran into the elevator that took them up to the floor and they made it to the tent right as Phoebe took the stage.

The roommates screamed along with the crowd while Phoebe played 'Motion Sickness.' Their phones were out, taking photos and recording as they bounced.

During 'DVD Menu' and 'Garden Song,' Magnolia quietly sang along. She decided to put down her phone and really take in the full set before Lucy and Julien came on.

"Does anyone hate their Dad?" Phoebe asked, causing the crowd to scream. "Are there any Dads here? I wanna hear Dad screams," On cue, a series of lower yells happened. "Cool, this song is for the Dads." Phoebe turned around and started jumping as her song 'Kyoto' filled the stadium.

Phoebe knew how to put on a show and keep the crowd entertained, she sounded absolutely beautiful during 'Scott Street' and as 'Moon Song' came closer to the end, the crowd started screaming.

"Looks like the crowd has spotted Jb and Lucy," Chloé laughed.

"Where are my boys?" Phoebe yelled as Julien and Lucy walked onstage in skeleton onesies with guitars on their backs.

Magnolia took photos of them as they started singing 'Not Strong Enough.' Magnolia's smile couldn't have been bigger as Julien showed up on the big screen.

'Not Strong Enough' was one of the girl's favorite songs so they were jumping the whole time until the song was over.

"Oh my God, she's playing 'Graceland Too,'" Chloé quietly gasped, giving her girlfriend a look. The couple knew exactly what the song was about, but Magnolia still had no idea.

"Do we tell her?" Tina whispered into Chloé's ear as the song continued.

"Why are you guys whispering? What's going on?" Maggie asked after she saw them whispering to each other, Julien and Lucy came in with the harmony during the chorus.

"This song, Phoebe wrote it about Julien. Here," Tina pulled out her phone that displayed an article about the song.

It wasn't until the bridge that Maggie looked up from the phone, handing it back to her friend. Tears fell down her cheeks as Phoebe sang "said she knows she lived through it to get to this moment." The lyrics were appropriate for what was happening.

"Oh honey, come here," Chloé embraced the crying girl, slightly rocking her back and forth.


a/n: I appreciate your guy's comments, if you ever think you're commenting "too much" you definitely aren't. The comments help keep me motivated and drive me to write more!

I've had a few moments of writer's block but when I see the feedback on my work it resolves any trouble I had!


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